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Questions tagged [interpolation]

The practice of estimating a result (usually numeric) based on a set of known results.

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Interpolation over a sequence of quaternions

I am trying to interpolate over a sequence of rotations represented by quaternions. I am currently employing Squad (Spherical and Quadrangle Interpolation). I successfully applied the function to 4 ...
Chaos's user avatar
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How to blend camera when switching between 2 characters?

I'm trying to set up a system in UE4.27 where I can switch between 2 characters. It works but when I tried to include a camera blend, it still switches character but the camera just jumps and doesn't ...
Kevin Nisbet's user avatar
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Drifting local time vs server time synchronization

Imagine a server sending you (the client) game snapshots each 30ms. Your interpolation time is set at around 100ms, so ideally you are interpolating between 4th and 3rd snapshot, so by the time you ...
artemonster's user avatar
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Interpolation between arbitrary placed light probes

I am at the beginning of implementing light probes. The light probes however are arbitrarily placed in 3D space, i.e. they are not placed in a uniform grid. How would someone interpolate between ...
Raildex's user avatar
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Fixed timestep graphics jitter

I'm trying to implement the article but I have jitter on the position interpolation. video of the problem I have the following PhysX manager class ...
Mike F's user avatar
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Trouble getting the right Interp Speed with 'FInterp To' node

I was following this course using UE5 version 5.4.2 and building a "Handle Rotation" graph for a door that looks like this: I encountered this problem: setting the ...
Ariya Rivandi's user avatar
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Physics interpolation given an asynchronous physics thread

I've followed to do interpolated physics. I have a separate thread entirely from my graphics thread. I use vulkan which allows me to do asynchronous ...
Krupip's user avatar
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Interpolating server updates with client prediction: how to actually find time variable

I'm working on a 3D web game with client-side prediction, etc. I have implemented interpolation for my entities, but it seems a bit laggy sometimes even on localhost. First I will describe the ...
Pumpudu's user avatar
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Fix stuttering with fixed time step and interpolation

I am trying to fix my stuttering by using a fixed time step, but I seem to be missing something because it is not working. Can someone look at this and see what is missing? ...
wtcl's user avatar
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D3D12: how to enable perspective correction when interpolating UV coordinates?

Good morning, I am currently running into a UV interpolation issue with D3D12 that looks like this: Is there something that needs to be set when initialising the pipeline so that the GPU does the ...
Mike Tearon's user avatar
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How do you determine which 4 pixels to interpolate, using bilinear interpolation?

I read about bilinear interpolation on Wikipedia and many sources, but I still don't understand how do you determine which four pixels to interpolate. For example, if I have 5 pixels(y=0), do I ...
is code's user avatar
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Network racing game position interpolation jitters a lot

I'm making multiplayer racing game and I have problem with interpolating position.. Here's the sequence. Server simulate the world and send vehicle transform packet through UDP socket every 33ms to ...
Tomson's user avatar
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2 answers

How to interpolate angular data properly

I have been trying to interpolate raw angular data in degree (for a flow map grid) but any attempt fails because there is always two path, and I can't figure out how to interpolate on the shorter one ...
user29244's user avatar
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How do i correctly interpolate between 2 positions recieved from server?

I am trying to implement interpolation in client side. I store Vector2 position data recieved from server in a list and try to interpolate (x,y) from previous position to next position as data comes. ...
peonylast's user avatar
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Given a set of points with color values, finding a gradated color value from a given position

I guess the verb form of gradient is "gradate" and not "gradiate"? Hi! I have a set of 2D points (actually 3D, but we can ignore the Y axis unless it's trivial) bound to color ...
Johnny Cage's user avatar
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Can you interpolate statelessly?

I was just wondering if it's possible to to a linear interpolation between two rotations without maintaining any kind of state. What I mean is let's say I have a loop function where all my code is ...
Day Trip's user avatar
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Where is this quad pattern coming from? [duplicate]

I'm rendering a map generated from noise. For debugging purposes, I'm just using the normals as color. I'm not sure how good/correct my calculated normals are, either way, I'd expect a smooth colored ...
tkausl's user avatar
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UV interpolation gets distorted on a trapezoid [duplicate]

I'm experiencing an interesting distortion in the UV mapping of a trapezoid. When I map a square plane and tilt it backwards, the perspective-correct interpolation gives it the expected pinching at ...
M -'s user avatar
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How to gradually interpolate smoothly between two yaw rotations in Minecraft MCP/Forge?

I am coding a custom client for Minecraft using MCP. (Please no hate, I'm not making a hacked client!) I have two variables currentYaw which is the current yaw ...
Day Trip's user avatar
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Player speed varies due to interpolation

I'm building a multiplayer FPS in the vein of Quake. This is my setup: Clients send the server a "user command" on every simulation tick (which is fixed at 60 simulation steps per second) ...
user115675's user avatar
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Interpolation hitches caused by Quake-like client-server design

I'm building a very small multiplayer shooter game. I'm facing a problem related to interpolation. In order to explain the problem I have to give an overview of the client-server design of my game (it'...
user115675's user avatar
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Why does the kinematic body move in opposite direction after I interpolate its movement, and how do I fix it?

I have added some basic movement and some manual interpolation to a cube that is a kinematic body in Godot. ...
SHikha Mittal's user avatar
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How to interpolate colors around the spectrum of hues?

I wanted to generate a 7 segment display whose color brightness varies with time, this can be done by just using linear relationship. ...
chuackt's user avatar
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3 answers

How to smoothly interpolate 2D camera with pan and zoom

I'm developing an animation application with a 2D virtual camera. The camera viewport can be positioned and scaled in the keyframes and is then interpolated to render the final animation from the ...
XylemFlow's user avatar
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How do I calculate to and from a Non-Linear Acceleration?

I am looking at non-linear accelerations using the following values: initial_acceleration time_to_max_velocity max_velocity current_velocity Initial_acceleration is the per frame acceleration we ...
Loospie's user avatar
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Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation between N Vector3s in Godot

I have a number of Vector3s in Godot arranged in a grid, let's say they look like this (looking at them from above, with Godot Y-is-up): ...
hexamon's user avatar
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How do I interpolate an object from point A to B such that it accelerates, overshoots, and bounces back to target position?

How The Game Works You grab and drag an object around. Once you let go, it interpolates to a certain, variable position, and that's what I'm trying to do here. Problem Description I'm talking about ...
verified_tinker's user avatar
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Low Level Audio Engine Sample Rate Conversion

First off, there seems to be a sparse number of audio programming tutorials out there so if anyone knows of some good resources I would be very appreciative. Now on to the topic at hand! I am using ...
Ryoku's user avatar
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C# UDP Multiplayer Networking - issue with choppiness and consistency

I know I've done this incorrectly, but I don't know what the right way is. Right now I have two clients that connect to a server. Each tick the players send a packet of information containing their ...
user2578216's user avatar
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Slerp to slerp smoothing

p0 ------- p1 ------- p2 I am successfully slerping between 2 points (p0-p1; p1-p2). But the transition between two slerped angles (p1_in-p1_out) do not match, ...
John Smith's user avatar
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3 answers

Camera Jitters When Displacing and Rotating Smoothly

DISCLAIMER: I am using Unity 5.6.5f1 for this code, I honestly don't know if there would be API updates on later versions, though I don't think so. I tried to make a simple Third Person Camera that ...
LifGwaethrakindo's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Interpolating between positions unfeasible at 30 frames per second?

I am working on a 3D platformer in Unity and I am targeting Android devices. The game consists of a lot of objects smoothly interpolating from the bottom of the screen to the top. This whole time I'...
TheSaviour's user avatar
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Help understanding Accidental Noise Gradient function

Background: I am trying to create a set of functions to manipulate noise, similar to Libnoise, Fastnoise and the Accidental Noise Library. The end goal is to produce terrain. As recommended by ...
MasterReDWinD's user avatar
4 votes
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Fixed Timestep with Interpolation | Blurry & Choppy

I've been implementing a game loop with a fixed timestep which uses interpolation as described in the (legendary as I have come to find out as it is referenced in almost every post I have read trying ...
whitwhoa's user avatar
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Can you decompose a rotation into a rotation around an axis and a quaternion?

I have a rotation represented by a quaternion and I want to get a rotation angle around the forward axis together with another quaternion which will together represent the original rotation. The ...
oh_cripes's user avatar
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Godot 3.0 Constant 2D Angular Velocity

I am making a Top-Down shooter in Godot 3.0 on Linux. I would like to have my character rotate to face the mouse-pointer at a constant speed, and have rotation speed power-ups that allow the player ...
Meizikyn's user avatar
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Linear Interpolation Implementation

I'm trying to implement entity interpolation into my game. The structure is as follows: Send the keypress states from the client to the server Process the inputs and make calculations based on them ...
Battlesquid's user avatar
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Aim/Scope Oscillation Algorithm

I have been struggling to find an algorithm to implement something that will make a direction oscillate within a cone constraint, in a helix-shaped fashion as in photo (it will always go back to the ...
Alakanu's user avatar
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Suitable interpolation for animating explosions

Is there a standard interpolation function for animating explosions? Like there is with smoothstep or smootherstep for walking animations or cars going from point A to B. I'm assuming the explosion ...
Rodia's user avatar
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How should I implement lag compensation in my racing game?

I've looked around and I see a lot of discussion about lag compensation for FPS's, but none for racing games. I know Mario Kart uses some sort of interpolation for other racers, but it doesn't ...
kensho20's user avatar
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Prevent keyframe interpolation in imported model animation in Unity

I made first person model in blender. It also has animations in it. Most of animation works fine, but in some cases, Unity's keyframe interpolation makes wrong result. Note that animation was made ...
modernator's user avatar
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Acceleration in Unity

I am trying to emulate acceleration and deceleration in Unity. I have written to code to generate a track in Unity and place an object at a specific location on the track based on time. The result ...
Dan's user avatar
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Can't figure out what's making the player teleport back to spawn

I've been working on a multiplayer game that uses pathfinding and I'm really confused over this one weird bug. On your screen, the other player glitches between the spawn point and his current ...
Chairio's user avatar
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How to smooth rotations?

I have a semi-regularly (15fps to 60fps) sampled source of position and orientation to which I am using dead reckoning to fill in gaps. However, I would like to smooth it further to eliminate any ...
JeffV's user avatar
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How to handle increased/decreased latency in client side entity interpolation?

Edit After reading some more questions on this board, I've come up with this potential scheme. Feel free to give any suggestions / criticisms on the scheme I show in the box below. ...
pattymills's user avatar
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Smooth Rotate Object While Orbiting

I am working on a 3D game where you can control an object that orbits a sphere with an on-screen virtual joystick. So far I have that part working, but the object follows the joystick angle perfectly ...
DRiFTy's user avatar
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Fixed timestep updates with a variable timestep update

Many suggest that a game loop looks something like this. See:
goodpoutine's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do my sprites jitter when moving diagonally?

I am working on an low resolution, isometric, pixel game in which several objects move from tile to tile. I do this with this simple interpolation: ...
Mottenmann's user avatar
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OpenGL object movement is not smooth and vibrating

In my android NDK OpenGL C++ project, I have a render method which executes every frame on draw event so this is the algorithm: ...
Mohamed Mousa El-Kheshen's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Why use Time.deltaTime in Lerping functions?

To my understanding, a Lerp function interpolates between two values (a and b) using a third value (...
AzulShiva's user avatar
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