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Unreal Android game crashes after google play integration

so I fixed the problem. I had to go into C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.21\Engine\Build\Android\Java and edit the aar-imports file. After adding all missing dependencies and updating the others (as ...
sei556's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes

What is a reasonable bandwidth usage for a RT multiplayer game?

From this article, I would say 100MByte/hour is a reasonable estimate for the popular multiplayer games out there: 100MByte/hour converts ...
Jon Snow's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to use Google Play Service on a game not published on Google Play?

I think not, some times ago it was possible using it on iOS apps (and hence it was possible using also elsewhere), but now they deprecated the API. I think they have no particular incentive on ...
CoffeDeveloper's user avatar
2 votes

How to properly synchronize achievements on Google Play Services?

This is a classical "local cache invalidation" problem, the very common case in which you really need to invalidate the cache when the user changes (so that, for example, when I access my home banking ...
RobM's user avatar
  • 146
2 votes

How to get error line when debugging APK from Logcat

It looks like you’re using IL2CPP. If it’s possible, you might want to try targeting Mono instead, at least temporarily, which will do a better job of showing line numbers. Also, you can still run a ...
Ed Marty's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I publish my game (*.aab file) on google play?

I received the exact same error yesterday when I tried to publish a new update of the app. Apparently Google has made some changes internally. I had done about 30 builds before for this particular app,...
Immorality's user avatar
2 votes

Google Play Games achievements have 0xp

This problem was fixed after publishing achievements. Seems like unpublished achievements for a published game have this issue. Unfortunately I couldn't find any mention of this behavior on Google ...
nemo91944's user avatar
2 votes

How to reset an incremental achievement in Googles Android API?

You don’t. This would need to be simply a single-step achievement.
Ed Marty's user avatar
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apk is fine, but when building aab for google play submission google play services dont start when i download it

so after you upload it, google resigns it and gives you a new cert to I had to take this and put it in my google play services API.
dmh285's user avatar
  • 11
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Google's Play Asset Delivery Build aab File in Unity too large

This is a workaround: It uses unity's addressables package with google's play asset delivery and not asset ...
Gozmetaiemax's user avatar
1 vote

Unity build issue - GooglePlayGamesManifest and GameServicesManifest

I restarted my unity project and the problem no longer exists. I'm not sure how it got resolved....
single arrow games's user avatar
1 vote

Uploading APK build to Google Play Console error "You uploaded a debuggable APK or Android App Bundle"

Go to build settings: Select IL2CPP Verify the C++ Compiler Configuration is set to Release Check all Android manifests for android:debuggable. It should be <...
Deepa Maheshwari's user avatar
1 vote

Uploading APK build to Google Play Console error "You uploaded a debuggable APK or Android App Bundle"

1- Firstly you have to disable the development build in your Android Build settings uncheck the development build 2- Second in your code try to find out where you have written debugging=true third ...
user3699039's user avatar
1 vote

Google play services not working in unity

I managed to solve the problem. Had to remove Advertisements package from Window -> Package Manager and then set Minify -> Release and Debug to None, then build the game and installed it on device and ...
Richard David's user avatar
1 vote

Violation of Usage of Android Advertising ID policy

You must implement something for GDPR if you're shipping in the EU. Your customers need to be able to opt out of the use of tracking IDs and have an option to delete any existing tracking info you ...
Almo's user avatar
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Do i need to integrate leader-board and achievement in my game and then publish in alpha testing for google play?

It is not necessary to do an alpha publish. The apk you upload to publish to the store will only have what you include on it. To update the game with leaderboards, you could upload another apk built ...
user113550's user avatar
1 vote

In Android, is it possible to get the first version of the app the user installed from the Play store?

I would suspect a way of doing this would be to push a small update on your alpha version to include a boolean variable (eg. alphaVersionPlayer == true) in the save data to declare that this save was ...
bumble's user avatar
  • 57
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"Failed to fetch the following dependencies: " when force resolve GooglePlayGamesPlugin-0.9.50

Open you GooglePlayGamesPluginDependencies.xml file and make sure that path mentioned for "" exists and is valid.
Bijoy Thangaraj's user avatar
1 vote

"Failed to fetch the following dependencies: " when force resolve GooglePlayGamesPlugin-0.9.50

There seems to be an issue with the resolver, I "solved" this by disabling auto resolve in the resolver and having android studio download the packages from me then copying the aar files to the ...
JiMMaR's user avatar
  • 111
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Adding Google IAP License Key into Unity Games

OK my confusion is solved. Basically I was confused thinking Unity IAP was not the same as Google IAP. In fact, it is, Unity is compatible with Google IAP and many others. So I had to go to Services ...
Big T Larrity's user avatar
1 vote

Google Play Services Library not found. How can I get this?

Ok so after much research I found the solution here: Google Play Services is now successfully integrated. Now the only problem is my app crashes ...
Sam R's user avatar
  • 127
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How do I successfully implement Google Mobile Ads and Google Play Services into my Unity arcade game?

Here's the official guide on implementing AdMob to your game: You basically download the scene on top of this ...
Jacob's user avatar
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How to delete Google Play Services?

Here are the instructions on how to delete a project: Sign in to your Google Play Developer Console. Click Game Services. Select the project. At the bottom of the Game Details page, click the link ...
OKprogrammer's user avatar
1 vote

Unity Multiplayer functionalities or Google's plug-in?

Unity and Google offer different APIs/Services, but both are centred around a P2P (Peer to Peer) architecture. Unity, as does Google, offers matchmaking and relay servers. These are ways to find ...
dark_st3alth's user avatar
1 vote

How do you add AdMob to LibGDX game?

Sign in the "firebase" Go to My Projects page (if you have not, create new one then) Click "Add firebase to your Android app" icon Fill the necessary blank. Copy and paste your app' packagename Copy ...
İbrahim Kasapoğlu's user avatar
1 vote

Unity google play services login dont work properly

I have encountered this problem before. This happens if you are using an unsigned app. You should have a keystore for your game in order for GPG to work. I'm not sure if you need at least one version ...
Shraa1's user avatar
  • 434
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Google Play Services somehow authenticates without internet connection

If the user already logged in with the account, the login will be silent and it's possible without internet connection. So, yes, it's intended. If you want to force the user to have an internet ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Turn-based multiplayer animate moves from last turn

In the same way you upload the new gamestate to google play's server, you can upload the previous one too. Unit A is on Square 1, Unit B is on Square 3 [P1's turn] Player 1 moves Unit A to Square 2 [...
Undume's user avatar
  • 124
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Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources. See the Console for details

I have deleted the 24.0.0 build tools folder from Android\sdk\build-tools and it worked amazingly ..
Android Developer's user avatar

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