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Making world geometry with Ogre3d

In Ogre3d's manual and in the documentation it's said that Ogre::Mesh shouldn't be used for world geometry. Quoting the manual: Mesh objects are assumed to represent movable objects and are not ...
Narrateur du chaos's user avatar
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Overlap color between objects

I'm currently trying to build a game with Ogre3D that is basically a moving vehicle that leaves a green trail (2D manual mesh) in it's path, what i'm trying to achieve is exactly what this image shows:...
EzeEst's user avatar
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Why is there high performance hit with many meshes?

I am currently reading upon Geometry Instancing, as I want to render a lot of animatable objects on the screen. However I have come to a more fundamental question first: Why do I even need to use it? ...
skiwi's user avatar
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How to calculate collision normal between two AxisAlignedBox's?

I'm writing a physics simulation in Ogre3D and I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the collision normal between two Ogre::AxisAlignedBox's. I am checking for collisions using the "intersects" ...
Sean Chapman's user avatar