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59 votes

Do real game developers use blueprints, or do they always use C++?

A real game developer is someone who manages to deliver a product. Visual coding is a tool that can be used to achieve that. Some people use Chat GPT, some people use notepad, some people use ...
Zibelas's user avatar
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32 votes

Do real game developers use blueprints, or do they always use C++?

Professional game development teams working in Unreal Engine typically use a mix of blueprint and C++. One good strategy is for a designer to attempt to implement a feature in blueprint, then ask a ...
Russell Borogove's user avatar
25 votes

Do industry professionals building games using UE4 use Blueprints at all, or do they use C++ exclusively?

Yes, professional games use Blueprints. Some use a mix of C++ and Blueprints. We use both on Dead by Daylight. One of the great things about Blueprints is that non-programmers can get access to the ...
Almo's user avatar
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15 votes

What Situations is Saving a Game to Main Memory for?

Sometimes you might want to store your savegame data somewhere else than on the users hard drive. You might offer a cloud save service, for example. In that case you would use ...
Philipp's user avatar
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10 votes

Do industry professionals building games using UE4 use Blueprints at all, or do they use C++ exclusively?

A little anecdote from outside the games industry: We use UE4 for architecture visualization in VR. While I'd rather have most things built in C++, we also use Blueprints heavily for all kinds of "...
Xceno's user avatar
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9 votes

What's the difference between UClass and UObject?

In Unreal Engine the base class used for every reference counted or garbage collected object is UObject. UObject is the base for classes like UActorComponent, AActor, APawn, AGameMode, etc. almost ...
Connor Hollis's user avatar
7 votes

Do real game developers use blueprints, or do they always use C++?

"Real" game developers always use the right tool for the job. Even though it is perfectly possible to produce a professional game using only C++ or only blueprint graphs, most professional ...
Philipp's user avatar
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6 votes

Unreal Engine without Blueprints

I think I am in the same mindset as you are. Yes you can work in 100% C++. My own project is 95% C++ I only use BPs for instantiating stuff (putting actors to the level) but every single BP of mine ...
Coldsteel48's user avatar
5 votes

Do we really need quaternions? In UE4 I rotate without them

Rotating around euler-angles in world-space makes sense as long as you have a concept of a fixed horizon and a fixed "up" and "down" direction (like in a first person shooter). But in some other ...
Philipp's user avatar
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5 votes

Why is Unreal Engine Blueprint Editor so slow?

The poor performance in the widget editor appears to be a bug. However, keep in mind that your system does not meet the recommended specs suggested by Epic for developing using the engine; ...
JonBee's user avatar
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5 votes

Why Godot over Cryengine, UE4, Armory3d or Unity3d?

Although usually questions like "what software is better" are off-topic, because the answer is almost always "try them all, and pick your favourite", I think this one could be an exception so I'll ...
Tom Tsagkatos's user avatar
5 votes

Making a box character in UE4, not a capsule

In C++ you can just destroy the CapsuleCompoennt, however the ACharacter class is intended to use the ...
Coldsteel48's user avatar
5 votes

Performance cost of creating local variables just for 'readability'?

This depends on how good the compiler is at optimizing the code. I'm inclined to say it is good if not very good. However, if you want to be sure, you got to do the experiment. Measure both versions ...
Theraot's user avatar
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5 votes

What exactly is different between a string and an FString in Unreal C++?

FString (and all types that are prefixed with U,F,T etc.)...
Raildex's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does the engine crash when I POST data to a server?

{ and } are not valid URL characters, so your JSON is not URLEncoded. I bet the engine is sending a content type of ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I load and store JSON data in UE Blueprints?

If you don't need to keep the files in .json, you can simply create a "Data Table", Unreal's desireble method for storing static data. Note that "static" is the key word here, since a data table is ...
Bruno Caxito's user avatar
4 votes

IDE cannot find CoreMinimal.h, Unreal Engine 4 course

Add your engine's Public path to your compiler include path, so that the IDE knows where to find UE header files. Where did you install the engine? Ex: ...
brechindo's user avatar
4 votes

Nonsense error in the overlap between 2 warriors and a tower

The error message you're getting is that the game is trying to cast to the tower and failing. The Destroy part of your code is also getting run because of the text on screen says so. You need to ...
Stephen's user avatar
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