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Questions tagged [raknet]

Raknet is a cross-platform C++ networking engine.

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2 answers

UDP sending important data often - Should I use a reliable send or unreliable with resend?

I'm making a multiplayer RPG. My problem is that I send player data very often (100 ms), that contains: Position (float x, y, z) Radius (float angle) Animation (int16_t id) And because the package ...
Mr. Nobody's user avatar
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error: ‘struct RakNet::SocketDescriptor’ has no member named ‘socketFamily’| [closed]

when i run my client code i get this error i using code::blocks and im linux system in the tutorial that i follow the code working without any errors my includes files in the project ...
Mohamed Elsharkawey's user avatar
2 votes
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server/client architecture, how to combine physics data, scene graph and database over the network?

I'm writting a C++ server and a C++ client for a rpg game. The client is using OpenSceneGraph for rendering the 3D. RakNet is used for communication between the client and server. At this time, the ...
The Unholy Metal Machine's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Best way to use Raknet from C#? [closed]

I am trying to learn Raknet with C# and I found it extremely confusing. The Raknet tutorial seems to work well in C++. I have already made the chat server from the tutorial. I am looking to do ...
Oscar Foley's user avatar