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4 votes

Why is my texture wrong?

See if you can fix this by flipping V coordinate of the UV map: V = 1 - V It is very common that UV gets vertically flipped in different programs/engines. Also ...
Kromster's user avatar
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2 votes

What Unity object is my script linked to?

One of the fastest ways would be to add a Start script like so: ...
DMGregory's user avatar
  • 136k
2 votes

Do I need VR camera for VR Project?

Do you need a VR camera for a VR game? No. Absolutely not. A VR camera is for recording stereoscopic video and has no bearing on using a 3D engine to create stereoscopic views. This is basically like ...
Draco18s no longer trusts SE's user avatar
1 vote

Making an object orbit using c# script for Unity+Vuforia

It looks to me like you want to change this line: transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z); to use localPosition instead: <...
DMGregory's user avatar
  • 136k
1 vote

Unity AR Ground Plane Detector

Being modern phone is not important. first you need to check that your phone has Gyro asits most important feature that markerless AR use. next you have to check android device supports ARCORE and ...
virtouso's user avatar
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3D model gets partially invisible when large, Vuforia and Unity

I am guessing you are working within Unity? If I am guessing right then please check your Main Camera's Distance option on where it does cut off, this is one of the main reasons of this problem. Also ...
Georgiadis Abraam's user avatar
1 vote

vuforia how do I force objects into a 2D plane

I manage to get this to work by separating the target and the model so that the model is NOT a child of the target in the scene. I let Vuforia handle the calculation of where the target is located, ...
Kingand's user avatar
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