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90 votes

Why don't most major game engines use gifs for animated textures?

GIF drawbacks: very limited color palette, typically 256 colors with ugly dithering (yes, you can have more than 256 colors in animated GIF, but this is uncommon) GPUs don't support GIF compression ...
Kromster's user avatar
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32 votes

Why don't most major game engines use gifs for animated textures?

In order to use any image file as a texture in a game, there must be a texture created on the GPU and the pixel data in the image file must be loaded to that texture. GPUs do not support many of the ...
Maximus Minimus's user avatar
13 votes

Why don't most major game engines use gifs for animated textures?

GIF has a limited color palette. (255) You have to implement parsing and animating the GIF too. So there is not a advancement in time nor in format's technical aspects.
Piranha's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the difference between a sprite sheet and a texture atlas?

A sprite sheet and texture atlas are nearly the same. They are both bitmap image files (jpg, png, etc.) that contain multiple smaller images, usually in a grid, that are indexed and displayed using ...
ow3n's user avatar
  • 246
4 votes

One big spritesheet vs many smaller spritesheets?

There is no "best" way. There is the way that is most appropriate for your program, in terms of code complexity, managing your data sets, performance, etc, and many of these are questions that only ...
Maximus Minimus's user avatar
4 votes

How to use Unity to slice sprite

If you are seeing trembling in your sprite animations the problem is the pivot point on the sprite sheet. In Unity, the pivot point looks like a blue circle on each sliced sprite in the editor (see ...
Tartle Wizard's user avatar
4 votes

What does pressing CTRL do when editing a sprite sheet?

Holding ctrl in the Sprite Editor allows you to manually move the pivot point with snapping. With ctrl pressed (orcmd on a Mac), you can snap the pivot to one of the pre-defined locations, as defined ...
Gnemlock's user avatar
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4 votes

Are spritesheets worth it? Is a zip a good alternative?

First of all, there are already image formats with compression. In particular the PNG format supports lossless compression. Furthermore, while it is true that taking a bunch of PNGs and zipping them ...
Theraot's user avatar
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4 votes

Spritesheet with unstable width

When you want to use a spritesheet with non-uniform frame size, then you need to introduce the concept of a separate "pivot point" for each animation frame. The pivot point is the "zero-...
Philipp's user avatar
  • 121k
3 votes

What are the legal considerations with using spritesheets?

IANAL TINLA If you are talking about the technology known as sprite sheets: Such a technology and method is not patentable, as it is not novel to put images in rows or cells. You could easily do this ...
return true's user avatar
3 votes

Any tips for aligning existing sprite sheets to a grid?

in your example, the frames are divided into unequal parts, but they have a pivot poitn down the center. Unity has the ability to create frames automatically
Dmitri Veselov's user avatar
3 votes

Making my characters modular

In order to solve the problems of parts not lining up, you would need a way to specify where the joints are. That is, you will need to build an kind of tree, where each node is a part of the body and ...
Theraot's user avatar
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3 votes

Slicing irregular spritesheet (automatically?)

Since you found the picture online, without any json file attached or any other information, its not possible to cut this into multiple sprites automatically. You'd ...
Tom Tsagkatos's user avatar
3 votes

How does Unity pick which sprite atlas to load?

It picks one randomly. In fact it gives a warning when you have a sprite in multiple atlases, telling you to not do that. See here for relevant details:
Ed Marty's user avatar
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3 votes

How to animate sprite swapping with changeable equipment sprites?

If I understand your problem correctly, you are trying to reskin your character with different visuals. In that case, using the Sprite Library Asset is a good choice because it will allow you to ...
Marunia's user avatar
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2 votes

How to select multiple frames from a sprite sheet in unity

I'm not sure about the timing when you need or want to select multiple frames at once. But as I read it, you may just want to press control (CTRL) while clicking on your frames to select several of ...
lvictorino's user avatar
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2 votes

How to render a trimmed sprite?

What you have to do is roughly the following: Pretend that your sprite has the original size in your game. This is important to keep animations aligned. Instead of rendering the original sprites' ...
Andreas Löw's user avatar
2 votes

Slicing irregular spritesheet (automatically?)

There is the way, which is partially automated: Open sprite sheet with Photoshop Using the slice tool make one big slice that'll contain the entire image Right-click it and split this slice into a ...
badunius's user avatar
  • 166
2 votes

Slicing irregular spritesheet (automatically?)

You can use Leshy's tools to split non uniform spritesheets: Your spritesheet is 32x32. I've used it before:
Sean Morris's user avatar
2 votes

How should I go about generating a spritesheet JSON file for an existing PNG containing a grid of assets?

I suppose I could write a program that generates the JSON file (since I do know the assets grid size for the PNG) but I'm wondering if I'm missing some easier way. There might be some program that ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
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1 vote

unity emission map bleeds (bug?)

So I figured out a solution. (I "disobeyed" DMGregory) If ever you have an emission map that can become a power-of-two image due to transparency, you need to check if unity made it one. Check it under ...
Kino Bacaltos's user avatar
1 vote

Unity - SpriteAtlas memory consumption

I'm not 100% certain, but I think your texture setting "Read/Write Enabled" may be the root cause. The texture on the GPU cannot be written to (it can be replaced, but not written to), so a writable ...
Jesse Williams's user avatar
1 vote

How to split sprites into multiple pieces, like in image below

As far as I understand you, you want to split your colored image into several black–white images, of which each indicates the pixels of one specific color. And that in an automated fashion. As ...
Cryptjar's user avatar
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1 vote

Parts of sprite disappear when zoomed out

You need to enable Mip Maps and filtering on minimisation. Point filtering drops entire pixels rows and columns when scaling down (zooming out). The downside of mip maps and filtering is your ...
Stephane Hockenhull's user avatar
1 vote

Is there an easier way to get sprites from a spritesheet

TexturePacker is an awesome tool which is about $40 which packs multiple textures/sprites into one optimized spritesheet. It exports the metadata about position, rotation etc. to generic formats ...
Christian Ivicevic's user avatar
1 vote

Is there an easier way to get sprites from a spritesheet

You can use to do that. You can open an image and click on any part to get the coordinates and the size of sprite you need. I've been using it for more than a year and it's ...
Nicolas Higgins's user avatar
1 vote

Cannot use sprite sheet to add texture to RawImage?

As the comments state, RawImage is for showing textures, but what you have are sprites (a thin veneer over parts of a texture). You'll want to use ...
Ed Marty's user avatar
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1 vote

Unity fails to effectively split spritesheet

When there are no transparent pixels between two sprites, Unity can not detect where one sprite ends and another sprite begins. But your spritesheet uses a fixed grid of 16x16px, so you can use the "...
Philipp's user avatar
  • 121k

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