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8 votes

Is "Check your surroundings" warning on splash screen really needed for geolocation games?

Some geolocation games like Pokemon Go had quite a lot of bad press due to people getting injured while playing them. There were also cases of people trespassing on private property or entering ...
Philipp's user avatar
  • 122k
2 votes

Convert GPS coordinates into Unity world space?

Presumably you considered just converting your angle and distance from polar coordinates into a Cartesian vector in the usual way? ...
DMGregory's user avatar
  • 136k
1 vote

Find nearby users by real world location in Unity

Combined Geolocation and game server processing Each device (with appropriate permissions) may report its location to the server. This can be done using LocationService You'll want to update ...
Ruadhan2300's user avatar
1 vote

Will Geolocations for IPs ever change?

This is partially answered over here. In short: don't count on consistency. IPs probably don't get re-assigned/moved often, but services might change their algorithms, have bugs, etc. Realistically, ...
Chris Mills-Price's user avatar

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