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1 answer

OpenGL Vertex Shader "joint matrix * weight" multiplication performance

Trying to implement animation on my engine. I'm at the first stage, rendering default pose of skinned meshes. Working as expected but very slow. With the below calculation, the shader takes 6ms to run....
Enes Altınkaya's user avatar
2 votes
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Deforming a lip mesh to match face-tracking points

I'm creating a lipstick filter. I have a basic mesh for the lip shape ( 140 vertices ) which I am able to render on screen. I need the mesh since I have my own lighting system, and hence need the ...
Anubhav Roy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

ASSIMP Skinning seems to be somewhat inverted

I'm currently implementing Skinning using Assimp as my asset importer. I've relied heavily on the following tutorial in order to skin meshes (
Sammi3's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

instancing and GPU skinning

I'm trying to render a large number of identical rigged entities with independent animation. Compared to standard skeletal animation, I can't compute the pose of each entities and send it to the GPU ...
Kiord's user avatar
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5 votes
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Skeletal animation in OpenGL

I'm using Assimp to do skeletal animation in my OpenGL application. I used Blender to export this one-boned model to a COLLADA file: The model has only one bone, called arm bone, that controls the ...
McLovin's user avatar
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OpenGL MD5 Model Animation. Performance issues

A time has come when i had to implement an Animation to my Engine. I started with standart MD5 mesh/anim format since i find it easy to understand. I managed to implement a simple MD5 loader and i can ...
user2742982's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How do I send multiple matrices to a vertex shader?

I'm practising animations using bones/skinning. I am trying to send the shader one matrix per vertex. I can think of these two approaches. Method 1 I have one uniform handle for each bone matrix like ...
async's user avatar
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3 votes
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Incorrect GPU skinning

I'm having some problems with implementing skinning and skeletal animation. It seems that the skeleton and the mesh are loaded correctly, but the mesh gets funky when the bone transformations are ...
manabreak's user avatar
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4 votes
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OpenGL GLSL skinning problem

This time I've decided to ask a question related to my skinning problem. Two earlier ones were not really related to my problem and I've deleted them. Ok, first of all, I'm using OpenGL 3, 3ds max, ...
Pateman's user avatar
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