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Questions tagged [assimp]

ASSIMP is a portable, open-source library to import various well-known 3D model formats.

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Issue with CompoundShape Scaling in BulletSharp/Assimp Integration

I’m trying to create a CompoundShape using BulletSharp and Assimp for my 3D physics engine. ...
Wagner Andreas's user avatar
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Does an animation need to be loaded with a model?

I'm using assimp for my C++ rendering engine and I'm having difficulties with skeleton animations I've gone through a couple of tutorials/guides such as the skeletal animation chapter on learnopengl ...
Konjointed's user avatar
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What is the best way to load models with support for multiple textures per mesh?

Currently, I have a model loader heavily inspired by the one made in LearnOpenGL, which works fine when loading regular models. I made a simple cube in Blender, exported it as an OBJ and I'm able to ...
KleberPF's user avatar
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Wrong Animation with OpenGL and Assimp

im currently trying to render an Animation with OpenGL. I load the Model and the animation with an C# wrapper from Assip. Rendering the Mesh works fine but everytime when i try to update ...
Wagner Andreas's user avatar
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What is the best way to handle more bone weights than allowed in code?

I am currently attempting to incorporate animated models in my game engine, using Assimp to load the models. I can load and render the static model just fine, but when I try to enable the animation, ...
Tenebre's user avatar
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Vertices index access violation when loading mesh by Assimp

Currently, i am implementing the model loading feature for my game engine using Assimp. But i got an access violation error when loading my FBX model. The problem is that although the ...
Quang Phạm's user avatar
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How to load an FBX animation file in ASSIMP?

I have an example from a LearnOpenGL tutorial which loads the animations. Now, I want to use that to render FBX animation, but the result is totally wrong. What I want is simply to load an FBX ...
Nicholas Jela's user avatar
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Need help with Assimp skeleton animation

I have recently implemented skeleton animation in my custom engine by following this tutorial. I made several improvements based on that, and was able to load/play simple humanoid animations without ...
neo-mashiro's user avatar
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Convert fbx to 3ds using assimp

I have found some kind of explanation about working with Asset-ImporterLib here. Unfortunately it's very badly done and really important things are not explained at all. There is a piece of code which ...
convert's user avatar
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Objects lose their individual positions and rotations when imported from FBX using Assimp

I am a newbie trying to learn DX11. I successfully put my obj model into the program by using assimp. Unfortunately, I cannot load the same model in fbx format correctly (both of them were exported ...
potter john's user avatar
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No local transform with skinned mesh with assimp?

I'm trying to add skeletal animation to my engine and I'm importing meshes with assimp, but I think I misunderstood the skinned mesh concepts (or don't understand assimp). When I import a model, ...
Ivan Neves's user avatar
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How to use assimp textures with openGL/getting a better understanding

I recently learned how to load a model to openGL using assimp, but I am having trouble figuring out how to do lighting calculations on this model. Previously with my own created objects I would set ...
Julk's user avatar
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ASSIMP Skinning seems to be somewhat inverted

I'm currently implementing Skinning using Assimp as my asset importer. I've relied heavily on the following tutorial in order to skin meshes (
Sammi3's user avatar
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Exported Blender model is flipped when Imported into game using Assimp

I have made a 3D game engine, and as part of this I use Assimp to load in meshes to my game. One of the meshes I load in is my ...
Kyle_Pearce's user avatar
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Frustrum culling without per-mesh positions

I am trying to implement frustrum culling in a C++ renderer im writing but I feel like I hit a brick wall. The plan is to load the Sponza level and per mesh create a collision box using Bullet ...
Nico van Bentum's user avatar
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OpenGL Strange mesh when animating Assimp

I'm trying to animate a skeletal mesh. The mesh loads with no problems and everything is set up correctly. My problem is that when I calculate the matrix for a given keyframe the mesh goes nuts. Here ...
David Neves's user avatar
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How is root motion done in Skeletal animation

I am using Assimp library to load bone and mesh data and using basic interpolation to accomplish the animation part. Right now I want to move my character position with animation, i.e. root motion. ...
videogamechef's user avatar
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frustum culling and exporting a big scene model

Let's assume that I created in Blender a race track with landscape. I can export it to single wavefront obj file and then load in my graphics engine using assimp but it doesn't allow to use frustum ...
Irbis's user avatar
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Understanding ticksPerSecond and duration with skeletal animations

That's my first question here so i hope to do all correctly. From various weeks i started surfing the net about Skeletal animation aiming to add a simple animation controller into my small game engine....
Gianmarco's user avatar
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ASSIMP skeletal animation with some FBX files has issues - weird node added

Hi I'm trying to work load fbx files to my OpenGL Renderer using ASSIMP. However, weird nodes that are not in the original fbx file are added whenever I load the file with the ASSIMP importer. For ...
Peter's user avatar
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C++ Assimp - Transformation Hierarchy

I have a question regarding model imports using ASSIMP. I've been working on an Entity and Component (e.g. unity gameobject component) based game engine for fun and to learn in my spare time. I've ...
tadge's user avatar
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ASSIMP - Hierarchy Import

I'm, trying to wrap my head around assimp to import some files, including fbx/obj etc. Normally my experience tells me that I start at root node and then recursively load child nodes until I load the ...
Dariusz's user avatar
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Skeletal animation: unexpected quarternion values

I'm following ThinMatrix's skeletal animation tutorial and his custom written Collada parser is deriving a different rotation quaternion from each keyframe matrix than the Assimp importer library does....
livin_amuk's user avatar
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OpenGL is not drawing model with more than one material

I have model created in Blender that have 3 UV Maps, 3 materials and each material has texture. Below you can see it. Also I have OpenGL application that draw this model. Application is working ...
Romeon0's user avatar
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Exporting a simple mesh from Blender for reading in Assimp

I'm trying to create some simple assets for using in my rendering engine. What I'm trying to do is to generate simple low poly models and then importing them into my application using Assimp. I can ...
Luca's user avatar
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ASSIMP aiNode->mMeshes understanding

I'm trying to use ASSIMP to load an fbx file with a skeleton and animations, but I'm stuck on something I'm misunderstanding and struggling to see it. I've attached 2 images, one of the fbx file as ...
Dtor's user avatar
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ASSIMP library imports wrong number of bones from COLLADA file

I have a COLLADA(.dae) file exported from Blender, also I have program that read all data from structure generated with Assimp and I want to translate all data in more readable format. Problem appears ...
Romeon0's user avatar
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Program compiled with assimp will not start

I have recently updated my game engine source code to use the visual studio(2017) vc141 toolkit. I am using Assimp 3.1.1 for model loading. The project compiles and links, and the appropriate dll's ...
Ian Young's user avatar
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C++ - Assimp - OpenGL vertex data feed problem

I'm getting a very weird problem where OpenGL doesn't use the hardware to render anything, so I get just a cleared blank screen. Here's some code: ...
curious student's user avatar
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Skeletal Animation: No initial bone rotation

I am currently trying to implement animations in my game. I am having an issue where the bones do not rotate properly. In my program, I apply an inverse bind pose to each bone to move them to bone ...
jamesrogers93's user avatar
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Errors attempting to use Assimp in DirectX 12

I am trying to load a 3D model within a DirectX 12 project by means of Assimp, but even when I write only the importer function, I get errors I can not fix. How do I fix this? Here is my code: ...
Pino 's user avatar
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Incomplete rendering using OpenTK (VBO)

Using I did load obj file. assimp returns back Mesh object that contains vertexes, normals, faces, colors and texture. when I don't use VBO the object will load complete. like this : But ...
Younes Jafari's user avatar
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C++ Assimp - Models incorretly drawn/loaded

I've followed a tutorial about using Assimp to load models, but the loaded models are incorrectly drawn: These should be a spheres I've checked my code multiple times but I can't seem to find what I ...
Daan Meijer's user avatar
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Models loaded with Assimp have messed up UVs/normals

I've been trying to use Assimp to load models and so far I got it to load a few obj models, but all of them have messed up UVs (and maybe normals). Here's what it looks like : I tried several ...
CpCd0y's user avatar
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Best format for model with double UV sets [closed]

I'd like to use first UV set as wrapping (or when some faces cover another on UV) diffuse color map and second UV set as baked ambient occlusion (packed to islands) ...
patrykbajos's user avatar
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FBX animation works in 3DSMax but not with Assimp [closed]

I have an FBX file that represent a plane with an animation of the gear opening. In my editor 3DSMax or in the Unity editor, the file and animation seem good, but when I use Open 3D Model(the official ...
Evans Belloeil's user avatar
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Loading non-skeletal animation to opengl via assimp

I'm a newbie in assimp and openGL. I'm trying to import .fbx or .dae formatted file to openGL via assimp. Importing skeletal animation was kind of easy. Lots of introductions and sample projects ...
Kim.K's user avatar
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trouble getting correct transforms for multiple meshes from assimp importer

I have had excellent success in extracting almost everything i need from a collada file that i imported with assimp, however I am struggling to get the correct transforms for each mesh in the file. ...
skimon's user avatar
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AssImp Skeletal Animation Issues [closed]

Tried creating an animated mesh but I render it, it comes up as a flat mesh that moves with the camera. Followed the OGL Animation tutorial here ( ...
James Granleese's user avatar
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Skin Mesh Animation Shader Issue

I'm having troubles with properly animating a skin mesh from an .fbx file. I feel like the issue is in the shader, but not sure what is going on. All I know is that I am getting unexpected results ...
mythos's user avatar
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ASSIMP OpenGL collada and Skeletal Animation

first of all i would like to say that i read everything out there and still did not figure it out quite yet. In my project i need to implement a skinning technique, but before going there i need to ...
Bob Maza's user avatar
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Updating aiScene in ASSIMP with skeleton data

I am working on a project where I take an unrigged closed mesh, import it using ASSIMP, auto-rig it using the algorithm provided by Ilya Baran and Jovan Popovic and again export it using ASSIMP. I ...
Nickal's user avatar
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Mesh's triangles don't move properly during skeletal animation

I've been trying to implement skeletal animation in my engine using this tutorial, and I've been having problems. Using the model they provided, I get results like this: But on some other models, ...
Yattabyte's user avatar
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m_Entries is undefined [closed]

I am following this tutorial and this guy puts in his code m_Entries and doesn't explain it at all at least I think. So any one who has done skeletal animation show me what he is talking about by ...
CPlusPlusProgrammer's user avatar
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m_BoneMapping is undefined in OpenGL Step By Step Skeletal Animation Tutorial [closed]

I am new to this website I was following this specific tutorial on skeletal animation and I have a good idea on what it is, but when I was following his implementation he used a variable called "...
CPlusPlusProgrammer's user avatar
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Data structure for multiple Textures in materials in assimp

I'm going through assimp documentation regarding materials. Each material can have multiple textures containing various data (color maps, height maps, etc.) and blending data, etc. I'm trying to ...
dev_nut's user avatar
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How to link assimp lib to universal app

I cannot make assimp object loader work with universal app, and I got the same problem as this one: Assimp and directX12 universal apps I tried the static library approach mentioned in the answer of ...
Oscar's user avatar
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Assimp Texture Coords problem

I've got a problem when loading objects using assimp. I did succesfully load vertex data and I am able to draw static mesh (without bones and animations, I've got few bugs there but I'll go back to ...
Dominik's user avatar
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Assimp, Blender and model rotating

There is something I can't figure out. I have two models - grass.blend and tower.blend. grass.blend: tower.blend: Note X, Y and Z axises. The problem is that when I load these models using Assimp ...
Aleksander Alekseev's user avatar
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ASSIMP transformation hierarchy and animations

I don't fully understand the transformation hierarchy used by ASSIMP. According to the docs ( an aiNode's transformation is relative to its ...
KaiserJohaan's user avatar
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