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14 votes

Why does Unity let you install iOS Build Support on Windows?

As far as i know when you build for IOS on windows it will generate an Xcode project that you then need to build on mac. As you can't make IOS bundles on windows the only thing you can do is to make ...
user3797758's user avatar
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14 votes

Can you show rng code running in real time in a game?

Yes, you can. There are already online platforms that are doing exactly that, by providing you the hash of the online secret key that is used as the seed for the random generation. Same seed = same ...
Zibelas's user avatar
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12 votes

Train-like movement in a 2D game

I'm not used to Cocos2D engine, but I can suggest this solution for you to apply to your game. Naive implementation The simplest way to implement a train wagon can be making an object which follows a ...
liggiorgio's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I pixelate a scene with SceneKit and Metal, in Swift?

I don't think this is going to be quite as easy as you'd like, that said you should be able to copy/paste the code below to get something going. There might be a better way to approach this, but as I ...
lock's user avatar
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6 votes

Should I patent game before putting it on Apple App Store?

You can't patent a game. You might pattern a particular algorithm but it's unlikely to be of benefit to you to do so because of a couple reasons. Patents are highly specific. I was worried I was ...
Yudrist's user avatar
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5 votes

Xcode Build Failure: Unity Framework Error -> Undefined Symbol (IL2CPP Related)

I finally found a fix for this. It needs to be done in Xcode as follows: Xcode > Product > Clean Build Folder The errors will then clear and the build will deploy as expected.
Cato's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I know when the app is launched, loses focus and gets focus again on mobile?

The following snippet calls EnterApplication() and ExitApplication(), for you to implement yourself. It works in Editor, on Android, and on iOS, consistently. The methods are called when the ...
Evorlor's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I create a "wireframe" texture for a sphere in SceneKit?

Try setting the material fillMode to .lines: ...
Morty's user avatar
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3 votes

Libgdx: How to replace texture with shaperenderer?

To draw Shapes over sprites and textures: Make a shape renderer ShapeRenderer shapeRenderer = new ShapeRenderer(); Define your shape(s) ...
Sebastien Servouze's user avatar
3 votes

In iOS, where/how to do a back button?

The standard practice is to have a button somewhere onscreen to do this. That's because it is obvious, clear and present whenever the user decides they need to pause. While the swipe / gesture is a ...
Engineer's user avatar
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3 votes


GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER became legal in GL ES 3.2 (link to specification), but may otherwise be available by one (or more) of the following extensions: GL_NV_texture_border_clamp ...
Maximus Minimus's user avatar
3 votes

Why is Unity 5.6 displaying launch image wrong on iOS?

There is a bug in 5.6 which causes transparency to not be imported. Install the newest patch release. Then reimport the affected file(s). Then try the build.
M156's user avatar
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3 votes

Get the up vector of the camera in ARKit

In a 4x4 transformation matrix, all directions are contained: First row of matrix contains the x-axis. Second row of the matrix contains the y-axis. Third row of the matrix contains the z-axis. ...
Bram's user avatar
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3 votes

Calculating the difference between two numbers using exponential growth

To put these into a formula, it seems that you want something that varies with the distance from the boundary, so first calculate that parameter (I'll call it dx ...
tom10's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I access device camera in GameMaker Studio 1.4?

GameMaker doesn't have native support for device cameras, that's the reason you didn't find anything about it in the docs. On the other hand, you can try to access the webcam on desktop devices using ...
liggiorgio's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I store in-game money so that nobody can manipulate the amount?

What I do is store the data in an obscured and verifiable fashion in memory and on disk, only decoding it when necessary. As mentioned in the comments, this will not prevent alteration, but it will ...
Ed Marty's user avatar
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3 votes

Is Apple Game Center Multiplayer Online?

So, its a little weird, but... I used it once a number of years ago using Prime31's Game Center plugin. What it does is facilitate two (or more) copies of the game communicating with each other in a ...
Draco18s no longer trusts SE's user avatar
3 votes

HIGH energy consumption in Empty Scene Unity iOS

I am constantly updating this answer, I will remove this message when I have stopped. There is no magic bullet that will make it work right out of the box. It's a series of steps required to achieve ...
Candid Moon _Max_'s user avatar
3 votes

Is an iOS development license with Unity free?

You can use Unity personal tu publish a game on every platform for free but if you start making a revenue up to $100k per year you need to pay an annual plan, which starts at $40 per month. Here you ...
Mario_N's user avatar
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3 votes

Can you show rng code running in real time in a game?

See mental poker. That article describes a problem that's a bit harder than the one that you outline, as you are asking merely how to prove to the players that you gave them the "right" ...
Acccumulation's user avatar
3 votes

How to not cover up the Android/iOS top status bar (eg. with time, network/wifi icons) in mobile Unity app?

I wrote this for a project a few years ago. It should work fine, but I no longer maintain it. It shows the status bar in the color of your choice. Usage: ...
Evorlor's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I create a "wireframe" texture for a sphere in SceneKit?

Quick solution didn't turn out quite as well as I'd like, but I'll post it up regardless as it may help someone out. To get something that better matches your figure I believe you'll need to build ...
lock's user avatar
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2 votes

How to achieve uniform speed of movement on a bezier curve?

A very lightweight solution is to approximate the speed rather than approximating the curve. Actually this approach is independent of the curve function and enables you to use any exact curve instead ...
Guney Ozsan's user avatar
2 votes

AdMob - my own impressions

I can't imagine that you'll get banned for just forgetting to add your device as a Test Device. Plenty of developers make this mistake; it's nothing to be worried about. The rule against fake ...
l'-'s user avatar
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2 votes

Libgdx: How to replace texture with shaperenderer?

Why you are using shapeRenderer if you want to draw rect type object having different color. Draw Rectangle using Pixmap. create Texture with given method and use ...
AAryan's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible for a particle to have an infinite lifespan in SceneKit?

There is currently no way to completely eliminate particle death, but you can set the particle life span to an outrageously high number (20,000 seconds is pretty close to the upper limit of the safe ...
Tam Hartman's user avatar
2 votes

Can't Unity draw fine and smooth line?

@ZEKE briefly figured out the problem might be wrong settings of game rendering resolution. When I looked into it I found there had been a ...
Suge's user avatar
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