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Absolute and Relative matrix translation

black4joss's user avatar
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Problem when changing matrix view in screen space reflexion

I’m using (DX11) LookAtLH or LookTo functions to get my view matrix. When setting Camera Direction so that the y component is zero I have the correct reflexion (picture left). When changing the Dir.y ...
philB's user avatar
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Using spatial hash to determine view distance

I am creating a client/server that is 2D and based on a map. Characters on the server are then separated into a spatial hash. I am using this to determine who to send data to, essentially, people in ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Calculating LookAt position from rotation and translation matrix

I was wondering if it was possible to calculate a lookat position from the translation and rotation matrices (aka the building blocks of my view matrix). I need the lookAt position to implement a ...
oli2's user avatar
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Using cubemap in view space for shadowing in deferred rendering

I want to render shadows for point lights with a cubemap. My shader uses view space for lighting (directional and point). So I convert ligthposW/lightfocusW in world space to ligthposV/lightfocusV in ...
philB's user avatar
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How to calculate camera view matrix from world transform, specifically the orientation?

In my engine, camera is just any other object in the scene. It has a transform -- position, rotation (quaternion), and scale (ignored for camera view matrix). I want to convert this to the camera's ...
Gasim's user avatar
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Why is the vieweing field a frustum instead of a pyramid?

In 3D games, why would the viewing field be a frustum? Why not a pyramid? You would still have to do culling to figure out what's in the field, and to me it seems a pyramid field is no harder to do ...
DrZ214's user avatar
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Scene graph with camera

I need help with a little problem in my project, in which I have a scene graph with the intented camera like this: MovementNode Camera Node Mesh Object My problem is that I have the propagation of ...
T4G2's user avatar
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How to Bring the Scene View Camera Controls into Game View

I've got a scene with a big sphere in the centre (the Earth) and a lot of smaller spheres around (the stars). Above is a screengrab in Scene View with the camera in the Front View position. I really ...
SidS's user avatar
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2D Topdown Shooter - Line of sight based purely on angle and rotation

In a game I'm working on, enemies constantly rotate around as they move around the map. I want them to only shoot the player if they're within a field of view. This is the function header: ...
random5999's user avatar
2 votes
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Camera view matrix from position/yaw/pitch/worldUp

I'm trying to make a basic FPS camera view matrix, using position, pitch/yaw, and worldUp. Currently, my camera's view matrix is just a plain rotation matrix (made with yaw/pitch/roll) and the result ...
ps48's user avatar
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Unity HDRP Testing - Scene View Issues / Lighting / Shaders / Shadows

Yo Guys. Makings this dope, GlassChess Game, Wanted to try out the new HDPR in unity 2018, add the package and volia, its working. (done all settings) So I used custom glass shader before trying out ...
X3R0's user avatar
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anything wrong with a spherical camera view matrix?

Is there anything inherently wrong, if you derive your view matrix from 2 spherical coordinates (say, phi and theta) on the unit sphere? The z-axis vector would be at, say (phi, theta), the y-axis at (...
user1095108's user avatar
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adding virtual-joystick relative layout to a surfaceview in Android

The problem: I have my main class which extends surfaceview that contains the gameloop and I want it to use the virtual joystick found here ( but I ...
Mina Saleeb's user avatar
7 votes
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Fast zoom in and out in Unity Editor

Is it possible to zoom out and zoom in in Unity Editor in Scene View faster than just with the help of scroll wheel on the mouse? I hope there are exist some shortcut for that. Am I right?
some1 here's user avatar
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Why is Particle System Not Visible Without Scene Window Viewing the Origin?

I have a particle system, which is supposed to be highlighting an important game object, but the Particle System doesn't show on the game window unless the Scene window camera has the Origin (0,0,0) ...
LVBen's user avatar
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How and when do the model to world, world to view, et cetera multiplications happen?

I learn matrix transformations for game design and I struggle with some basic concepts. I see the actual multiplication taking place before rendering in this sequence: MODEL into WORLD: multiply each ...
coobit's user avatar
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The proper name for a state, view, screen, etc

Most of my experience is in programming in HTML, JavaScript, etc. I'm taking on a relatively large project, and while I'm the only developer, I eventually want to open source my code for other ...
RoboticRenaissance's user avatar
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Asymetric Perspectiv View

I am building a addon component that will show synthesized 3D view of the world (kind of FLIR camera simulation). The problem I am facing is that currently I am using Symmetric Perspective View with ...
Zbychus's user avatar
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Android Drag and drop problem

Im having major problem (all of a sudden, it worked before :-)) with drag and drop for my jig-saw puzzle app. My layout is in 2 relative layouts 1 for the puzzle pieces and 1 for the complete image ...
Jan Nielsen's user avatar
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Put layout over Surfaceview

I have this problem: I'm trying to create new RelativeLayout over whole screen - which also contains SurfaceView in the middle - ...
johnyX's user avatar
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Creating SurfaceView cause short screen blink

When I create SurfaceView for first time since app launch, the app screen blinks black for small time (about 1/4 second). It blinks over UI, so its really visible ...
johnyX's user avatar
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How to make the minimap inactive?

I have created a minimap for my top-down Shooter and it is showed on the top-left corner of the window. The problem is that if I press anywhere upon the minimap, its like pressing somewhere on the ...
Panagiotis Iatrou's user avatar
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How do I align the cube in which shadows are computed with the view frustrum? ("View Space aligned frustum")

Short and concise: Given 8 world space positions that form a cube of arbitrary size, position and orientation and given an arbitrary light direction. How do I compute the View and Projection matrix ...
Xardes's user avatar
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How can I communicate a Joystick with a SurfaceView?

I have two classes: JoystickView (Extends View). GameView (Extends SurfaceView): It will be updated by a Thread that call the onDraw Method. Now, if I retrieve a direction by OnTouchEvent inside ...
AlexBerry's user avatar
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How to update UI after changing text in a view

After applying a text change to a scrolling view, how do you get the new height of the text, resize other UI elements around the changed text length, etc? Many have posted this question. Some have ...
Dustin_00's user avatar
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Best field of view [closed]

What is the best value for field of view for an FPS?
John Smith's user avatar
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Unity why do all gameobjects not dissapear from view when I switch cameras?

I am having trouble with camera switching. I have two cameras: "Camera1" and "Camera2". A "button script" attached to Camera1 allows a switch to Camera2. It also positions the cameras. There is a ...
Pat Ward's user avatar
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Problem to change window view dragging the mouse

I'm having a bad time trying to change the window view by dragging the mouse. I can precisely do that with the method: ...
Montez000's user avatar
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Unity Change Sceneview to camera view

On selecting camera, I get the camera preview. In Unity, while editing the scene, I wish to switch in such a perspective view that is exactly visible by the main camera. Is there a short cut to ...
sagarkothari's user avatar
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How to set borders in Rubik's cube using opengl GLSurfaceView

I'm developing a Rubik's cube game like seen in the picture. But I'm facing problems to set the cube face color with black border. ...
Deeksha Tiwari's user avatar
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Everything black except where there's a light

I have a camera in my scene with a map created at runtime: As you can see everything can be seen. Now I want the map to be invisible (black as the background) except where there are lights. How can ...
Stefa168's user avatar
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How do I center the view around specific coordinates in SFML

I want to use sf::View in SFML in order to change the position of the view, such that the player sprite is always in the center of the screen. Thus I want to write a function which allows me to input ...
Yaxlat's user avatar
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Fixed background on a SurfaceView

I'm currently working on a top-down twin-stick shooter for Android. I've got my player moving around and shooting, but I'm looking to add a large Bitmap background which is larger than the device ...
MrGroggle's user avatar
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Scaling world - projection, view or separate matrix?

I am currently writing a simple 3D space visualisation program. Things get loaded into it from a simple XML file, which contains positions and sizes of objects in space, so you can put basically any ...
user35443's user avatar
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XNA: How do I match Spritebatch View/Projection Matrices with BasicEffect Matrices?

I'm rendering a bunch of 2D content using SpriteBatches to a default XNA viewport. A simple 2D camera is used to move around the scene, which generates a ...
Drakestar's user avatar
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projection / view matrix: the object is bigger than it should and depth does not affect vertices [closed]

I'm currently trying to write a C 3D software rendering engine from scratch just for fun and to have an insight on what OpenGL does behind the scene and what 90's programmers had to do on DOS. I have ...
Francesco Noferi's user avatar
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What is the correct way to seperate (react) view from state?

I would like to know the correct implementation to declare game logic and view logic: I see 3 ways of implementing this: 1.Storing (eg writing preprocessing to store the change to a property) ...
dlots's user avatar
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GLSL does weird things to my view matrix [closed]

Kipras's user avatar
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What would a "2nd person" viewpoint consist of?

Traditional narratives have one of three viewpoints: First person (I fought the monster) Second person (You fought the monster) ...
Bobson's user avatar
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HLSL What you get when you subtract world position from InvertViewProjection.Translation?

In one of NVIDIA's Vertex shaders (the metal one) I found the following code: ...
cubrman's user avatar
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View Matrix from Camera in Unity Script

I am looking to get a Camera component's "view" matrix in a script. I see that I can get the projection matrix using Camera.projectionMatrix, but I don't see a Camera.viewMatrix property... I want ...
Allen Pestaluky's user avatar
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Shear transformation in the projection matrix?

I am trying to understand what the shear transformation (l+r/r-l & b+t/t-b) is actually doing in the projection matrix? The only thing I got till now is headache :) Can you please help?
Evgenij Avstein's user avatar
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onTouchEvent only working for one view within activity

I have a parent Activity which contains 2 views. One view is a custom view class, where I am overriding the onDraw method. This view contains an onTouchEvent function, which is checking for user ...
kvnam's user avatar
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Show view over existing view in same activity

I am newbie Android developer, and I am starting out with a simple Sudoku game. The problem I am facing right now is that I have my game showing on a dedicated Activity, which is displaying a custom ...
kvnam's user avatar
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Top Down bounds of vision

Obviously in a first person view point the player sees only what's in front of them (with the exception of radars and rearview mirrors, etc). My game has a top down perspective, but I still want to ...
Rorrik's user avatar
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Model View Controller linking dynamic model to view

I currently an implementing a game roughly using a model-view-controller setup. A single game controller instantiates a model and view. The model and view then instantiate child models and views, ...
user26691's user avatar
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Camera - View matrix in Android + openGLES 2

I am trying to use the touch screen on the tablet to control my camera movements and generate the view matrix accordingly. I get the x and y coordinates of the screen and after doing some sanity ...
Amit Ahire's user avatar
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Why is Y up in many Games?

I learned at school that the z-axis is up. It is the same in modeling software like Blender. However in many games the y-axis is up. What is the reason?
danijar's user avatar
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Y Axis inverted on vertex output

I've got my project running and somehow it seems my vertex y components are inverted. 10 in the positive on Y goes down and 10 negative on the Y axis goes up. I can't find anything with the ...
Yonathan Klijnsma's user avatar