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26 votes

How does Unreal Engine 5's Nanite work?

I'm no expert, but since no one else has jumped in, I'll do my best to summarize what I gathered. First, here are the descriptions of Nanite directly from the Unreal folks: "A Deep Dive into ...
Daryl's user avatar
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6 votes

Unreal Engine without Blueprints

I think I am in the same mindset as you are. Yes you can work in 100% C++. My own project is 95% C++ I only use BPs for instantiating stuff (putting actors to the level) but every single BP of mine ...
Coldsteel48's user avatar
5 votes

Do we really need quaternions? In UE4 I rotate without them

Rotating around euler-angles in world-space makes sense as long as you have a concept of a fixed horizon and a fixed "up" and "down" direction (like in a first person shooter). But in some other ...
Philipp's user avatar
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5 votes

Variable "is not blueprint visible" in function library

The issue ended up being caused by having a local variable wired to an output parameter of the same name. Changing the output parameter name resolved the issue.
Matt's user avatar
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5 votes

Min - Max Weapon Damage formula in video games

The short answer is: because the developers made it that way. There's no single rule that all game use to generate randomized ranges. Usually, how the randomness is implemented will depend on why the ...
Pikalek's user avatar
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5 votes

What does 'being conservative' mean in occlusion culling?

It means not throwing away objects you're not sure about, i.e. conserving objects when in doubt. Primer The concept of broad phase collision detection (or, in this case, visibility checking) is where ...
Engineer's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I use Paragon assets store assets in other Engines besides Unreal?

I should have read the description on the assets Licensed for use only with UE4 based products. Includes the character model, animations and skins Other assets that Unreal didn't make themselves are ...
user3797758's user avatar
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3 votes

Call a BlueprintImplementableEvent from c++ in unreal editor?

Nako Sung answer: Without game, UE4 prevents script functions to be executed accidently. (I don't know the clear reason) In C++ you can use FEditorScriptExecutionGuard: ...
Navaneeth Prathap Nair's user avatar
3 votes

Convert global 3d coordinate system to a local one with specific direction

Construct a matrix like so, where each vector is one column of the matrix: [ House's X+ direction | House's Y+ direction | House's Z+ direction | House's position] The fourth row should be [0, 0, 0, ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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3 votes

UE4 Multiplayer how to replicate Player name in lobby

The PlayerControllers for all players exist only on the server. Each client only has its own PlayerController, but none of the others. Calling GetController on a pawn will only work if you're on the ...
Rotem's user avatar
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3 votes

In unreal engine, what's the difference among "set global time dilation" and "set current time dilation" and "set custom time dilation"?

Sorry im not programmer but ill explain the easiest way i can. Global Time dilation scales time for all objects in the scene that use time, custom time dilation scales time relative to the global time ...
TRUPHENA AHAWO's user avatar
3 votes

How to run 'Call in Editor' Functions that are implemented in Level Blueprints?

I don't think that's possible. Direct quote from the offical docs on " Calling Blueprints in the Editor" The steps described below work for any Blueprint class that you can place in a Level—that is,...
Zenahr's user avatar
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3 votes

C++ map isn't finding key even though it exists

As noted in the comments, your operator< is wrong. For std::map to function properly, the ...
HolyBlackCat's user avatar
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3 votes

How mesh transformation works under the hood

You correctly describe how transformations work, you're just making a wrong assumption that the process seems slow. Graphics processing units are tailor-made to do this specific thing, i.e. linear ...
PentaKon's user avatar
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3 votes

How mesh transformation works under the hood

There's an additional detail I want to clarify here: As far as I understand (at least I would do this), we store the original mesh, and then for every change (shift, rotation or scaling) we turn the ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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3 votes

Casting from APawn* to MyCustomCharacter* ? Is this ok?

why not use the UE's Cast function? APlayerMallet* mallet=(APlayerMallet*)gamestate->PlayerArray[i]->GetPawn(); Becomes: ...
Ali's user avatar
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3 votes

What does the 'step' node do in Unreal Engine?

Here is what the Unreal documentation has to say: The Step Material Expression returns 0 or 1 for every value of X, depending on whether it is greater than or less than the reference value in Y. ...
Simon Suh's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to use the Unreal Engine as a big C++ library, without using the editor?

Starting a rough answer for this old question as I learn more about this functionality myself, yes it seems this functionality has been available since at least Unreal Engine 4.27. However, it's ...
leetNightshade's user avatar
2 votes

Configure unreal engine to run faster

By default UE4 has many post processing effects turned on that may lower your performance, especially on low end GPUs. Go to Project Settings -> Engine -> Rendering Then disable everything under "...
kolenda's user avatar
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2 votes

Do we really need quaternions? In UE4 I rotate without them

I'm quite late here but maybe this helps someone... You can't get the gimbal lock this way. How it works is that the editor keeps current object orientation (as a quaternion) and when you drag-rotate ...
kolenda's user avatar
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2 votes

Do we really need quaternions? In UE4 I rotate without them

I think you have one key misunderstanding in your question which is causing all this confusion. You've asked "why shouldn't I just rotate objects using Unreal Engine 4's world rotations instead of ...
Trevor Powell's user avatar
2 votes

Unreal Engine: Is it possible to animate inside unreal engine?

According to Unreal Engine Docs you can modify any existing animation sequences as part of "Additive Layer Tracks".
Soapy's user avatar
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2 votes

Unreal installation and storage space requirement

What I found is that there was several gigs of data being stored in my App Data Derived Data Cache. ...
Gabriel Wolf's user avatar
2 votes

Unreal engine project not responding to key binding changes

You wouldn't normally edit the key bindings by changing the DefaultInput.ini. The best way to do it is use Project Settings inside the editor. Got to Settings -> Project Settings. A new box will ...
Stephen's user avatar
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2 votes

Overlay an Image on Screen in Unreal

It seems like you want the image to display on a UI/HUD of some sort? You can either use a widget blueprint, or extend the HUD blueprint, and add a draw material function that draws a dynamic ...
8176135's user avatar
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