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Calculating LookAt position from rotation and translation matrix

I was wondering if it was possible to calculate a lookat position from the translation and rotation matrices (aka the building blocks of my view matrix). I need the lookAt position to implement a ...
oli2's user avatar
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1 answer

How to calculate camera view matrix from world transform, specifically the orientation?

In my engine, camera is just any other object in the scene. It has a transform -- position, rotation (quaternion), and scale (ignored for camera view matrix). I want to convert this to the camera's ...
Gasim's user avatar
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How to Bring the Scene View Camera Controls into Game View

I've got a scene with a big sphere in the centre (the Earth) and a lot of smaller spheres around (the stars). Above is a screengrab in Scene View with the camera in the Front View position. I really ...
SidS's user avatar
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Camera view matrix from position/yaw/pitch/worldUp

I'm trying to make a basic FPS camera view matrix, using position, pitch/yaw, and worldUp. Currently, my camera's view matrix is just a plain rotation matrix (made with yaw/pitch/roll) and the result ...
ps48's user avatar
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anything wrong with a spherical camera view matrix?

Is there anything inherently wrong, if you derive your view matrix from 2 spherical coordinates (say, phi and theta) on the unit sphere? The z-axis vector would be at, say (phi, theta), the y-axis at (...
user1095108's user avatar
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Why is Particle System Not Visible Without Scene Window Viewing the Origin?

I have a particle system, which is supposed to be highlighting an important game object, but the Particle System doesn't show on the game window unless the Scene window camera has the Origin (0,0,0) ...
LVBen's user avatar
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Asymetric Perspectiv View

I am building a addon component that will show synthesized 3D view of the world (kind of FLIR camera simulation). The problem I am facing is that currently I am using Symmetric Perspective View with ...
Zbychus's user avatar
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Best field of view [closed]

What is the best value for field of view for an FPS?
John Smith's user avatar
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Unity why do all gameobjects not dissapear from view when I switch cameras?

I am having trouble with camera switching. I have two cameras: "Camera1" and "Camera2". A "button script" attached to Camera1 allows a switch to Camera2. It also positions the cameras. There is a ...
Pat Ward's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Unity Change Sceneview to camera view

On selecting camera, I get the camera preview. In Unity, while editing the scene, I wish to switch in such a perspective view that is exactly visible by the main camera. Is there a short cut to ...
sagarkothari's user avatar
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Everything black except where there's a light

I have a camera in my scene with a map created at runtime: As you can see everything can be seen. Now I want the map to be invisible (black as the background) except where there are lights. How can ...
Stefa168's user avatar
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Fixed background on a SurfaceView

I'm currently working on a top-down twin-stick shooter for Android. I've got my player moving around and shooting, but I'm looking to add a large Bitmap background which is larger than the device ...
MrGroggle's user avatar
-3 votes
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GLSL does weird things to my view matrix [closed]

Kipras's user avatar
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Camera - View matrix in Android + openGLES 2

I am trying to use the touch screen on the tablet to control my camera movements and generate the view matrix accordingly. I get the x and y coordinates of the screen and after doing some sanity ...
Amit Ahire's user avatar
95 votes
9 answers

Why do we move the world instead of the camera?

I heard that in an OpenGL game what we do to let the player move is not to move the camera but to move the whole world around. For example here is an extract of this tutorial: OpenGL View matrix ...
danijar's user avatar
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Matrix camera, movement concept

Someone told me that the movement concept in my 2D game is bad. When left or right arrow is pressed I'm scrolling the background which makes you feel that player avatar is moving (the avatar's X-...
NoFace's user avatar
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Strange 3D game engine camera with X,Y,Zoom instead of X,Y,Z

I'm using a 3D game engine, that uses a 4x4 matrix to modify the camera projection, in this format: r r r x r r r y r r r z - - - zoom Strangely though, ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I achieve a zoom-like camera effect?

I have a top down 3D camera: view = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0,0,20), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up); Now I want to achieve the effect like when I zoom in the ...
Michael Latz's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can a 4x4 matrix describe a camera's perspective?

I'm working with a closed-source 3D engine, and it only allows you to set the view projection via a 4x4 matrix. Can this matrix describe the camera's translation, rotation & perspective? I turned ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar