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Help understanding Unity Profiler time in ms

The time is the time taken, during a single frame, in milliseconds. 0.22 ms is 220 microseconds. For reference, if you want 60 ...
Peter's user avatar
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90% CPU on Profile Editor: Throttle mainMessageLoop

so thanks to John Hamilton & DMGregory, I found the problem, and figure out a "kind" of a solution. The blue spikes was throwing this types of error: ...
Ugo Hed's user avatar
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Unity's Profiler doesn't specify which of my methods take how much time?

I would like to drop my trick for Deep Profile in addition to OP's answer. I also got thrown out of memory when using Deep profile. What is problem? The problem become clear if developer were to Deep ...
Wappenull's user avatar
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Memory is not getting freed on Destroy()

1000 isn't enough. I have taken your scripts and modified them a bit and it's showing that everything is working correctly. Instantiating 1000 objects gives you less than 1 mb - if you have seen any ...
Candid Moon _Max_'s user avatar
1 vote

Unity Editor Hangs for A Fraction of A Second About Once Per Second

I fixed it. The problem was coming from the plugin Github for Unity. I deleted the folder Assets/Plugins/Github and the problems disappeared.
ChristianOConnor's user avatar
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Unity Android build crashes randomly

After digging really deep, I found that some people fix this by disabling Optimized Frame Pacing In PlayerSettings>ResolutionAndPresentation>Optimized Frame Pacing. I'm going to try that and ...
Franc Pujolar's user avatar
1 vote

Error while trying to Build APK, fails when profile option is enabled

You are using a plugin, either a .aar or .jar, that is compiled with the UnityPlayer.jar (or ...
Lotan's user avatar
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Unity Profiler - How do I correct Audio (WASAPI) Feeder issues?

tl;dr: The Audio (WASAPI) Feeder isn't doing anything; it's just sitting idle. Something else is using the time and, spoiler alert: it's the GPU. Here are the steps: Ensure that GPU profiling is ...
Chuck's user avatar
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Bizarre Physics FixedUpdate Lag spikes

I reduced the Polygon count on each object to below 65536 and it removed all issues. Don't know wether 65536 is the magic number here, but it's certainly one of the most common "magic numbers" so I ...
AzulShiva's user avatar
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GPU (render time) increase if screen size increase

In your GPU there's a thing called fragment shader which gets executed for each pixel. Fragment shader does some calculation to determine the colour for a pixel. The complexity of this shader varies ...
videogamechef's user avatar
1 vote

Have VSync on or off while do a game profiling

So based on the Unity Diagnosing Performance article disabling the VSync seems like a good practice while profiling the game. Rule out VSync Vertical Synchronization, known as VSync, is used to ...
Emad's user avatar
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Unity - SpriteAtlas memory consumption

I'm not 100% certain, but I think your texture setting "Read/Write Enabled" may be the root cause. The texture on the GPU cannot be written to (it can be replaced, but not written to), so a writable ...
Jesse Williams's user avatar
1 vote

90% CPU on Profile Editor: Throttle mainMessageLoop

Hi i had same exact issue, turns out it was windows throttling performance down. Go to Power management settings and set your pc to Performance mode (i am on a desktop mind you), after that the ...
pointcache's user avatar
1 vote

Massive CPU Usage by WaitForTargetFPS in the Profiler

I saw some misunderstandings about this cropping up in recent questions, so I thought it would help to cite the documentation here too: (emphasis added) WaitForTargetFPS Indicates how much time your ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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