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2 votes

Kinect for Xbox One (+ adapter) and Windows 10

Yes, I can confirm that the second generation Kinect works with Unity on Windows 10. I've worked on two game projects that use this setup: Glimpse and Pixelate (both were originally developed on ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I enforce single instancing for my HoloLens applications?

You can force Unity to run a single instance of your application by ticking Force Single Instance in ...
Siruj's user avatar
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1 vote

Black screen after running emulation mode in the Unity Editor for hololens

Your camera has 0 fov in the second image which is why it isn't rendering anything. You may not have the project set up properly to use XR for the Hololens/Windows Mixed Reality as Unity sets the fov ...
rob5300's user avatar
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1 vote

Draw fonts in Hololens using SharpDX

The sample you provided is actually not using DirectWrite I think, which would not be your best bet in any case, because the ...
Scorch's user avatar
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