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Questions tagged [delphi]

This tag is for game development questions related to the Delphi Programming language or the Delphi IDE

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Displaying a Scratch Project (.SB2) file within a Delphi EXE FIle

I would like to Display a Scratch Project (.SB2) file within my Delphi EXE file. I would like to know if it is possible to display and build the Scratch Project into your Delphi Project. I wish to ...
Shaun Roselt's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to make a scrolling background in Delphi with FireMonkey?

I'm making a scrolling background game alike classic Mario 2D games. How do I make a scrolling background in Delphi XE7 using FireMonkey?
Bazooka Studios's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to Render Cylinder with built in function D3DXCreateCylinder in Directx9 with Delphi-Xe2 and JEDI? [closed]

I'm new to Directx and i want to render Cylinder using "D3DXCreateCylinder" function. I using Delphi Xe2 and JEDI for DirectX9.
Ganpat's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

OpenGL GLSL skinning problem

This time I've decided to ask a question related to my skinning problem. Two earlier ones were not really related to my problem and I've deleted them. Ok, first of all, I'm using OpenGL 3, 3ds max, ...
Pateman's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How do I generate a random curve for landscape (like Worms)? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I generate terrain like that of Scorched Earth? How can I generate Worms-style terrain? I must build random curve line for the 2D Game on the BitMap (like in Worms, ...
Stas's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Multiplayer game over internet

How to construct my multilayer mode for my Delphi game? For LAN I use UDP server/client. But for internet I think UDP is useless. I have in mind something like: The host create SQL database and ...
TreantBG's user avatar
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