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Questions tagged [ogre]

Ogre3D ( is a multi-platform, open-source 3D rendering engine.

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what are texcoord tags in mesh.xml file in Ogrexml format?

I exported a 3d model from blender 2.79 and using ogrexml import/export plugin. but the texture will crash and UV map not working in that format. I made the model by four parts head-body-hands-shoes ...
RayanFar's user avatar
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How to update a dynamic texture

I'm using Ogre 1.10, I have a dynamic texture assigned to a material that I need to update its buffer with a new image every few seconds. How can I transfer pixel data from an image to my dynamic ...
EzeEst's user avatar
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GLSL shader time uniform freezed?

I have a simple fragment shader to simulate "falling water". I'm using Ogre3D and opengles2, this is my code: ...
EzeEst's user avatar
  • 83
2 votes
1 answer

Texture being rendered to main frame buffer?

I'm using Ogre 1.10.12 (openglES2 as render system) to create a manual texture like this: ...
EzeEst's user avatar
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2 answers

Optimize polygons renderization

I'm developing a game (in Ogre3D) that, in short, consist in a vehicle that moves along a terrain and leaves a colored trail behind it. The trails are basically quads (a), these quads changes their ...
EzeEst's user avatar
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Ogre Render Lines completely wrong

I'm trying to render line list using indices of triangles as follow ...
andre ahmed's user avatar
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Ogre3d 2.1 - How to apply texture on mesh?

I have searched forums and tried to read the Ogre 2.1 samples, but I still have no clue how to apply texture on mesh :( Here what I've done so far. I use Easy Ogre Exporter to export the scene (...
123iamking's user avatar
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Strange gpu glitch

I've recently tried to run my game in a new hardware (arm a17 processor, Mali-T760) and the result is quite bad, as you can see in the images below seems that the polygon's coordinates are clamped to ...
EzeEst's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the difference between Camera::getPosition() and Camera::getPositionForViewUpdate()?

In Ogre3d, what's the difference between methods Camera::getPosition() and Camera::getPositionForViewUpdate(), official ...
EzeEst's user avatar
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Integrating ogre3d with hololens

I would like to integrate ogre3d with directx and c++ using hololens. is it that possible to do so ? what are the steps to convert the rendering engine, what's rendered to the frame buffer to the ...
andre ahmed's user avatar
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I have problems for export from Blender to Ogre3D

I don't speak good english, but I will try.. I need to make a game for my University. Exists lot of models in blendswap but, I have problem for export. Many of these models have extra objects, such ...
Strelok's user avatar
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Making world geometry with Ogre3d

In Ogre3d's manual and in the documentation it's said that Ogre::Mesh shouldn't be used for world geometry. Quoting the manual: Mesh objects are assumed to represent movable objects and are not ...
Narrateur du chaos's user avatar
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get value from UniformParameterPtr in Ogre

I have a variable of type UniformParameterPtr decalared by Ogre and I want to get its value. What is the right way to this? I ...
arii's user avatar
  • 27
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2 answers

Overlap color between objects

I'm currently trying to build a game with Ogre3D that is basically a moving vehicle that leaves a green trail (2D manual mesh) in it's path, what i'm trying to achieve is exactly what this image shows:...
EzeEst's user avatar
  • 83
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Trouble in 3DS MAX 2016 exported ogre.mesh file refering the correct .material

Actually we have some trouble in exporting ogre mesh + material files correctly from 3dsmax. We are using "Easy Ogre Exporter V 2.40" for the export to ogre format. And actually just testing its ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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Is Mogre (essentially Ogre, but C#) dead? If so what would be a viable alternative to it? [closed]

I've been looking around for a 3D engine where I can use C# to replace Unity lately, but haven't really come up with much. Ogre looked promising, but it wasn't C# however Mogre is. Sadly looks like it ...
Sie's user avatar
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Could not load dynamic library .\RenderSystem_GL_d. System Error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application [closed]

I am using OGRE 1.8.1 SDK for Visual C++ 2010 (32-bit) from and Ogre_VC10_Express_AppWizard_1.8.0.exe downloaded from ...
wazza's user avatar
  • 131
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How can i apply texture to cylinders created using Ogre Procedural Geometry Library?

I am using Procedural::CatmullRomSpline3 to create cylinders between 3 control points, now instead of solid cylinders i need to create dashed/ dotted cylinders so is there a direct way to do so or ...
wazza's user avatar
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Application is crashing with Ogre::ItemIdentityException

I am new to OGRE and i am trying to create a 3D line using following tutorial: and application is crashing with following exception Ogre::ItemIdentityException.
wazza's user avatar
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What is a simple way to pull input from a keyboard and attach it to a std::string?

The question says it all to be honest. I have a game that I am making in Ogre3D, using OIS as the main input library. My issue is that I am attempting to use CEGUI (with tons of errors) all to simply ...
Molma's user avatar
  • 11
2 votes
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In Ogre, how to get the depth buffer value?

I am rendering an object to a texture using the following setup code which I copied from Ogre's rendering to texture tutorial: ...
shapeare's user avatar
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22 votes
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How can I get PagedGeometry grass to receive shadows?

I made the switch to Ogre3D (v1.7) and to using PagedGeometry. What I'm trying to do is make a simple scene with a terrain, some trees and grass. In a nutshell, I would like to achieve this kind of ...
scottyp's user avatar
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Can't sample texture in HLSL using DX11

Environment: Windows 7 x64 Visual Studo 2012 DirextX11 HLSL Shader Model 5 Ogre 1.9 Okay, so I'm trying to sample a texture in my pixel shader but I'm coming across some strange problems. Here's ...
Rojuinex's user avatar
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How to fix this existing shadow shader/material with alpha textures?

I hope I could get some help here in finally resolving this problem of mine re: shadow casting with alpha textures. Here's a screenshot on what I am hoping for as a result: A friend of mine just ...
scottyp's user avatar
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Blender wont export textures (materials) to OGRE3D .mesh

i am exporting a model from BLENDER to OGRE3D using the blender2ogre script. the desigre output is a single ...
orthehelper's user avatar
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What is Ogre::String?

I was working with the OGRE .NET bindings (MOGRE) for quite a long time. To improve my (not that good) C++ skills, I am switching from C# to C++. After implementing a basic OGRE application, I was ...
einherjer's user avatar
4 votes
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glsl shader to allow color change of skydome ogre3d

I'm still very new to all this but learning a lot. I'm putting together an application using Ogre3d as the rendering engine. So far I've got it running, with a simple scene, a day/night cycle system ...
Tim's user avatar
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How to create a sun billboard with Ogre3d

I've been working with a few different engines alongside trying to code my own project. Rather than rewrite an entire renderer, etc I am using Ogre3d. To begin with I am trying to implement a very ...
Tim's user avatar
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Draw character silhouette when not visible

I have a mesh representing my character. I want to give it a partially transparent greyish silhouette when other objects are blocking it from view of the camera. I'm using Ogre3D, and GLSL as a ...
Pacha's user avatar
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2 answers

Spherical / Relative Gravity

I'm working on an Ogre3D + Bullet project that involves planets in a solar system. For all intents and purposes, I'm looking to give each planet it's own gravity sphere. So far, all I've found are ...
Phillip Elm's user avatar
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Wrong UV mapping when using small textures and positions

I am using a really small texture (64x64) and when I use it as a UV map on my mesh, there are some incomplete lines from the color of the other side of the UV map rendered as well (in this case, white....
Pacha's user avatar
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Why is there high performance hit with many meshes?

I am currently reading upon Geometry Instancing, as I want to render a lot of animatable objects on the screen. However I have come to a more fundamental question first: Why do I even need to use it? ...
skiwi's user avatar
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2 answers

General visual effects to meshes/entities

I am trying to add some visual effects to some entities, meshes, or whatever you want to call them as they are looking pretty dull in my game right now. What I want to achieve is this: http://youtu....
Pacha's user avatar
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Shadows go through meshes, and also being applied to itself

I am using Ogre3D and I am using stencil shadows for my character. They work pretty well, but I have 2 problems: first, the shadow is applied to the entity it is casting the shadow, and secondly, the ...
Pacha's user avatar
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Continuous world and very large levels: going around the FPU limitations with Ogre3D

I'm currently using Ogre3D, and I'm wondering is it's possible to have a very large level (hundreds of kilometers) using the right scenemanager. Storing or having the level is not a problem, since I ...
jokoon's user avatar
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Edges drop out when rendered at a long distance

I have this weird effect when rendering small objects at a long distance. I already tried using anisotropic filtering but maybe I am not doing it right. Material script: ...
Pacha's user avatar
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How do I create a manual object with colors for each vertex?

How do I create a shaded manual object with colours for each vertex? Eg if ogreObj is the Ogre::ManualObject : ...
UberLambda's user avatar
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Variable sized cube texture stretching problem

I have a 1x1x1 cube made in Blender with a simple UVW mapping. It represents a 3D platform of variable size. The thing is that this cube gets resized a lot, and I want to draw a "border" of a fixed-...
Pacha's user avatar
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2 answers

Draw wireframe overlay of model in GLSL

I have a 3D model that has a GLSL script, and I want to draw a line on each border of its polygons in the fragment shader. What should I do? Note: I am using Ogre3D, so I can't use OpenGL's functions....
Pacha's user avatar
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2D vector to Quaternion

I have a 2D vector (with only X and Y), and my engine only supports orientation through Quaternions. How do I translate a 2D vector to a quaternion? The X and Y represent the direction (so X = 0 ...
Pacha's user avatar
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Entity system game design and input handler

I have started create a lightweight game engine with Ogre and C++. I have a abstract component class and an abstract entity class. ...
Dominik2000's user avatar
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How to set the object's world position in bullet?

In my Ogre3d application I am first changing the parent of a node like this: ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Stick 2 btRigidBodies together

I have a platform with btBoxShape as shape, and I want to rotate it every certain amount of time to simulate a rotating platform. Right now I rotate it with Ogre (my rendering engine) and use a ...
Pacha's user avatar
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Detect when a bullet rigidbody is on ground

I have a rigidbody that is on top of a plane or another rigidbody. How do I check if said rigidbody is on top of it? I tried to check the Y-part of the velocity but it is never 0, it is always a ...
Pacha's user avatar
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3 answers

How to check whether a ray cast hits a specific side of an object?

I am using Ogre3d to develop a 3d simulation/game. One task is to determine whether the user has focused the camera on a specific object. So I cast a ray from the camera to what is currently in the ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Quaternion to direction vector - flipping

I've kinda solved this myself by adapting the Camera::setDirection code from OGRE to work for my need: Now I have the following code: ...
Ilija Boshkov's user avatar
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Projecting world coordinates to screen coordinates issue - points disappear when origin not in view

I am trying to implement a 2d line drawing effect on a 3d mesh using Ogre. In order to do so, I perform silhouette detection on the lines of the object (this works) and then project these lines from ...
user2498191's user avatar
7 votes
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How can I debug _why_ glDrawArrays is very slow?

I'm working on a game that uses CEGUI and Ogre. Recently, we've discovered that some of our customers with GeForce4 MX 4000's, performance is terrible. After a night spent debugging, I've tracked ...
ArtHare's user avatar
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How to pass depth buffer from OGRE to CUDA?

I am using OGRE for rendering some objects. At every frame, I would like to pass the resulting depth buffer to CUDA for running some kernels on it and computing a result. How can I achieve this? How ...
Ashwin Nanjappa's user avatar
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Game state management?

I'm running in circles here trying to figure out how to implement game states! Many of the articles I have read use an abstract class that game states inherit, and another "manager" class that ...
Alex S's user avatar
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