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Pablo Ariel's user avatar
Pablo Ariel
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
53 votes

Are there any benefits for using the CPU instead of the GPU?

10 votes

Using 16 bit index buffers - USHORT vs UINT

6 votes

gluLookAt vs glTranslate + glRotate and camera transformation matrices

4 votes

Handling collisions with ground

4 votes

How do you organize your game files and classes?

3 votes

How do I extend Irrlichts scene manager?

3 votes

Is there anything like XNA for c++?

3 votes

How many "parallel units" does a GPU have?

3 votes

Increasing resolution of a texture?

2 votes

SpriteBatch.Draw() rectangle is different from destinationRectangle passed in

2 votes

Nvidia Cg 3.0 Manual/Documentation?

2 votes

How to get a game done?

2 votes

Does this constitute as copyright infringement?

2 votes

Multiplayer online game engine/pipeline

2 votes

Culling Techniques for 3d OpenGL ES game

1 vote

How do we solve big video memory requirements in a 2D game?

1 vote

how can I move an actor in opposit direction of mouse's position in GameSalad?

1 vote

When rendering on two different computers, the texture is glitchy

0 votes

OpenGL: Display Memory, Offscreen Memory, and the Framebuffer?

0 votes

ID3D10Device Pointer Problem

0 votes

Trying to create a sphere in UDK on which I can stand

0 votes

Need transform matrix to translate the center of the view to a custom position within the target texture