I have integrated AdMob rewarded video ads in my iOS game. Currently, the game is in development stage and not released on the store. Currently, the fill rate is around 30%-40% and I always see the same rewarded video ad. I have following questions:
- Why the fill rate is such low? I am testing the game in India and the US.
- Why the game is receiving the same ad from AdMob? Are there any settings that can allow different ads from the network?
I would appreciate any suggestions and thoughts on this topic. Thank you
More information:
The test ads gives 95%-98% fill rate. Hence, I think there is no problem with the AdMob SDK configuration. Previously, I tried using AdMob mediation and the ads were coming other ads networks (NO ADS FROM ADMOB).
Is there a AdMob policy where they don't provide enough ads to "under development" game/application?