Questions tagged [irrlicht]

The Irrlicht Engine is an easy to use, cross-platform graphics engine programmed in C++. It supports two hardware accelerated render engines (OpenGL and DirectX), many asset file formats and both GLSL and HLSL shaders.

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Irrlicht Code::Blocks project fails to build on Linux machine

After downloading the latest Irrlicht version (1.8.4) and setting it to compile for Linux machines, I decided to try it out in Code::Blocks IDE. The build failed. ...
Marino's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Bullet Physics Invalid Pointer on Free

I'm writing a game engine in C++ with Irrlicht and Bullet Physics. All of my Irrlicht code works perfectly, but upon creating Bullet Physics objects with new, and later freeing them, my program throws ...
lilcutthroat's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Bullet Physics Step Simulation Crash when maxSubSteps is not 0

I am using Bullet physics along with Irrlicht. My program consistently crashes when maxSubSteps is not set to zero when calling ...
lilcutthroat's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What to do with collision detection?

I am able to get collision detection (CD) into my game but... what do I do with it? Do I push the player back to the last location? Something else? I am programming the game in C++ using the Irrlicht ...
detection's user avatar
3 votes
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Problem with rendering in my game when using a following camera

I've got an issue while rendering 2d images with my own simple 2D camera object. First my setup: a star initial position 0,0 a planet circles the star initial position 300, 300, moves at a radius of ...
user743414's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I turn an open world into a fixed-size array?

I am developing a little game, where I need an A* path-finding algorithm for enemies who follow the player. I have already learned and tested a path-finding algorithm, but it only works with fixed-...
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2 answers

Irrlicht engine game wont compile on linux. Undefined refrences(opengl and xfree)

I'm trying to port over my game I'm developing to Linux. But when i compile i get a lot of undefined references to mostly functions that look like they belong to OpenGL. Most are titled gl... But one ...
GameHog's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to use Irrlicht game engine in cygwin?

How can I develop a game with Irrlicht game engine in a cygwin environment? I tried google, but honestly I didn't find any useful tutorials about setting that game engine in cygwin. Thanks, Ehsan.
Ehsan's user avatar
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error: ‘struct RakNet::SocketDescriptor’ has no member named ‘socketFamily’| [closed]

when i run my client code i get this error i using code::blocks and im linux system in the tutorial that i follow the code working without any errors my includes files in the project ...
Mohamed Elsharkawey's user avatar
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1 answer

Irrlicht app: Creating STL exception leads to segfault

I'm developing application with C++ language and Irrlicht engine. When I add std::runtime_error("err") expression into my code, I got segmentation fault at ...
makrusan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Problem with textures using DirectX file format in Irrlicht

I'm using Irrlicht 1.8.1, and Blender 2.71 to create my animations. I've just create a simple cube, added a default material to it, and i've mapped a texture to it using UV unwrap, all that in Blender....
Irrmich's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to convert OpenCV camera capture to Irrlicht texture without killing fps?

I am looking to include images captured from the users webcam into my application so I've been looking into using OpenCV to capture from the webcam and then render it in Irrlicht. I've created a basic ...
Tim's user avatar
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2 answers

irrlicht: drawing two textures with draw2dImage issue

Im just starting out with irrlicht (and c++) for 2d development and I followed the 2d tutorial, so I am able to draw a 2d texture on the screen (With draw2DImage) this seems to work fine. So I made a ...
Marciano's user avatar
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Error compiling irrlicht android using ndk in Mac

I'm new to irrlicht and I have started with irrlicht android port. I have made the following changes to file: ...
user39243's user avatar
-1 votes
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Irrlicht mouse input

I am trying to make a chess game at this moment, using Irrlicht. It will be a 3D Chess game but apart from most chess games it has one special quality: Free movement of the camera. The Chess game ...
user1640736's user avatar
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Irrlicht rendering basic OBJ

I have been trying to render a "room" with some basic functions and I found some "bugs". So at first I have made a "room" out of 6 planes in blender and gave each of them a diffrent color. ...
user1640736's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I convert screen coordinates to world coordinates on the floor (when the y component = 0)?

I am using the Irrlicht Engine and would like to convert the coordinates of the mouse on the screen to the floor of my world. I am currently trying to use ...
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Managing many draw calls for dynamic objects

We are developing a game (cross-platform) using Irrlicht. The game has many (around 200 - 500) dynamic objects flying around during the game. Most of these objects are static mesh and build from 20 - ...
codetiger's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

UIView with IrrlichtScene [closed]

i have a UIViewController in a Storyboard and want to draw a IrrlichtScene in this View Controller. My Code: WWSViewController.h ...
regetskcob's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Optimized rendering of a cube mesh world

I want to render a cube-mesh (a.k.a. Minecraft-style) world. If I render each existing cube it will eat up FPS pretty quickly. How can I optimize it? I understand that the point is to not render ...
Tamás Szelei's user avatar
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Finding the endpoint of a named bone in Irrlicht

I'm making a tank game that will have multiple tanks. I want to be able to define the weapon placements using bones that I can add right inside the modelling program (Blender to be exact). All tanks ...
jmegaffin's user avatar
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Linker error while trying to extend and recompile irrlicht

I am trying to create a custom IGUIElement in irrlicht, for that I have included the sources from irrlicht and extended the CIGUIStatictext class. Now whenever I ...
angryInsomniac's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Play .mp4 videos using Irrlicht

In the game I'm making, I'll sometimes need to play videos of the .mp4 format. Does Irrlicht support .mp4 playback? And if so, can anyone recommend a good tutorial on doing so?
fracedo's user avatar
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5 answers

How to make the game run at 60 FPS in Irrlicht?

I want my game run at 60 fps, but I don't know where to start, I have the simple loop: while(device->run()){ How do I lock the frame rate to 60 FPS?
fracedo's user avatar
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Which toolkit to use for 3D MMO game development? [closed]

Lately i've been thinking about which path to follow for developing an 3D Online game. I have googled a lot but i couldnt find a good article that covers both game development and online server & ...
Max Abrahamsson's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting errors while compiling Irrlicht for Android

I was trying to compile the Irrlicht port for Android but I continue getting errors while following these instructions. I created a jni folder inside my project folder and the contents looked like ...
Metropolis's user avatar
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How do you setup the Irrlicht and Bullet engines for Android development?

I have begun researching graphics and physics engines to use for an Android 3d game that I would like to make. While researching I stumbled across this page where he talks about how you can use the ...
Metropolis's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I extend Irrlichts scene manager?

If I want to extend the scene manager, and add a function; do I extend my class from CSceneManager or ISceneManager? I'm trying ...
patokun's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Enabling multisampling in Irrlicht?

I'm working on a little game that uses Irrlicht. I'm pretty new to Irrlicht and I was wondering how I could enable multisampling. The device driver is EDT_OPENGL ...
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4 votes
3 answers

How to determine what triangle in a mesh the cursor is pointing to?

I have a game I'm working on in which items are "placed" and "selected". In order to do this, I need to determine what triangle in a mesh the cursor is pointing to. I have no trouble with getting ...
George Edison's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Ogre vs. Irrlicht [closed]

I've experimented a bit with the Ogre ( and Irrlicht ( engines, both of which are open source and are trying to fill similar niches. From what I'...
Jason Champion's user avatar