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119 votes

How do modern game engines achieve real-time rendering vs Blender's "slow" rendering?

Real-time rendering, even modern real-time rendering, is a grab-bag of tricks, shortcuts, hacks and approximations. Take shadows for example. We still don't have a completely accurate & robust ...
Maximus Minimus's user avatar
114 votes

How do modern game engines achieve real-time rendering vs Blender's "slow" rendering?

The current answer has done a very good job of explaining the general issues involved, but I feel it misses an important technical detail: Blender's "Cycles" render engine is a different type of ...
Pharap's user avatar
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5 votes

Why does the code in Unity affect objects differently?

As usual, the answer to "Why is Unity doing this bizarre thing" is "Unity is doing an entirely normal thing with bizarre data you gave it" In this case, the origin of your flasks in Blender sits far ...
DMGregory's user avatar
  • 136k
5 votes

Animate a 3D boss with some parts that become independant

Remember, just because two things look the same or logically are the same in your game's fiction, does not mean they need to be the same entity in your game's implementation. Here you can have one ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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4 votes

Unity: Import a mesh that only has vertex and edge data but no faces

First of all can I say I've never encountered by total chance someone encountering such an incredibly specific issue that I also encountered, so good job on that, universe. So as you've already ...
Tim R.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Stretched textures in Blender

The issue is bad UV unwrapping from the ngons in your mesh. What you have are vertices in the middle of the corner edge that have unwrapped to be close to the outer corner vertex in the uvmap. This ...
sambler's user avatar
  • 366
3 votes

How can I use Blender-style UVs (and not per-vertex) in OpenGL?

Roughly speaking, you can't. That's just not how GL or the like work. For every unique set of vertex attributes you want, you must duplicate the entire vertex. That said, that's not necessarily what ...
Sean Middleditch's user avatar
3 votes

Emission on part of the mesh

When you set the UVs for your model, make sure the faces which are supposed to have a different material get assigned to different images. When you then import the model into Unity, you will have a ...
Philipp's user avatar
  • 121k
3 votes

How to make a merge animation in Unity?

This is done by covering/swapping the tiles with another set of tiles that will be animated, replacing them on screen, then playing animated tiles in sequence. You will need to prepare animated tiles....
Stephane Hockenhull's user avatar
3 votes

How can I create and load models with additional information?

This is not going to be as easy as you think it would be, because only the Unity Editor can load Blender files. When you import a Blender file, it is converted to Unity's internal format. This is the ...
Philipp's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I shade / model low poly smooth surfaces that come to sharp edges?

You need to set the mesh to smooth, then "cut" the edges that have to be sharp by duplicating them. You need to select the edges you want to make sharper, then hit Ctrl + E and choose the "edge split"...
Bálint's user avatar
  • 15k
3 votes

Strange artifacts in Unity Lightmaps

You have a warning in the next-to-last screenshot which says "This GameObject has overlapping UVs". I also see that you've tried the suggested fix - to check "Generate Lightmap UVs" - but often this, ...
Chaosed0's user avatar
  • 773
3 votes

can't make my unity character move

Animator.deltaPosition Gets the avatar delta position for the last evaluated frame. Animator.applyRootMotion must be enabled for deltaPosition to be calculated.
Mohammad Zamanian's user avatar
3 votes

can't make my unity character move

I have the same problem, I started solving it by removing the last part: m_Animator.deltaPosition.magnitude to some other float that i want and called it speed ...
Muhamad Sharayaa's user avatar
3 votes

Mesh made in Blender is correct in Unity3D as a rendered mesh, but "empty" as a collider?

this is just a guess that I am pulling out. but I see a missing line on the side of your stairs. No line showing up in unity seems like a hint. you can see triangles 012, 234, and 145 because of the ...
Jody Sowald's user avatar
3 votes

Blender rigid body physics animation into Unity?

From this, I can see two solutions. Either you could recreate the effect in Unity, thus negating the problem entirely and leading to potentially cooler results, or you could just fix and export the ...
Dawdle's user avatar
  • 507
3 votes

Is it better to create a scene in blender or in unity?

There's nothing wrong to creating your scene in blender and then importing it to Unity, in fact you can directly import the blender file and get the lighting just as you did in blender, but the way ...
Pikachuxxx's user avatar
3 votes

Exported FBX to Monogame doesn't translate all meshes

I’m not an expert. I only just recently got into modding using Blender. I had a similar issue with a custom model I imported into MonoGame using FXB format. What fixed it for me was downgrading to ...
Dredger's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

UVs Distored When Importing Mesh?

Blender and unreal engine read the meshes in a different way, I don't know the geometry of your object, but sometimes when you have n-gons, sometimes even quads, blender triangulates the mesh in a ...
Raffaele Lungarella's user avatar
2 votes

Best format for model with double UV sets

Both FBX and Collada support multiple UV sets, as does Assimp as noted here: Loads multiple UV and vertex color channels (current limit is 8) However, ...
JonBee's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I make Maya or Blender model work with mecanim?

For the first question, read the documentation on preparing your model for mecanim: Preparing your own character and watch the introduction videos for mecanim on Unity's website Unity Animation ...
Morten's user avatar
  • 616
2 votes

How to import camera from Blender into Unity3D

Blender is a right handed coordinate system but you can export .obj and .fbx with whatever "up" vector you want. Selecting Y+ as your Up vector when you export your .fbx files should result in the ...
Honeybunch's user avatar
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2 votes

What Blender or Unity features do I need to apply to the box to make it a single, rigid unit, like all the edges are nailed together?

If the object contains a single mesh, it will hold together. It sounds like you have used separate meshes to create each side, so by default, they are separate pieces. However, there is a pretty easy ...
Gnemlock's user avatar
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2 votes

How to create OpenGL models like the ones created by blender's wireframe modifier?

You can find blender's code that creates the wireframe mesh here. Effectively you want to create a tube around each edge in the mesh. So if you wanted to use eight edges to make the tube, you would ...
sambler's user avatar
  • 366
2 votes

Import Blender model into Unity with Textures

Remember the steps (sequence should be followed): First Import your texture (copy) in your unity Project Then, Import your model (copy) in you unity project. Remember what the unity official docs (...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
2 votes

Unity: Import a mesh that only has vertex and edge data but no faces

With Tim R.'s help, I implemented a custom importer to address this problem. You can get the code here:
Croolsby's user avatar
  • 231
2 votes

Animation loop finishes in 8 meters at 17 frames, how fast is it going?

Just multiply through: (8 m) / (17 frames) * (24 frames/s) = 192/17 m/s = 11.2941176470588 m/s Or you can enable root motion in your animation to let the ...
DMGregory's user avatar
  • 136k
2 votes

Unity: Texture huge areas with decals

Yes, this can be done with the Unity Standard Shader. Check the section labelled "Secondary Maps" - here you can specify an additional albedo (surface colouration) and normal (bump) texture to layer ...
DMGregory's user avatar
  • 136k
2 votes

Where to start in a project after the design phase?

Well, if you have everything planned out, it think it's fair to say you can work on a proof-of-concept setup. make a test-map and character, and see if you can get most of the basic functionality to ...
Glenn van Acker's user avatar

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