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Questions tagged [shoot-em-up]

A genre of action game typically involving the player controlling an entity which must shoot down waves upon waves of incoming enemies that come into the field. Most easily distinguished from first/third person shooters by the presence of a 2D playing field.

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1 answer

Why won't my bullets shoot?

I am making a top-down shooter in Unity (following a Brackeys tutorial for the top-down shooting mechanic). When I press the left mouse button a bullet prefab spawns, as it should, however there is no ...
John Hughes's user avatar
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Shot em up! Vertical or Horizontal "side scrolling"?

Question it’s about "Shot em up" style game (For example: Tyrian) also known as Top-Down shooters. These games in the past mostly exist as top down concept, it means player object can move ...
streng's user avatar
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Unity C#: Accurate MachineGun Firerate at lower FPS

I have long accepted that my firerate will be more or less irregular and inaccurate. Now that I'm adding sound things are getting really ugly. My methods for getting the firerate are primitive and I ...
AzulShiva's user avatar
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3 answers

How/whether to pool bullets for a shmup in Unity?

I'm working on my first Unity project, which (maybe naively) I decided to make a shmup. I've been doing a lot of reading about Unity, and about object pools, and about using components to control ...
StrixVaria's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I generate infinite boundary walls in PICO-8?

I have drawn one tile and I would like to use it in a very small shoot'em'up I am writing for fun and learning. My aim would be to build something like Xenon 2 (vertical scrolling, a spaceship ...
Pitto's user avatar
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How to store level data in a libgdx game if implementing ECS pattern

I am writing a beat'em up like game in Libgdx while following the ECS pattern brought up by ashley. For setting up the stage, I am using TileMap and Tiled. An object layer for collisions, and a tile ...
sonirico's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get a turret to shoot at player in a shmup

I'm developing a basic vertical shoot em up on the DS and am trying to get stationary turrets to shoot at the player in a shoot em up. Early on I simply had them shooting in fixed 8 directions N, S, E ...
Skywarp's user avatar
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3 answers

Simple way to shoot bullets from a ship at angles for shoot em up

Just like the title says. I'm working on a shoot em up for a personal project, and I can't seem to get this to work. I don't have any code for it, but I do have the code to make my ship shoot, but ...
Martin's user avatar
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1 answer

Shmup Unity, create an enemy spread shot to the player

Following this lecture: , i created a bullet that shoot from the enemy directly to the player, in a straight line. Now i want to create 3 ...
fracedo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

SHMUP: who's in charge of collision detection? [duplicate]

Simple design question here: In a Shoot'Em Up, where you often have to deal with hundreds of bullets / missiles / weird flying stuff, who's in charge of detecting collisions? The weapon or the ship? ...
lvictorino's user avatar
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1 answer

How to design enemies pattern in non-bullet-hell shmups in Unity? [closed]

I am making a top down shooter. Enemies will come in waves and attack in many different patterns (i.e. wave of 10 enemies flying in a elliptic curves, or a huge boss floating and shooting at you, etc....
g8minhquan's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How do I write a wave-spawning system for a shoot-em-up?

I recently played Knightmare Tower and was amazed by the way how different monsters are beign spawned. I'm aware of time-based and count-based spawing systems in shoot-em-ups. Count-based systems ...
Vlad's user avatar
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4 answers

Twin stick shooting with keyboard

In a top down shooting game, what alternatives are there for input if I want the direction of movement to be independent from the direction I'm shooting at? I'd like to avoid shooting with the mouse ...
Martin Epsz's user avatar
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2 answers

android 2d bullet-spawn (shooting)

This will be a quick question since Im pretty sure I'm overlooking something small that I for some reason cant see. My sprite is moved using a joystick, and I want my sprite to be able to shoot. I've ...
Green_qaue's user avatar
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What are the maths behind 'Raiden 2' purple laser?

The path of the laser is affected by user input and enemies present on the screen. Here is a video, at 5:00 minutes the laser in question is shown : Raiden II (PS) - 1 Loop Clear - Part 2 UPDATE ...
aybe's user avatar
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3 answers

AI algorithm for avoiding bullets in a shoot-em-up game

I am working on a shoot-up-game in XNA, it is going to be my final project in school. I was thinking of utilizing the minimax algorithm for AI agents for making tactics. However, I realized that the ...
ser7ach's user avatar
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0 answers

Any way to optimize testing each bullet for each enemy in shoot em' ups? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there a way to increase the collision check efficiency of a system of n objects? Lately I have been making a shoot em' up, and for collision detection I would use ...
SourceTurtle's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How should I manage level progression?

In my code, I just have a Level class right now in the main game loop that just blits a background and spawns some enemies for testing purposes...But I can't figure out how to go about implementing ...
Adam's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How to implement an intelligent enemy in a shoot-em-up?

Imagine a very simple shoot-em-up, something we all know: You're the player (green). Your movement is restricted to the X axis. Our enemy (or enemies) is at the ...
bummzack's user avatar
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How to write AI bots that can autoplay a shoot 'em up game?

In a shoot 'em up game I want to have AI bots that can take up the player's slot and play the game (such as in this video). However they should come with different flavors (varying competency and ...
Dan7's user avatar
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1 answer

Looping 3D environment in shmups

So I was watching Ikaruga: And then raystorm: After looking at their 3D backgrounds for a little bit, it appears ...
kamziro's user avatar
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3 answers

What's the best control scheme for an arena shooter on a touchscreen phone? [closed]

I am developing Android an game. It's going to be a top-down shooter with stealth features. I am now thinking about how to the make controls. Most top-down games are now twin stick (joystick on the ...
davidv's user avatar
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3 answers

How to store a shmup level?

I am developing a 2D shmup (i.e. Aero Fighters) and I was wondering what are the various ways to store a level. Assuming that enemies are defined in their own xml file, how would you define when an ...
pek's user avatar
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2 answers

How to manage enemy movement and shoot in a shmup?

I'm wondering what is the best (or at least a good) way of managing enemies in a shoot-em-up. Basically, what I'd do would be a class that manages displaying and updating positions of all the enemies....
teh internets is mad of catz's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Optimal touch controls for a twin-stick shoot 'em up?

So we recently launched a shoot 'em up arcade-type game (think Smash TV or I Made a Game with Zombies in It!). You can move in one direction and fire in another, so the ideal control scheme is ...
richtaur's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Is there a gold standard for touch controls in scrolling shoot-em-ups?

Is there currently a "standard" for touch controls in shooters on platforms such as iPhone or Android? I've noticed that many of them enable auto-fire by default, or control the character via direct ...
James's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Enemy evolution in shoot-em-ups

Are there any shoot-em-ups in which the enemies actually evolve as a response to their relative success against the player? By evolve, I mean that each enemy has some genetic information encoding ...
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
20 votes
6 answers

Enemy Spawning method in a Top-Down Shooter

I'm working on a top-down shooter akin to DoDonPachi, Ikaruga, etc. The camera movement through the world is handled automatically with the player able to move inside of the camera's visible region. ...
Chris Waters's user avatar