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Draw character silhouette when not visible

I have a mesh representing my character. I want to give it a partially transparent greyish silhouette when other objects are blocking it from view of the camera. I'm using Ogre3D, and GLSL as a ...
Pacha's user avatar
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Why is there high performance hit with many meshes?

I am currently reading upon Geometry Instancing, as I want to render a lot of animatable objects on the screen. However I have come to a more fundamental question first: Why do I even need to use it? ...
skiwi's user avatar
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General visual effects to meshes/entities

I am trying to add some visual effects to some entities, meshes, or whatever you want to call them as they are looking pretty dull in my game right now. What I want to achieve is this: http://youtu....
Pacha's user avatar
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Edges drop out when rendered at a long distance

I have this weird effect when rendering small objects at a long distance. I already tried using anisotropic filtering but maybe I am not doing it right. Material script: ...
Pacha's user avatar
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Variable sized cube texture stretching problem

I have a 1x1x1 cube made in Blender with a simple UVW mapping. It represents a 3D platform of variable size. The thing is that this cube gets resized a lot, and I want to draw a "border" of a fixed-...
Pacha's user avatar
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Jump without bouncing in physics engine

I am using Ogre3D as my rendering API, and OgreBullet as my physics engine. I have an test entity that when the y part of the velocity is 0 and spacebar is pressed, the velocity changes to, lets say: ...
Pacha's user avatar
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Need help with a complex 3d scene (using Ogre and bullet)

In my setup there is a box with a hole on one side, and a freely movable "stick" (or bar, tube). This stick can be inserted/moved through the hole into the box. This hole is exactly as wide as the ...
Matthias's user avatar
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-4 votes
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How to make NPC AI for my jme3 ninja game

My scene has a main character who is a ninja and an enemy which is a goblin and one monster but the monster has no animation so we can wait with him: How can I make the goblin actually move instead ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
-3 votes
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Which models and scene to use for a dungeon game? [closed]

I use jme3 with some builtin models and scenes and I've managed to put together a third person 3D scene. I now want to program some attack and/or fights and I think that skeleton warriors and/or ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
0 votes
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Split vector vs matrix notation for transformation

Some rendering engines like Ogre prefer to use a individual vector based notation for transformations like the following Split vector notation: Net Transformation is represented by Scale vector = sx, ...
seahorse's user avatar
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Ogre 3D Visibility Advice

I would like an advice about some real-time rendering optimization. I'm rendering a BSP level, by only using the mesh, textures, entities, and lightmaps, not using VIS at all. I'm trying to make my ...
Axel Isouard's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Linux OgreXML model viewer

Is there an OgreXML model viewer for Linux? I know about OgreMax but apparently that's Windows only.
Bart van Heukelom's user avatar
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4 answers

When learning, nothing is better than practice [closed]

A little introduction: I'm 25, and going to this private french school, CreaJeux, which begins in october. I will be learning mostly game programming, something I wanted to do a long time ago, since ...
jokoon's user avatar
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