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OpenGL Vertex Shader "joint matrix * weight" multiplication performance

Trying to implement animation on my engine. I'm at the first stage, rendering default pose of skinned meshes. Working as expected but very slow. With the below calculation, the shader takes 6ms to run....
Enes Altınkaya's user avatar
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Generating skeleton bind pose from vertex weights

Assuming that you know how many bones should be in the skeleton, and you have the bone hierarchy, is it possible to calculate the bind pose of the bones just based on the vertex weights? To elaborate ...
cofenen's user avatar
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How are the positions of skinned mesh vertices with multiple weighted parents stored?

I'm trying to wrap my head around the basics of skinning and skeletal animation. I understand not every skeletal animation implementation works exactly the same, but I'm just trying to understand the ...
nsfnotthrowingaway's user avatar