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Questions tagged [third-person-view]

Indicates a view of the game world that does not originate from the player's avatar, but often one that mirrors its actions (over the shoulder and side-scrolling are both examples of 3rd person view).

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I need to implement a button which when clicked will switch to a third person camera of the sphere and follow it as it moves

Basically what the title says, I need to implement a button which when clicked will switch to a third person view of the sphere and follow it as it moves, but have no idea how to achieve this. Been ...
Ex_1X19A's user avatar
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How to implement 3rd person animation with acceleration from walk to run?

I am new to Unity and I am using dr Penny de Byl's lectures on Unity. I am trying to use a Mixamo character. I downloaded a character with skin as an fbx file, and also added some character movement ...
Varnika Chabria's user avatar
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Issue with rotating character's spine bone in the late update

I want to make my character's spine rotate to look up and down. It's animated, so I have to rotate in the LateUpdate, not Update. The only I need to do is just simply rotate the chest bone through the ...
modernator's user avatar
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How to detect if player want to do a wall run?

I have a third person character and I want to make it wall run. However since there will be a wall run animation, I don't want the player to do the Inputs for a wallrun and at the end change ...
Samuel Fyckes's user avatar
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How to fix animation script so that humanoid character holds their weapon

I am trying to follow this tutorial video about setting up an third-person shooter character in Unity. But my character will not hold their weapon. I'm also getting the following warnings in my ...
soulaiman koursi's user avatar
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3 answers

Rotate camera around offset to player position (third person shooter view)

I'm trying to rotate my camera 'next to' the player object so that the player is not in the way of the screen-centered reticle. What I am trying to achieve is something like the targetting system of ...
petehallw's user avatar
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How to get the correct Input direction based on the camera angle to use in a rootmotion based third person controller

I move my character based on the rootmotion of their animation using a blend tree that uses 2D Freeform Cartesian input (Vertical, Horizontal) if Vertical = 1, the character moves forward based on the ...
alaslipknot's user avatar
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How can I transfer this code (originally for FPS template) for use in a Third Person Template?

I learned how to create a blueprint for making a character be able to pick up and drop objects: It did not work, and I believe the reason is because it was originally made to work for the FPS ...
RBlong2us's user avatar
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How do I add an "offset" to LookAt?

I have created a Third Person Controller. The camera is behind the player: I would like to make it so that the player aims at the mouse pointer position. To do that, I use the following code to ...
tmighty's user avatar
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How do I stop my player or camera from jittering during player movement?

In my game, I have a third person character. The player moves with a rigidbody and has isKinematic set off with interpolate on. In the script, it moves with ...
Hakeem Thomas's user avatar
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Third Person Flying Camera

I am having issues creating a third-person camera for my Rogue Squadron (N64) like game. First I have posted my issue on the official Unity Answers site here. So far my ship is behaving as I want and ...
Shamus's user avatar
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Cursor is locked and hidden, and can't click UI

I have a player with a third person character controller component. I have a problem with the cursor lock: it hides the cursor so I cannot click UI buttons. ...
marul arifin's user avatar
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Should I use a FOV slider or fixed camera fov?

I'm making a single-player third person 3D adventure game, and I was wondering if I should fix the camera's FOV, or if I should create an in-game slider to change it. If I should create a slider, what ...
user avatar
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Why doesn't my character's outfit animate with the character model?

I'm very new to Unity. I'm messing around, just trying to get my bearings, but I'm having trouble getting a character model to animate with the clothes correctly. This is the asset that I'm using. I'...
Donglecow's user avatar
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Third-person spaceship camera follows object, but rotation becomes strange after moving object

This code should follow the game Object in every step, but it does not. In the beginning we can rotate the object wherever we want and it works, but after moving it some the camera starts doing weird ...
Relo4d's user avatar
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Calculating angle to aim at target results in over/under aim depending on whether target is below/above

I'm calculating the angle (in radians, ranges -3.141 to 3.141 for yaw and -1.343 to 1.396 for pitch) to aim at in order to aim at a target position. The data I have is my local world camera position, ...
user7716080's user avatar
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Third Person Camera Splines

I'm having trouble coming up with a formula/method of creating third person camera with a variable distance from the player given a specific camera pitch. This image shows something close to my ...
Saevax's user avatar
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What are some common FOV for third person games? [closed]

I am trying to decide on a field of view (FOV) for a third person game and I really don't know where to start. It would be very helpful to have some points of reference from recent TPS games and the ...
FrontEnd's user avatar
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Camera follow behind a Model

I am trying to learn about the Camera in a 3D space and wanted to 3rd person type of camera. Right now, I directly control my camera and it doesn't follow anything. It works like a first-person camera....
syy's user avatar
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How to map changing stances (southpaw/orthodox) to gamepad controls?

I am developing a third person hack n slash style game which features a variety of melee and projectile weapons as well as unarmed combat. The player will be able to dual wield any combination of the ...
FrontEnd's user avatar
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Character doesn't move. I think I've tried everything, so I'm asking [Unity3D]

The animations are playing fine, however I can't manage to move my character. My script: ...
user1423168's user avatar
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Unity 5.2 default 3rd person controller makes character fly upwards when moving forward

I'm new to Unity, and already dealing with a problem using the default third person controller script. I am trying to move and animate the player, but I have a problem, as when I try to move the ...
dj-neza's user avatar
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Best field of view [closed]

What is the best value for field of view for an FPS?
John Smith's user avatar
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How to calculate height of a thought line over a known spot in 3rd person view?

Assuming a player object with third-person-view is in a 3d room and the center of the screen has a dot - let's call it "cursorTarget". All I have is the position of the player, the position 5 meters ...
Stacky's user avatar
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2D game with angled top-down camera perspective [closed]

I want to create a game similar to binding of isaac, a slightly angled top-down 2D game. In binding of isaac, the character moves and shoots along a 4-way path, so when he is shooting towards East, ...
Mihai Alin's user avatar
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In a TPS, how to aim bullets to the direction the camera is pointing, but make the shooting from the player?

(In C#/XNA.) I mean, I can't find an answer nowhere. I'm trying to learn how to make a Third Person Shooter, especially like the one I found in a game called "M.A.R.S.", from Epic Games. I don't want ...
Arthur 'Gibraltar' Condino's user avatar
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Unity - Mecanim & Rigidbody on Third Person Controller - Gravity bug?

I'm working on a third person controller which uses physX to interact with the other objects (using the Rigidbody component) and Mecanim to animate the character. All the animations used are baked to ...
Celtc's user avatar
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Unity - SetLookAtPosition() - Body Jittering?

I'm working on a third person controller and I'm trying to make character look at the same point as the camera. The problem is that the character jitters all the time the SetLookAtPosition() starts ...
Celtc's user avatar
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What are the types of 3rd-person camera called?

I'm struggling with the terminology surrounding different types of 3rd person camera. What are the common 3rd-person camera types called? What are some notable examples of their use? Here's what I ...
GamerDev91's user avatar
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Unity Spaceship camera control

I'm trying to make a third person spaceship control system in Unity. In theory, it works like this: Let's suppose you move your mouse to the right. The targeted direction would rotate to the right ...
Kanadaj's user avatar
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4 answers

What would a "2nd person" viewpoint consist of?

Traditional narratives have one of three viewpoints: First person (I fought the monster) Second person (You fought the monster) ...
Bobson's user avatar
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How can I have my third-person camera track slightly ahead of the player as he or she moves?

I have a 3rd person camera controller in a top-down game. I have my cameran following the player and I currently use linear interpolation to make the movement smooth and a little laggy. But I would ...
Daarwin's user avatar
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switching from third person view to first person view

I have done a scene in opengl where I'm using a third person camera (that I can control with the mouse). Then, inside it, it has the camera of the first view (that I called ...
nkint's user avatar
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Unity third person controller and hills

So I've been building a game and using the out of the box unity third person controller demo stuff. I found that even the tiniest of slopes seems to stop the "dude" dead in his tracks. Is there an ...
War's user avatar
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Top Down bounds of vision

Obviously in a first person view point the player sees only what's in front of them (with the exception of radars and rearview mirrors, etc). My game has a top down perspective, but I still want to ...
Rorrik's user avatar
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3D XNA Tracking Camera

I'm trying to implement a camera that tracks a 3D model in my game. I've taken a look at this MSDN article on creating a 3rd person camera, as well as experimenting on my own; but I don't get the ...
Samuel Slade's user avatar
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Is this aiming mechanic usable in a third-person top-down game?

Long story short: I've switched to a third person - top down perspective. The camera is fixed and looks down at the player. How can I implement 3d aiming ? The player needs to aim left and right as ...
lhk's user avatar
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XNA 3rd Person Camera - pitch reverses when facing backwards?

I have a 3rd person camera which rotates around the Y axis fine (yaw) and when I am facing forward (0, 0, -1) moving the mouse up moves the camera up and down great. But the more I turn the player and ...
markmnl's user avatar
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Improving first person camera and implementing third person camera

I want to improve upon my first person camera implementation and extend it to, so the user can toggle between third person/first person view. My current setup: draw():: ...
brainydexter's user avatar
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How can I implement a third-person camera in an SC2 map?

I want to try creating a custom Starcraft 2 map with a third-person camera following a unit. A few custom maps with this feature exist already, so I know it's possible. How do I do this? Do I need a ...
Nick Vaccaro's user avatar