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Questions tagged [particles]

Particle refers to a graphics technique that uses a large number of very small sprites or other graphic objects to simulate certain kinds of "fuzzy" structures like fire, explosions, etc.

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How to modify a prefab Explosion effect with your own particle sprite?

My main goal is to create an explosion effect when I clicked the object. Therefore, I searched in Unity Assets, and found a cool framework called CartoonFX, which is really ok for me. Cartoon FX - ...
ihatec's user avatar
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Collectible effect with particles

I want to make a coin/star collectible effect like when you beat a level in the game Geometry Dash. There, the stars all fall from a pre-defined place in random directions, and after about 1 second of ...
CheckerT's user avatar
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Why don't the particles show up?

I'm new to unity, and would like to have particles appear at the point where the ray hits an enemy(hit.point). But this does not happen, and moreover, for some reason the bloodps variable “oscillates” ...
kaliboba's user avatar
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How do I code realistic rocket engine plumes in Unreal Engine 5.3.2

Right now, I am programming the engine plumes for a game called Spaceflight 3D, or basically a better version of KSP2 that my team of developers are working on. Mainly to be made for my company to ...
Lawn Hollander Lawn's user avatar
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Particle Effect, which works in the editor, does not work on Android

Hello everyone and good work. In my game, my character has a sword and a shield, and as I increase their level, they emit colorful steam. I add the particle effect of this vapor with code, and after ...
Volkan AKDAG's user avatar
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How to remove a shader (or material) from a particle system in Unity?

I bought a Unity asset that has a particle system that displays many small cubes flying around. Then, the creator of this particle system add their own shader (or material) at the end of the particle ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
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How is this smoke effect made?

In the game Sheepy, first (actually second) boss is a crazy cat that generates a very cool kind of light/smoke effect, as it is visible in this video at 12'00: ...
evilmandarine's user avatar
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Particle system won't collide with box collider all the time. Rain seeps through ceiling

I'm trying to make it rain in my game, but am having a problem with it seeping through the ceiling. I put a box collider above the house to catch the rain as it falls and it worked for a while, but ...
WestMansionHero's user avatar
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Static Niagara System for fire on a torch

I'm building a Niagara System for fire and smoke that would be placed on a torch when it's lit. While smoke works just fine when it's static, when I move the camera (and so the torch itself moves too) ...
user3272018's user avatar
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VFX Graph projectile trail shows gaps

I'm learning to use Unity's VFX Graph to create projectiles. One projectile I'm working on is starting to get where I want it to be, but there's an issue where gaps are visible in the trail when I ...
Sean2148's user avatar
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How to start particle from skybox

I'm trying to create a lightning particle system but I want to make the top of the particles at the skybox and the bottom on the ground. Is this possible?
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Permanent blood spots

I want my blood decals to stay on the map until I'm done in that zone, which is probably 5 minutes. The issue is that at the moment, I spawn 1 blood decal at each particle collision, so after killing ...
Green_qaue's user avatar
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Rain particle system scale

I'm using a rain particle system and using cone a radius to scale it. My question is what is the best way to make the rain particle covering the entire map? And does increasing the rate over time ...
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How can I combine the decal shader with particle system in Unity?

I'm using the decal shader in my project and everything works well until I want to use it in particle system. I set it like below However, there is nothing displaying in the screen. Basically I just ...
OtakuFitness's user avatar
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How to make 3D particles in Monogame?

I have made a 2D game and right now I am converting it to a 3D game. All fine so far, only for the particles I had used the particles library from monogame extended but this library only supports 2D ...
codymanix's user avatar
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Jedi Outcast VR Port - Lightsaber effect

Dr. Beef's VR port of Jedi Outcast has the best implementation of the lightsaber effect I've seen. It's far better than the lightsaber effect in ILM's own Vader Immortal. The lightsaber in Vader ...
OpenUserX03's user avatar
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Unity Particles that only show up inside of a rectangular GameObject

It's easy enough to use the Unity Particle System to generate snow that falls from the top of a rectangle. But how do I make snow only fall inside the rectangle? As in, once the snow hits the bottom ...
kanamekun's user avatar
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How to connect particles to rigid bodies in LiquidFun?

In vanilla Box2D various types of Joints can be used to connect two rigid bodies together. The LiquidFun extension brings the Particle Module, but I was unable to find a way to connect a particle/...
Simon Zvara's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a Raycast collide with a particle system in Unity?

I'm making a game, and I'm handling projectile weapons using particle systems. I'd like to be able to shoot a projectile using a hitscan weapon. How can I get a raycast to collide with a particle ...
madeline-xoxo's user avatar
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Not able to set custom prefab as a mesh to Particle system

I am extremely new to Unity and trying my hands on the Particle System and facing an unusual problem. I don't know whether it is a bug or a legit logic, but in below picture / scene, I am not able to ...
stardep's user avatar
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Help with particles and raycasting

I have a 3D side scroller style game in which the player flies along avoiding stuff, you know, side-scrollery things. I'd like to add an effect (particle system) to the player when they get close (say ...
Twisted's user avatar
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Remove gaps between 2D trail that is based on particle engine

Hi I'm using a particle engine suggested from this answer I'm trying to create a seamless particle trail effect every similar to this (same) question However, when the vehicle is travelling too fast ...
web_dev_beginner's user avatar
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Box2D & Processing - Collision location randomly assigned to center point

I am working on a particle simulation using Box2D with Processing. The setup: I generate 4 kinds of particles that exist in equal amounts (for instance 200 in total, 50 each). They are (for now) ...
wo_ste's user avatar
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Particle Effect trigger when moving character in Unity [duplicate]

I'm very new to Unity, and I'm trying to figure out how to make it so particle effect for my player is triggered only when the player moves forward, anyone have advice how to do this?
tak's user avatar
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Dust trail when character runs

I'm making a 2D top view game (same perspective as the game Forager) in Unity. I want the game to be visually appealing, and want to add some details like dust particles. Whenever the character moves, ...
UserUser's user avatar
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How to make Weather Particle System convincing when Parented to player?

I have a Particle System of a blizzard effect and I'm trying to make it look convincing that the player is really walking through a blizzard as they traverse the map. Because it is a small particle ...
yunum's user avatar
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ParticleEffect using TextureAtlas in libGDX

I am using ParticleEffect with a texture stored inside TextureAtlas. The code below shows how I load a particle: ...
matej-m's user avatar
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How to find Particle Position at Time with velocity and friction? [duplicate]

I have a Particle p. A particle consists of a start position p0,an age t, a velocity ...
Raildex's user avatar
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Particle effect continues to loop even with looping off and "Destroy" set as the stop action

I have a particle effect set to play on click. It's a muzzle flash for a gun. It continues to loop once I fire for the first time despite looping being turned off. I have a ...
SethD02's user avatar
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Using Particle.position to place particles - positions incorrect?

I have a particle system based on this answer to another question about manually placing particles (no movement). However, it's very costly to run Emit() after ...
gromiczek's user avatar
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Performance issue when particle system occupies most part of the screen

I'm using particle systems to create stars in my space sim project. The star is made off 2 particle systems: star surface (max particles: 500) and corona (max particles: 250), both use the Mobile/...
Ermiq's user avatar
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which is more performant particles_system or animation_player

let's say I wanna make an Aura+Thunder effect , I can achieve the result using the Particles System like this vid: https://www....
Abanoub's user avatar
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script + particle system don't work unless some other game object is selected in the inspector

I have an object "SEA" emitting particles, controlled by a script using emissionRate, emissionSpeed etc. When the particles collide with the SKY GameObject, another GameObject called "...
bibrosko's user avatar
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Where to place "Set XYZ over life" blocks in Unity VFX graph?

As the title says, I am learning VFX graph in Unity and I am curious where I should place "Set ... over Life", for example ...
Markus Weninger's user avatar
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How can I destroy particles on collision with specific a GameObject?

I wrote a script to manage my Particle System emission. The starting lifespan is set to infinite so that the particle never dies until it reaches a specific collider. I didn't find any method to ...
bibrosko's user avatar
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Is it possible to correctly catch up a particle system simulation based on long delta time between many frames?

I have a particle system with a physics simulation integrator based on delta time (elapsed time between frames) which is implemented on the GPU in a compute shader. I also have a frustum culling ...
mbl's user avatar
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Godot Particles Randomly Turn Off

I have a particle emitter on a rocket just to simulate some smoke. The rockets can be free-fired or lock onto a target and gradually steer towards the target. There is an issue that I can't seem to ...
Evan Ward's user avatar
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Can the particle system in Unity select sprites from a spritesheet based on angle?

I want to create a particle system for gore effects. I have some requirements that don't seem possible with Unity's built-in particle system, but I want to make sure I haven't overlooked something. So ...
slerfsterdn's user avatar
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How do I run LibGDX's Particle Editor in Netbeans?

I am trying to run the Particle Editor that comes with LibGDX in Netbeans. The gdx-tools-1.9.10.jar file shows up in my dependencies, and I can see all of the ...
Charlie Armstrong's user avatar
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Rotating certain particles in a particle system in Unity

I'm working on a visual effect using particle systems. I'm trying to rotate newly created particles according to some object's velocity at that time. Currently, I'm rotating the entire particle system ...
nir shahar's user avatar
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Unity: Particle System turn invisible when turning camera away

When turning the camera away the particles disappear as seen: Here. I set the shape of the spawner to a custom mesh. I usually use Box as the shape of the Particle spawner and never had any problems ...
AzulShiva's user avatar
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Have a particle system's particles obey transparency sort mode individually

Background In a top-down game, I have particles that spawn animated textures. I have my 2D renderer settings set-up so that it orders sprites based on their position on th Y-axis via "Transparency ...
Helix Quar's user avatar
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How can I render 3D objects and particle systems in front of a Screen Space - Overlay Camera?

I am using Unity 2019 with the Universal Render Pipeline. I have a canvas that is using Screen Space - Overlay render mode. I cannot change my render mode to Screen Space - Camera, because it is not ...
Evorlor's user avatar
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How can I apply a fullscreen shader on a specific layer?

How do I apply a full screen shader on one layer of objects using LWRP/URP and shader graph? I want to pixelate only my particlesystems, but nothing else. I want the effect of pixelcamera, but only on ...
Vincent Lagerros's user avatar
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Unity's particles look dull (mobile/additive)

I've created a couple VFX for a project and exported them as a unitypackage. Now, I want to showcase each effect and created a new project for that. However, the particles all look very dull and it ...
iQew's user avatar
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Unity Particle System How to rotate particle effect?

My Particle System creates a "puff" of smoke. When I rotate the particle system it doesn't rotate the effect, just the way the particle is shot. What I want to do is when I shoot a wall have it "puff"...
IndividualGames's user avatar
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Combining cylindrical Billboarding and aligning with velocity (unity)

I'm trying to make a custom GPU particle solution on Unity to fullfill some needs on my project, using compute shaders and custom shader + Graphics.DrawProceduralNow() to draw them. While I managed ...
JingleSpell's user avatar
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Unity Particle not visible inside an object with vertexlit blended shader

I'm developing a game with unity and I'm using a sphere with a texture on it as skybox in my game to fade 2 skyboxes when its the sunset or the sunrise. But my clouds work with a particle system and ...
Tornado 77's user avatar
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Why isn't particle hair more popular in games?

Blender 2.80 introduced EEVEE, a new realtime renderer, and after interacting with it for a while I was impressed by how well it handles particle hair in terms of performance and visuals. It even ...
Tiago Marinho's user avatar
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Unreal Engine Niagara Write to Texture or Data Structure

In the Niagara system, is there any way to write to a texture? I want to write the position of each particle into a texture. So the 2d grayscale texture has its intensity as the number of particles in ...
MMM's user avatar
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