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6 votes

What is the difference between AR, VR and MR?

Virtual Reality: where the user is completely ‘immersed’ in a virtual environment. Nothing of the outside world is visible. Augmented Reality: information is added to the real world by overlaying ...
Felsir's user avatar
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5 votes

Detect transform from detection of QR code?

Deriving the transformation Note that the transformation of the QR code captured by the camera is a perspective transformation. As such, no amount of affine transformation can emulate it (translating,...
Theraot's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the difference between AR, VR and MR?

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality actually exist on a spectrum, so the definition between them can get blurry. The distinction right now is mostly driven by hardware. The easiest factor to ...
House's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the difference between AR, VR and MR?

According to Peter Patterson (XR Architect / Developer), Unity officially stands by the Consumer Technology Association definition of the terms which read as follows. Virtual Reality creates a ...
Tiago Peres's user avatar
2 votes

What is the universal "Distance Point" for human vision?

There isn't one: Human eyeballs are round and heads pivot, so they don't have a flat projection plane. When rendering, the proper Field Of View (FOV) angle for projecting into the flat screen plane ...
Stephane Hockenhull's user avatar
2 votes

What is the universal "Distance Point" for human vision?

What you are referring to what is usually referred to as the "field of view" angle. The concept of FOV angle approaches the issue from the opposite direction, though. It defines how much width is ...
Philipp's user avatar
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2 votes

Do I need VR camera for VR Project?

Do you need a VR camera for a VR game? No. Absolutely not. A VR camera is for recording stereoscopic video and has no bearing on using a 3D engine to create stereoscopic views. This is basically like ...
Draco18s no longer trusts SE's user avatar
2 votes

400 errors for half my tiles in Map Tiles API

400 is the Bad Request status code due to something that is perceived to be a client error - in other words, it's not proceeding due to something it believes is an error from your end. If you go to ...
Pikalek's user avatar
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1 vote

Broken graphics in a compiled Android application

It was a Unity bug with getting WebCamTexture, I changed the resolution (height and width) to 640x480, and everything worked.
Stiven's user avatar
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Unity App working on one phone but crashes on another with the same API level

So, I fixed this by going to Build Settings >> Player >> Other Settings >> Scripting Backend and changing it to IL2CPP as well as including ARMx64 in the target architecture. The ...
Apocalypse's user avatar
1 vote

Unity 2019 Error : [email protected]/Runtime/ImageTrackingSubsystem/XRImageTrackingSubsystem.cs57,30): error CS0506:

I've figured out the answer to my own question. Here are the steps that help me to solve the issue: Open Package Manager (From "Window" -> "Package Manager") Upgrade or install ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
1 vote

How can I use Body tracking in Android using ARCore or some other libraries?

I am doing something similar to for my final year project for uni. The closest solution that I can come up with is using a third-party application/addon such as; OpenCV Tensorflow Vuforia ...
BlackRece's user avatar
1 vote

How i can detect a single ARuco marker among several markers?

You're not checking every marker's ID, you're only checking the ID of the first marker in the list. And you're re-checking that one marker when deciding whether to draw every marker. Replace ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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Making an object orbit using c# script for Unity+Vuforia

It looks to me like you want to change this line: transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z); to use localPosition instead: <...
DMGregory's user avatar
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How to detect aging signs with ARkit / AR foundation?

You don't, and can't. Although ARKit/ARFoundation has face detection algorithms employed, it is only used for detecting landmarks and converting that into virtual space coordinates, of which you can ...
aytimothy's user avatar
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Unity AR Ground Plane Detector

Being modern phone is not important. first you need to check that your phone has Gyro asits most important feature that markerless AR use. next you have to check android device supports ARCORE and ...
virtouso's user avatar
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Changing the 3D model of the Unity ARkit face tracking demo

It looks like the code that manipulates the blend shapes is here, in the aptly-named BlendshapeDriver class: ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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How to set up Azure Spatial Anchors with Unity Android project?

According to another tutorial, based on the same git repo's sample, after the creation of the resource, there also needs to be an Azure Cosmos DB resource to create the base sharing URL. For anyone ...
Ian Rosenberg's user avatar
1 vote

Mapping a Touchinput-device in a 3D World for VR

OC_RaizW's user avatar
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Black screen after running emulation mode in the Unity Editor for hololens

Your camera has 0 fov in the second image which is why it isn't rendering anything. You may not have the project set up properly to use XR for the Hololens/Windows Mixed Reality as Unity sets the fov ...
rob5300's user avatar
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Using AR measuring techniques to allow free movement in a VR room

This is possible, but not easy. Here's the things that are very difficult: The monocular camera standard on smartphones. Ideally you'd want a 3D camera to provide depth information to assist in ...
House's user avatar
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3D model gets partially invisible when large, Vuforia and Unity

I am guessing you are working within Unity? If I am guessing right then please check your Main Camera's Distance option on where it does cut off, this is one of the main reasons of this problem. Also ...
Georgiadis Abraam's user avatar
1 vote

360 degree viewer for AR

Yes, this is certainly possible. You'd need to use a sphere with inverted normals or a shader that had backface culling disabled. Depending on the content you wanted to put on the inside, it could ...
House's user avatar
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How to activate GearVR Menu in my own Unity-Apps?

Have you installed the utilities for Unity? According to the docs, the long click on the back button should always show the GearVr Menu. But, if it is not working, there is also a script (...
AfrOn012's user avatar
1 vote

vuforia how do I force objects into a 2D plane

I manage to get this to work by separating the target and the model so that the model is NOT a child of the target in the scene. I let Vuforia handle the calculation of where the target is located, ...
Kingand's user avatar
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