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7 votes

"DirectX will only draw polygons with an [X,Y] from [-1,-1] to [1,1] and with a Z from 0 to 1.", What does this mean and how to work around it?

The range [-1 ; 1] x [-1 ; 1] x [0 ; 1] mentioned in the tutorial refers to the canonical view volume. It is the final coordinate space vertex data gets mapped to ...
Jelle van Campen's user avatar
5 votes

When importing Mixamo animated characters into Unity, they come without avatar?

I experienced this problem as well but since no one actually answered the question I'll say what I did to solve it. You are correct that it seems to be a version issue, I fixed it by simply making a ...
TheReconJacob's user avatar
3 votes

What is the use of FBX files in Unity?

FBX is indeed a file format for 3d models. Besides mesh data and materials it can also contain an animation rig and animation sequences for that rig. However, the models from this asset pack do not ...
Philipp's user avatar
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3 votes

Exported FBX to Monogame doesn't translate all meshes

I’m not an expert. I only just recently got into modding using Blender. I had a similar issue with a custom model I imported into MonoGame using FXB format. What fixed it for me was downgrading to ...
Dredger's user avatar
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3 votes

Blender rigid body physics animation into Unity?

From this, I can see two solutions. Either you could recreate the effect in Unity, thus negating the problem entirely and leading to potentially cooler results, or you could just fix and export the ...
Dawdle's user avatar
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3 votes

Can't change materials of model from FBX

Inside the import settings inspector for your model, change from "Use Embedded Materials" to "Use External Materials (Legacy)". You will then have a Materials Folder to modify.
Fred Ip's user avatar
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2 votes

Keep the prefab connection with FBX

The way I do it is outside Unity. I use the operating system's file explorer to overwrite the FBX file with the new version, then I go back to Unity, which should keep all prefabs that wrap the model ...
Steak Overflow's user avatar
2 votes

Can we merge multiple FBX files, using Maya, and export as a single FBX file?

Merging multiple FBX files is actually fairly easy. You first need to bring all of the FBX files into Maya. As I have found out, this is fairly simple. Just open an empty scene, and drag and drop the ...
Gnemlock's user avatar
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2 votes

Convert the animation inside FBX into Unity

Allright, its a kind of a workaround but here is how it works: 1. If your Animation inside the FBX is a Humanoid (Avatar/Mecanim..) Animation you have to convert it into a Legacy animation first. ...
OC_RaizW's user avatar
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2 votes

Blendshapes in Unity vs Blender

Alright, I was able to answer my own issue. The root cause had to do with Blender using quads as opposed to tris. The way I morphed the mesh for the blendshape did not allow for very good quad->...
Jesse Williams's user avatar
2 votes

What is the use of FBX files in Unity?

The use of FBX files in Unity is the same as the use of FBX files anywhere else. Searching for FBX leads you to sites like this one that explain it in detail: The Autodesk FBX file format is a ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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2 votes

Blender rigid body physics animation into Unity?

What solved the problem for me was: select all the parts then Object->Rigid Body->Bake to KeyFrames. Export as FBX with Animation option selected and selected objects. The parts will be ...
Delcasda's user avatar
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2 votes

Merging multiple FBX files into a single gltf

In blender it's fairly easy. If you have two identical armatures, and a certain animation is only associated with one of them, like so: You can just go to Dope Sheet -> Action Editor and, with ...
PepeOjeda's user avatar
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2 votes

I have imported a FBX model. It has predefined Transform values in Imported Object setting in the Inspector. How can I change those transform values?

I tried to find the Freeze Transforms option but could not find it. I imported the fbx objects to Blender and just re-exported them. It looks like the transform values corrected but all the materials ...
sdo's user avatar
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1 vote

Blender export to unity via FBX: correct rotation

I use these settings in Blender and Unity, respectively: In blender, you should change the "forward" to be whichever direction you are actually using as forward, of course.
PepeOjeda's user avatar
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1 vote

contentexporter FBX->SDKMESH warning and bad output

The DirectX Tool Kit ContentExporter tool does not support skinned FBX models, in other words models containing skeletal animation. You will need the FBX SDK or Assimp in your workflow pipeline to ...
Maico De Blasio's user avatar
1 vote

Objects lose their individual positions and rotations when imported from FBX using Assimp

Thank DMGregory for the magic of aiProcess_PreTransformVertices!!!!!!! ...
potter john's user avatar
1 vote

Libgdx fbx converter doesn't write meshes to g3dj file

Silly me, IT says the error right on the terminal skipping geometry without materials Just add a material to the model. Seems blender previous versións of ...
Jose Lopez's user avatar
1 vote

I imported both the rig and baked animation seperatly from Maya, but it's not working correctly

I have solved the problem. The issue was the binded rig/model itself. Every time I exported it as FBX in Maya, it unbinds the mesh and skeleton. That was why the animation was not properly working in ...
john smith's user avatar
1 vote

Smooth shading in Unity

Read the error message at the bottom. You forgot to add Albedo UVs.
DubGamer87's user avatar
1 vote

Can't change materials of model from FBX

I can't change default material directly, however I can make a new material and use instead, I can edit them from inspector. Or I can remap the material or for legacy support, Unity also have ...
modernator's user avatar
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1 vote

Set FBX creator while exporting using FBX SDK

Try this code as your baseline, which is from Unreal Engine in the file of UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\Fbx\FbxMainExport.cpp ...
elecfrog's user avatar
1 vote

Load FBX material data

It seems materials can be obtained from the node by FbxNode::GetMaterial(int pIndex) and ...
Pharap's user avatar
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1 vote

Fbx SDK Importer issue (texture / uv related)

The solution was to split the vertices.
Joey Muiser's user avatar
1 vote

FBX SDK Colors problem

Beside the potentially wrong color you are seeing, it really looks like you also have normal issue witht the way I see the gradient being done on the triangle. I had something similar happening to me ...
mchiasson's user avatar
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