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1 answer

Collectible effect with particles

I want to make a coin/star collectible effect like when you beat a level in the game Geometry Dash. There, the stars all fall from a pre-defined place in random directions, and after about 1 second of ...
CheckerT's user avatar
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Wake effect in games and Unity

I was curious about how wake effects are added in video games. Do most games use blender to mimic this effect and is it dynamic or does it have any drawbacks? Has anyone ever tried making it in Unity ...
Akshit Chaturvedi's user avatar
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Unity fade post-processing effect

I'm trying to build a game that uses the Pix2Pix post-processing effect for Unity, which is an image-to-image translation with deep neural networks. It works well but I want to fade this effect with ...
Felox's user avatar
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1 answer

Why particle effect alway rendered after UI though they have same sorting layer and same sorting order?

Why particle effect alway rendered after UI though they have same sorting layer and same sorting order? I searched a lot of information about it,every one said that both of effect and UI are ...
Winson Song's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to process particle effect between UI?

I'm developing a game with Unity3D. I found that particle effects would penetrate upper hierarchy UI. Can I show the effect when the UI's sibling index bigger then effect's and hide the effect when ...
Winson Song's user avatar
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1 answer

Object coming from far away effect in 2D

I have a path made using segments of sine wave interpolation put together that is drawn flat on the screen. And I would like to give the path the effect of coming towards the player. I tried to draw ...
memelord420xd's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to create a wavy beam?

I want to implement a wavy laser beam similar to the Proton Backpack in Enter the Gungeon. It's easy enough to draw a line from one point to another, but how to get ...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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RPG Item Design [duplicate]

I'm currently fiddling around with some RPG mechanics and I'm trying to implement a solid way to handle items that have different on use effects. Currently, I have a base class called "Item" that ...
Grant Upson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Monogame - All effects in one file?

I am successfully drawing all of my geometry with an AlphaTestEffect and would like to apply shaders. I've built a shader Effect from a tutorial and can't seem to find anything on the web that answers ...
blurry's user avatar
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How to make a shattering effect similar to Housemarque's Nex Machina?

After playing Nex Machina for a while, the shattering effect which turns monsters and scenes into cubes really fascinated me and I can't hold my curiosity to explore how they made it. I have tried to ...
Alpha Mistral's user avatar
2 votes
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Effect only on one object (two cameras)

I have a problem. I want a Grayscale effect to be applied ONLY to the chair on the stage. The chair has a layer CurrentItem. And I have two cameras: ...
Martyna Cichoń's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Season Change Reveal Effect

I was watching the teaser trailer for Seasons After Fall, and I was struck by the effect they use to transition between seasons (around 21-24 seconds): The level art, including the background and the ...
Jessca Stone's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Pool game ball path line

I'm using Unity C#. How would I create the effect in my pool game, a line showing the direction of the second (not white) ball after collision. Example: I need to make the line coming from the ball ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Circular lighting mask stretches to ellipse in Monogame using Pixel Shader

I am trying to implement a very simple pixel shader for some basic lighting using this tutorial My problem is that when the effect ...
Ragnoroct's user avatar
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Whats a good way to make realistic brick walls?

This is a screencap from Blackops III: I tried this using 5 maps including displace and normal, but it still looks too flat. I was wondering what a good method or workflow is to make walls actually ...
Aidan Pallian's user avatar
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Unreal Engine - How can I add blur effect at my Camera in iOS

I have requirement to add blur effect at my camera in specific point , it work just fine in pc but when I deploy in my phone it remove the effect According to documentation To turn off Depth of ...
Mina Fawzy's user avatar
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How to Programm A Dialog box with a typewriter effect in Java? [closed]

Im am very new to java and programming so I might be a bit annoying to work with but please bear with me :D So As the title says I'm trying to figure out how to properly program a working dialog box ...
BaconDevil Gaming's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do i add a rain effect to a top down design game in Java, using no external libraries?

I'm creating a top-down game for my A-level/college computer science project, and I'm trying to implement rain. The game needs to be usable on any platform, so the use of external libraries is out of ...
Kris Rice's user avatar
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How can I implement a "horizontal desynced colors" effect in LWJGL? [duplicate]

My plan is to achieve analog video effects like RGB channel desynchronisation. I'd like to have something like this (I hope you get the idea): Left: White dot; Right: The same dot, but mind the ...
thekiwi5000's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I apply an outline effect in Unity?

I want to apply an outline effect for several objects on the scene. Nope, the standard outline shader from the toon-shader package don't met my criteria. I want to create an effect like this: To ...
Netherwire's user avatar
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RenderTexture is not cleared after it was released

I want to create some image effect. I've written a script that draws a cube mesh at the render target and then copies the render texture at the screen. I don't want to render anything except Mesh(M) ...
Netherwire's user avatar
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How to create glowing line with andengine?

today I have played this game and still wondering about this effect: when I touch the target, some lines will appear (as those yellow lines in the image). How could I create this effect in andengine. ...
Thien Dinh's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I combine my scrolling effect with the vertex lit shader?

I want my shader to work in both Forward and VertexLit rendering modes. I'd written a texture scrolling shader, but I also want to consider lighting which is produced by Vertex lit shader. I can't add ...
Netherwire's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Surface shader with VertexLit causes black object

I wrote the simplest possible surface shader: ...
Netherwire's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Rendering oily/polluted water?

Any shader wizards out there have an idea of how to achieve an oily/polluted water effect, similar to this: Ideally, the water would not be uniformly oily, but instead the oil could be generated from ...
Robert Fraser's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How can I implement a scanline effect?

I am working on an old-school platformer in libgdx and I want it to have a "scanline" effect, like this: My first attempt was to make a little texture and draw it on a full-screen quad. I used two ...
Alexandre GUIDET's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Bloom only on line renderer

How do I apply the Bloom Effect Line Renderer's only? I'm using the bloom effect from the Unity Pro image effects script but it's affecting the way light is rendered to the scene.
user1823456's user avatar
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SlimDX: Error while loading Effect

Im trying to load a effect in SlimDX, but I get a error when I try to get the ShaderSignature. The error-code: E_FAIL: An undetermined error occurred (-2147467259) ...
Jens's user avatar
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XNA- Add a content reference to a library?

Making a Game library with XNA, and I'd like to bundle it with some stock effects, if possible. But I'm having no luck attaching a Content project to the Library, so is it possible to use the Content ...
Richard Rast's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Distortion Effect

I'm trying to make a distortion effect for a space game. The idea is that the effect has a central point, and all nearby objects appear to swirl into that point. I've made a preliminary version and it ...
nullptr's user avatar
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XNA clip plane effect makes models black

When using this effect file: ...
user1990950's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can I handle the combination of multiple shader effects?

To be able to work efficiently with effects, is there a good way to combine multiple reusable "base" effects to achieve a more complex final result? For example, say I have an effect that handles ...
Deukalion's user avatar
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2 answers

How (update,set, apply) dynamically color on a model of a XNA project?

I encounter a problem for set a background color on my model instantiated. I can change the texture but not change color. Is there a parameter for change the color ? Or change the opacity ? I am ...
Mehdi Bugnard's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

MultiTexturing by neighbouring points textures

Visual example: I've been trying to understand multitexturing for a while now, I've created a terrain generator but have no need for height just yet and I still want one texture to blend over to ...
Deukalion's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Best practice for setting Effect parameters in XNA

I want to ask if there is a best practice for setting Effect parameters in XNA. Or in other words, what exactly happens when I call ...
0xBADF00D's user avatar
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How to make HLSL effect just for lighting without texture mapping?

I created an effect and just want to use lightning but in default effect that XNA create we should do texture mapping or the model appears 'RED', because of this lines of code in the effect file: <...
naprox's user avatar
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6 votes
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Rendering a Sprite with an Effect.... how?

gettings tuck doing some 3d Rendering and I think you guys may have a lot more knowledge in it. I am tasked with basically rendering a texture onto a screen, preparing the way to apply graphical ...
TomTom's user avatar
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Shaky Camera Effect 2D

The camera in my game engine can be modified by following a rectangle properties, that can be scaled, moved and even rotated. I need this effect for the shaking of the screen when a zombie attacks a ...
Luke Vo's user avatar
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Changing the culling mode in the HLSL effect

I'm writing a cel-shading effect in HLSL and Direct3D 11, and I need to be able to flip the culling mode on the outline pass of the effect. I know you do this in XNA by setting CullMode to CW or CCW ...
jmegaffin's user avatar
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Texture in model not rendered by BasicEffect

UPDATE: It is apparently the BasicEffect that is the culprit here. I tried to use another effect (which I coded myself) and then it works!?!? )I kinda like the EnableDefaultLighting, though...) So ...
danbystrom's user avatar
5 votes
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Methods of Creating a "Lightning" effect in 2D

well i'm just wondering on the best way to go about create some form of "Lightning" effect to be used in a game, so for example: -In my game, i would like to have this effect in the menus and in-game ...
dan369's user avatar
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How is this glowing with colors radiating outward 2D effect accomplished?

I'm currently totally at a loss as to how this effect is done: The glowing on the ship and the changing color. I want to do this effect in XNA 4.0 any ...
Pruit's user avatar
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How do I create this underwater effect with Cocos2D? Hi everyone, I'm trying to create an effect like this, the underwater effect (water distortion). I've looked around and I've seen references to "water caustics" but I'm not ...
Garth Humphreys's user avatar
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XNA - multiple VertexBuffers?

I'm trying to learn how to use VertexBuffers in XNA 4.0. I can render wireframe shapes and I can render textured shapes. However, I'm having some trouble rendering them both at once. I'm ...
Mossen's user avatar
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How to do Digital Painting type of graphics art like in Braid?

I'm wanting to create the digital painting type of effect that you see in Braid for a game I'm creating. I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction? I'm most familiar with OpenGL ...
Joey Green's user avatar
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