I am trying to interpolate over a sequence of rotations represented by quaternions. I am currently employing Squad (Spherical and Quadrangle Interpolation). I successfully applied the function to 4 rotations and the results corresponded to the expected one.
I would like to generalize the technique to an arbitrary (t>4) number of rotations. In Quaternions, Interpolation and Animation, on page 54, it is hinted that Squad can be applied to any sequence of rotations.
Squad is defined as: $$Squad(q_i, q_{i+1}, s_i, s_{i+1}, t) := Slerp(Slerp(q_i, q_{i+1}, t), Slerp(s_i, s_{i+1}, t), 2t(1-t))$$ Support rotations are defined as:$$s_i := q_i\cdot exp{\Big(-{\frac{\log(q_i^{-1}\cdot\log(q_{i-1})) + \log(q_i^{-1}\cdot q_{i+1})}{4}}\Big)}$$
The report continues stating that supports should be enhanced as follows: $$s_0 = q_0; s_n = q_n$$
If I understood correctly, computing support rotations and invoking Squad with the corresponding four quaternions is sufficient.
For each quaternion i in the range [1..n-2] I compute the corresponding s_i. At interpolation time I map the t parameter to the sequence of rotation and identify an i index, I remodulate the t parameter and eventually invoke $$Squad(q_i, q_{i+1}, s_i, s_{i+1}, t)$$ No need to say I implemented this technique but the results are wrong.
I double-checked my implementation of Slerp, I tested log(), exp(), and other quaternion methods, but they all seem to be correct. I concluded I didn't understand how to employ the technique, so I am asking for advice here.
Do you see any flaw in the reasoning I have just shown?
Edit: I am sharing part of the code, perhaps the problem is strictly practical.
static Quaternion Slerp(Quaternion &lhs, Quaternion &rhs, float t, TM_BOOL invert = true) {
t = Unit(t); // Clamps in range 0..1.
if (t < 1e-20)
return lhs;
if (t > 1.0 - 1e-20)
return rhs;
if (lhs == rhs)
return lhs;
if (lhs == -rhs)
return lhs;
float dot = lhs.dot(rhs);
if (abs(dot) >= 0.9999999) {
if (dot >= 0.0)
return Lerp(lhs, rhs, t).normalize();
return Lerp(lhs, -rhs, t).normalize();
} else {
float tetha = acos(dot);
if (!invert)
return (lhs * sin(tetha * (1.0 - t)) + rhs * sin(tetha * t)) / sin(tetha);
else {
if (dot >= 0.0)
return (lhs * sin(tetha * (1.0 - t)) + rhs * sin(tetha * t)) / sin(tetha);
return (lhs * sin(tetha * (1.0 - t)) + (-rhs) * sin(tetha * t)) / sin(tetha);
static Quaternion Squad(
Quaternion &start,
Quaternion &end,
Quaternion &firstSupport,
Quaternion &secondSupport,
float t
) {
t = Unit(t);
return Slerp(
Slerp(start, end, t, false),
Slerp(firstSupport, secondSupport, t, false),
2.0 * t * (1.0 - t),
Squad with support:
static Quaternion Squad(
Quaternion &q0,
Quaternion &q1,
Quaternion &q2,
Quaternion &q3,
float t
) {
q1 = (q0 + q1).squaredMagnitude() < (q0 - q1).squaredMagnitude() ? -q1 : q1;
q2 = (q1 + q2).squaredMagnitude() < (q1 - q2).squaredMagnitude() ? -q2 : q2;
q3 = (q2 + q3).squaredMagnitude() < (q2 - q3).squaredMagnitude() ? -q3 : q3;
firstSupport = Support(q0, q1, q2),
secondSupport = Support(q1, q2, q3);
return Squad(q0, q3, firstSupport, secondSupport, t);
inline static Quaternion Support(
Quaternion &previous,
Quaternion ¤t,
Quaternion &next
) {
inverseOfQuat = current.inverse(),
leftProduct = inverseOfQuat * previous,
rightProduct = inverseOfQuat * next,
leftLog = leftProduct.log(),
rightLog = rightProduct.log(),
sum = leftLog + rightLog,
param = -sum / 4.0,
result = current * param.exp();
return result;
Rotation Sequence C'tor:
std::vector<Quaternion> rotations
) {
if (rotations.size() < 4)
throw std::runtime_error("Rotation sequence requires at least four rotations.");
for (Quaternion rotation : rotations)
/* Copy the last position to force the interpolation to behave correctly. */
this->rotations.push_back(rotations[rotations.size() - 1]);
/* Preprocesses the sequence, selectively negating all quaternions. */
for (size_t ui = 1; ui < this->rotations.size(); ui++)
if (this->rotations[ui].dot(this->rotations[ui - 1]) < 0.0)
/* Compute supports for the whole sequence, 0-th and n-th correspond to quaternions 0-th and n-th. */
for (size_t ui = 1; ui <= this->rotations.size()-2; ui++)
this->rotations[ui - 1],
this->rotations[ui + 0],
this->rotations[ui + 1]
supports.push_back(rotations[rotations.size() - 1]);
Quaternion Interpolate(
float t
) {
t = Unit(t);
/* Here, I identify the corresponding rotation by the $t$ factor. */
float progress = float(rotations.size() - 2) * t;
size_t ui = size_t(floor(progress));
t = progress - float(ui);
assert(ui + 0 < rotations.size());
assert(ui + 1 < rotations.size());
return Squad(
rotations[ui + 1],
supports[ui + 1],