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2 answers

Detect when a bullet rigidbody is on ground

I have a rigidbody that is on top of a plane or another rigidbody. How do I check if said rigidbody is on top of it? I tried to check the Y-part of the velocity but it is never 0, it is always a ...
Pacha's user avatar
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Jump without bouncing in physics engine

I am using Ogre3D as my rendering API, and OgreBullet as my physics engine. I have an test entity that when the y part of the velocity is 0 and spacebar is pressed, the velocity changes to, lets say: ...
Pacha's user avatar
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How to calculate collision normal between two AxisAlignedBox's?

I'm writing a physics simulation in Ogre3D and I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the collision normal between two Ogre::AxisAlignedBox's. I am checking for collisions using the "intersects" ...
Sean Chapman's user avatar
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Newton Game Dynamics: Making an object not affect another object

I'm going to be using Newton in my networked action game with Mogre. There will be two "types" of physics object: global and local. Global objects will be kept in sync for everybody; these include ...
jmegaffin's user avatar
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How do you stop OgreBullet Capsule from falling over?

I've just started implementing bullet into my Ogre project. I followed the install instructions here: And the rest if the tutorial here: http://...
Nathan's user avatar
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Best 3D Physics Engine to use with Ogre [closed]

I am looking for a good physics engine to use with an Ogre game I'm writing. I would prefer for it to be free, open source, mature, simple to use, easy to learn, and flexible. I'm currently thinking ...
slartibartfast's user avatar