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Exporting steps/actions with a 3D Studio Max plugin

The plugin you have linked to doesn't seem to record command actions. Instead it records the modifier stack and allows the export of all animated parametric values. For example a cube of 1x1x1 is ...
Steven's user avatar
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Unity crossplatform native plugins

No you dont need separate code base for this. Most of the functionality will probably be the same anyways. Only small parts will have to be different between platforms. In this case you can use C++ ...
Newtopian's user avatar
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Unity 5.6 unsafe code not working

Are you sure that unsafe code cannot be enabled? You must create the file mcs.rsp (with -unsafe inside of the file). You must also change Api Compatibility level to .net 2.0 subset Restart both ...
Rbn3D's user avatar
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Should I include 3rd party libraries in my Plugin?

There are several reasons why I don't like it when third-party DLLs are included in plugins: There may be copyright/legal issues; does the 3rd-party library (Firebase in this case) allow you to ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Actual Custom Nodes in Godot

If you make an script like this: @tool extends CharacterBody2D class_name Player2D Then you can add a CharacterBody2D to your ...
Theraot's user avatar
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Blitting GStreamer's decoded buffer into a Unity render texture

Your issue here is that you're trying to create a shared handle from a resource created by unity. Textures created by unity won't have the flags you're looking for. ...
STUDIOCRAFTapps Developpement's user avatar
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Using CommonUI Plugin in Unreal Engine5 does not show any option in PlatformInput

The issue wasn't a bug, I had to enable at least one platform to make those settings appear. It requires, also, to delete temporary files such as Binary folder and then recreating the source project ...
Simone Lungarella's user avatar
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Show/hide soft-keyboard on demand

Forcing the keyboard to stay open may not be the best method as on some mobiles the keys will take up a good portion of the available screen space. If a user cannot un-focus the board it could lead to ...
Justin Markwell's user avatar
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Unity crossplatform native plugins

Native typically means that made for that target environment. I.e. native for iOS means it will only work on iOS. and native for Android or Windows means it will only run in its respective ...
Dan Violet Sagmiller's user avatar
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Linking Unreal Engine with OpenCV libraries built with RTTI on Linux

I wasn't able to mix the RTTI and non-RTTI definitions but I was able to get Unreal to work with OpenCV on Linux. I did this by disabling the FLANN features. This can be done via a cmake switch. ...
DubiousPusher's user avatar
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Send id<MTLTexture> from ios to unity

Don't try to cast string to IntPtr. char* is just pointer and any pointer(char*, void*,...) coming from native side unity treat it as IntPtr. ...
buffalo94's user avatar
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Runtime Java Module Generation for Game Plugins

You have to create a ModuleLayer from a Configuration. This requires a Set of ...
gudenau's user avatar
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Exporting steps/actions with a 3D Studio Max plugin

Short answer - See the Node Event System here. Long answer - First, the MaxScript Macro Recorder in 3ds Max does something like this. It outputs a script which can potentially be replayed to achieve ...
MichaelsonBritt's user avatar
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Admob for Unity: clarification on use needed

It's actually a mess. Unity Ads and Google Ads are two different systems and it's still recommended (from my and other users ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Server crashes waiting for BungeeCord response after Thread.sleep()

Thread.sleep() essentially stops the gameplay loop entirely. You should not use it to await a response from BungeeCord, rather you should follow this documentation ...
Randall Arms's user avatar
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How to distinguish multiple same element already in place on a minecraft map

So I've bypassed the problem just by setting a new checkpoint on clicking on a sign. Here's the code in case it helps someday : ...
Himeji's user avatar
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