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How to implement skeletal animation for Signed Distance Field models?

When animating a 3D model, we want the surface of the model to remain continuous (such that, for instance, the limbs do not seem to slide on the torso, but stay attached at their position). In a ...
marked-off-topic's user avatar
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GLSL GLTF Instanced Hardware Skinning

I'm beating my head on trying to get hardware skinning going in my engine. We're using OZZ Animation and TinyGLTF together to animate models. The issue seems to either stem from how OZZ maps their ...
KKlouzal's user avatar
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Clothing mesh penetrates character when imported into Unreal

I'm trying to import a .fbx file with animation from Maya, but the mesh has changed at some specific frames automatically, which makes my character intersect with the cloth. The mesh itself does not ...
EdwardW's user avatar
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Are there common types of human skeletons in gamedev industry?

I have to decide which human(oid) skeleton I'll choose to do procedural animation with it in the future. I'm looking for a flexible set of bones that would not lead to painful model reskinning later. ...
Enbugger's user avatar
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shader can't read data except position, texcoord, normal

i want to read bone's weight but shader can't read data this is my vertex type ...
문형준's user avatar
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OpenGL Vertex Shader "joint matrix * weight" multiplication performance

Trying to implement animation on my engine. I'm at the first stage, rendering default pose of skinned meshes. Working as expected but very slow. With the below calculation, the shader takes 6ms to run....
Enes Altınkaya's user avatar
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Deforming a lip mesh to match face-tracking points

I'm creating a lipstick filter. I have a basic mesh for the lip shape ( 140 vertices ) which I am able to render on screen. I need the mesh since I have my own lighting system, and hence need the ...
Anubhav Roy's user avatar
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ASSIMP Skinning seems to be somewhat inverted

I'm currently implementing Skinning using Assimp as my asset importer. I've relied heavily on the following tutorial in order to skin meshes (
Sammi3's user avatar
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Unity: Improvements to skinnedMeshRender.BakeMesh performance or alternatives?

I'm running to a situation where I need to do some manual deformation to a skinnedMeshRenderer's mesh vertices after applying some blendskinning. I'm finding that the following code takes ~15ms to run....
Adam B's user avatar
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SMR shadow fade by script?

I want to make fade for my player shadow. I don't know if it's possible or not. In my skinned mesh render there is "Cast shadows" with four options "Off, On, Two sides, and Shadows Only". How to do it ...
user43474's user avatar
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Rotating 2D bone in LateUpdate have jittering issue

I made a skinned 2D character and applied IK to each hand and leg. In my game, player can aim up and down by moving fire joystick up and down. This is implemented by update "chest" bone's rotation in ...
modernator's user avatar
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Unity SkinnedMeshRender: is there a way to cache mesh and restore later?

In unity, I'm writing a script that deforms a mesh associated with a SkinnedMeshRenderer pretty significantly. However, at some point, I'd like to reset it back to particular states. I'd like the ...
Adam B's user avatar
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How do physics bones relate to animation bones?

Skinned animations use a tree of bones where the child bone (say a finger) is the weighted sum of the rotations of all it's parent bones. Physics bones are defined as a rotation matrix of a primitive (...
jackw11111's user avatar
6 votes
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instancing and GPU skinning

I'm trying to render a large number of identical rigged entities with independent animation. Compared to standard skeletal animation, I can't compute the pose of each entities and send it to the GPU ...
Kiord's user avatar
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Does Unity3D custom shader use its default GPU or CPU skinning automatically?

I'm writing my own shader in mobile, but was wondering if it uses default GPU or CPU skinning feature in Unity3D? I'd like to use GPU skinning and already enabled GPU skinning. Is there any way to ...
kkl's user avatar
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Generating skeleton bind pose from vertex weights

Assuming that you know how many bones should be in the skeleton, and you have the bone hierarchy, is it possible to calculate the bind pose of the bones just based on the vertex weights? To elaborate ...
cofenen's user avatar
9 votes
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How to create skeletal animation data for a skirt?

Please think of this in an engine-agnostic way first, and then we can talk about specific engines. In my game, I have a 3D character which is wearing a hakama (think of it as a long pleated skirt). ...
Panda Pajama's user avatar
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How to apply bindpose for vertex skinning?

I'm creating a model/animation viewer in C# using OpenTK for a game's models. Before stating my problem I want to describe a bit what I've accomplished so far in case I'm fundamentally missing ...
Greg's user avatar
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Monogame distorting skinned models

I'm developing a game using Monogame and the last few days I've been trying to work with keyframe animations without no success so far. I tried using both Xna Skinned sample from Microsoft and Better ...
Guilherme Amorim's user avatar
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How are the positions of skinned mesh vertices with multiple weighted parents stored?

I'm trying to wrap my head around the basics of skinning and skeletal animation. I understand not every skeletal animation implementation works exactly the same, but I'm just trying to understand the ...
nsfnotthrowingaway's user avatar
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Loading FBX Files into a DirectX 9 Application

I'm having an extremely difficult time trying to convert an FBX file into a format that can be used with DirectX. I've read a lot of articles on forums all over the internet and have followed ...
P. Avery's user avatar
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Skeletal Animation Mirrored

Okay so I've been working on GPU skinning skeletal animations. I need help assessing what is going on here. Looks like the animations are completely mirrored What are the possible issues? I've been ...
Ike Yousuf's user avatar
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Skeletal animation in OpenGL

I'm using Assimp to do skeletal animation in my OpenGL application. I used Blender to export this one-boned model to a COLLADA file: The model has only one bone, called arm bone, that controls the ...
McLovin's user avatar
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OpenGL MD5 Model Animation. Performance issues

A time has come when i had to implement an Animation to my Engine. I started with standart MD5 mesh/anim format since i find it easy to understand. I managed to implement a simple MD5 loader and i can ...
user2742982's user avatar
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Rigging Skinning of human skeleton skin mesh scanned by MRI

I have successfully developed a system in Qt/C++ for human musculoskeletal mocap simulations. I can run asf, amc, bvh motion capture files and can visualize the joint transformations. I even simulated ...
maxpayne's user avatar
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SharpDX - Character Skinning Different in Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator and Real Device

I have an engine written using SharpDX, that can load a character mesh and animation stored in a FBX file, then it renders a scene and animates a character. It is written as an Universal Windows Store ...
Tuan Do Manh's user avatar
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Moving skeletal animation blending logic to GPU: worth it?

We have a solid skeletal animation system in our engine. It allows to set up to three animations onto each bone and blend them seamlessly. The animation update (fetching animation matrix given current ...
cubrman's user avatar
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Pre-calculating skeletal animation data

I'm working on skeletal animation and so far I've got the skeleton drawn with interpolated animation working (just on the cpu still). I was thinking about changing my file format for my skeleton and ...
Exempt's user avatar
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Skeletal animation with ASSIMP, COLLADA, and glm

I have been trying to learn how to implement skeletal animation (skinning) from COLLADA files using ASSIMP and glm. But after a week of being stuck reading different tutorials and posts I have found ...
linfredriksson's user avatar
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GPU skinning weird issue [duplicate]

I finally got my GPU skinning to work! (Mostly) I'm using MD5 format and this here tutorial However the weird part is that I'm getting EXACTLY the same issue as this unanswered post: here The ...
Ike Yousuf's user avatar
2 votes
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How would you declare a Texture object in the libgdx skin json file, using a region from a texture atlas?

I have a texture atlas that is linked to my skin.json file. The atlas contains a region named "game-title". I would like to declare a ...
VictorB's user avatar
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How can I reliably implement GPU skinning in Android?

I'm trying to get character skinning working on Android. The idea is quite vanilla: I have my skinning matrices, and along with each vertex, I send up to four matrix indices and four corresponding ...
Panda Pajama's user avatar
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GPU skinning algorithm incorrectly distorts mesh

I've been trying to implement a GPU-based matrix palette skinning algorithm with WebGL, but the rendering appears incorrect even though I can't find evident conceptual problems in the underlying ...
veeenu's user avatar
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How do I send multiple matrices to a vertex shader?

I'm practising animations using bones/skinning. I am trying to send the shader one matrix per vertex. I can think of these two approaches. Method 1 I have one uniform handle for each bone matrix like ...
async's user avatar
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Encode world matrix as 2 float4s?

On one of the slides of their presentation "Batch, Batch, Batch!" guys from NVidia suggest encoding animation matrices for pallet skinning into two float4s as: • axis/angle • translate/...
cubrman's user avatar
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How to flip 2d skinned quadruped character?

just would like to know is flipping 2d skinned character with one of scale axis good way for left or right movement(flipping direction and animation)? Normal direction would change.(UPDATED) for ...
daniel's user avatar
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Incorrect GPU skinning

I'm having some problems with implementing skinning and skeletal animation. It seems that the skeleton and the mesh are loaded correctly, but the mesh gets funky when the bone transformations are ...
manabreak's user avatar
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How do I export Physique animations without breaking them?

I've been trying to export a simple footstep animation that I made in 3ds Max, but it either fails to export or is broken (imports into unity missing a few frames, or appears to have imported but won'...
Paul Ferris's user avatar
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Swapping limbs between meshes

I'm trying to achieve what was done in the game impossible creatures. I will have a skeleton to which I will apply different meshes to i.e. torso mesh, leg mesh, etc. I would also like these meshes to ...
EvilWeebl's user avatar
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OpenGL GLSL skinning problem

This time I've decided to ask a question related to my skinning problem. Two earlier ones were not really related to my problem and I've deleted them. Ok, first of all, I'm using OpenGL 3, 3ds max, ...
Pateman's user avatar
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XNA Skinning Sample - exporting from Blender recognize only first animation clip

(and sorry for my English) I'm using animation components from XNA Skinning Sample. It works great but when I export a model from Blender, it does not recognize any other animation clips than the ...
Taylor's user avatar
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What is a simple deformer in which vertices deform linearly with control points?

In my project I want to deform a complex mesh, using a simpler 'proxy' mesh. In effect, each vertex of the proxy/collision mesh will be a control point/bone, which should deform the vertices of the ...
sebf's user avatar
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COLLADA: Inverse bind pose in the wrong space?

(Crosspost from StackOverflow) I'm working on writing my own COLLADA importer. I've gotten pretty far, loading meshes and materials and such. But I've hit a snag on animation, specifically: joint ...
knight666's user avatar
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Why hasn't OBJ been extended to support skinning?

Out of every format I know, the only one that works accross all applications perfectly is OBJ. I think it is an excellent format and I would use it for everything - except it does not support skinning....
sebf's user avatar
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