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Unity + Admob - EEA checking

Using AdMob’s Consent SDK, which you can import using the Jar Resolver (see below) or as a line in the mainTemplate.gradle override, you can interact with Java classes using a set of classes: ...
Ed Marty's user avatar
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AdMob Rewarded Video Ads always shows same ad

Whatever ad is being served is irrelevant to you as the app developer. You get paid just the same. However, you should generally be seeing a higher fill rate than that. While in development you should ...
Ed Marty's user avatar
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Will my Admob Unity Plugin be Obsolete?

Yes everyone using an older version than required will be effected with that announcement. The Unity package uses the native plugin in a wrapper and isn't different than the iOS and Android plugin at ...
Adnan Nazir's user avatar
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Admob for Unity: clarification on use needed

It's actually a mess. Unity Ads and Google Ads are two different systems and it's still recommended (from my and other users ...
Jacob's user avatar
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How to integrate admob ads in Unity 5.6.2f1

There is no short answer to your long question, please study one of guide given below. Ads Implementation in Unity Using AdMob ADMob for Unity By Google Unity-Admob Github Unity Forums Thread On ...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
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Unity AdMob plugin - rewarding the user on the main thread

If you want to work with Unity and threads, you'll need to implement 2 features that are unfortunately absent from Unity: A thread pool and a main thread dispatcher. ...
Peter's user avatar
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Why is my Admob reward interstitial ad connected to Unity stuck on pending?

I figured it out. There were a number of things I missed. After adding unity ads sdk and the adapter jar file for the unity network to my project in the GoogleMobileAds/libs folder I found that the "...
Tartle Wizard's user avatar
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How to use ads in Godot 3.1?

The Android plugin system has been through some changes. Some community maintained plugins have not being keeping up, and others did not bother to back port to earlier versions. So you need to pay ...
Theraot's user avatar
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Implementing GDPR compliance for multiple different ad networks

At a glance from the From the Mobile Ads SDK (Unity) documentation for Requesting Consent from European Users, this doesn't look like the sort of thing that you can do with a one line addition to a ...
Pikalek's user avatar
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With Google Admob, how do I handle two different rewards for a rewarded ad?

Your example has a single RewardedAd instance. You'll need two if you want to follow Google's documentation. Then when you have two, you can assign different ...
Ed Marty's user avatar
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Google Admob GDPR compliance - Unity

I believe that issue is handled by AdMob itself. When an ad is showing, there's an icon for privacy. Click that, and it takes you to the stuff that makes it GDPR compliant.
Almo's user avatar
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When to destroy Google AdMob InterstitialAd object?

Just because you don’t see any ill effects doesn’t mean you’re doing everything right. Destroy your interstitial ads. Google’s example implementation does this before loading the next ad: ...
Ed Marty's user avatar
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How to solve the Google Ads problem in iOS?

I was having this same problem when making a build in windows for unity IOS and then porting over to my Mac to build with Xcode. Unity provides a Podfile in it's IOS build to get the Google Ad SDK. ...
Brad Redpath's user avatar
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Violation of Usage of Android Advertising ID policy

You must implement something for GDPR if you're shipping in the EU. Your customers need to be able to opt out of the use of tracking IDs and have an option to delete any existing tracking info you ...
Almo's user avatar
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Interstitial Ads Not Showing in 1st Scene

We don't have a lot of information about where you call this method, but based on what we can see I'd suspect your problem may be here: ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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