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Questions tagged [pico-8]

PICO-8 is a fantasy programmable game console for making, sharing, and playing tiny games and other computer programs (cartridges, or "carts"). The console provides simple built-in tools for creating your own cartridges. Game code is written in a slightly modified version of Lua. PICO-8 is a commercial product, developed by Lexaloffle Games.

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When did the Z - X buttons became standard?

I like platformers and I usually play them on a keyboard. For a while in the early 2010s, there wasn't quite a standard between my platforming keyboard controls. and my settings varied between a ...
Steven's user avatar
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How to program the tunnels in a Dig Dug demake?

I'm trying to remake Dig Dug and am struggling when it comes to how to make the tunnels. I'm actually attempting to demake it on Pico8. I'm relatively new to Pico8 but not new to game development. I'm ...
Cyndi Ellis's user avatar
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Applying quadratics to velocity based player movement

In a speed based system where player.x and player.y +=1 when a button is pressed, a 3pt quadratic can be calculated via ...
kite's user avatar
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Find the smallest angle to turn between two angles in range 0..1

I have a function for approaching a value to a target by a certain amount: ...
eguneys's user avatar
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How to make a snake game where each snake tile follows it's connected tile

I want to make a basic snake game. It has a head and a series of tails that occupy a tile in a grid. The first tail in the series is adjacent to the head. and each tail that comes after is adjacent to ...
eguneys's user avatar
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Upside down ground correction?

How would you go about making ground correction for a platformer but upside down(reversed gravity)? I used this formula: P.Y+=(P.Y-2)%8-1 but the character just ...
Alex Sandor's user avatar
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How to leave trails that are equidistant apart from each other

I want bunch of circles to follow the player while keeping a distance apart. So far I have this: ...
eguneys's user avatar
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how to display current time as a static value in lua/pico8

Pico8 has a function time() that when called displays the current time from start of program. i.e. print(time(),0,0,14) --prints time at (0,0) with colour 14 However the function doesn't stop and ...
kite's user avatar
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var=time() vs time()=var pico8/lua

time() is a preset function in pico8 gameengine. I don't understand whatsoever why I get an error when I write: time() = var But it's fine if I write (where var is any variable) var = time() What ...
kite's user avatar
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Confused why draw code is clearing, pico-8 api demo

In the API demo when they do the example of how to draw a colour pallette at the top of the screen: I notice the commands don't work when used inside the draw function. When used inside of draw they ...
kite's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I generate infinite boundary walls in PICO-8?

I have drawn one tile and I would like to use it in a very small shoot'em'up I am writing for fun and learning. My aim would be to build something like Xenon 2 (vertical scrolling, a spaceship ...
Pitto's user avatar
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Imitate a textured sphere in 2D

I'm writing planet generator, using pico8. I got surface generation done: And the last thing to do is to map the texture onto a sphere. Pico8 has no triangle function. So my question is, how do I ...
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