I am trying to better monetize my game by using rewarded interstitials. I have set these up on my admob console. I have also linked the ad source on the admob console to my game through the Unity ads service using my game's id.
It seems to be stuck on "pending". I can't find any further options on admob or on the unity ads console to remedy this. In the game itself, my rewarded ads are not loading.
Is there some step I am missing either through Admob or Unity ads? How long does pending take because it has been like this for a few days.
Edit with more info Unity version 5.5.1f1 I am using the example code from the admob site (I removed my apps id's here for privacy reasons):
public RewardBasedVideoAd nonskipInterstich;
public void NonSkipGoogleAd(){
string adUnitId = "--------------------------------------";
string adUnitId = "------------------------------------------";
string adUnitId = "unexpected_platform";
nonskipInterstich = RewardBasedVideoAd.Instance;
// Create an empty ad request.
AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();
// Load the interstitial with the request.
nonskipInterstich.LoadAd(request, adUnitId );
nonskipInterstich.OnAdFailedToLoad += LogFailedToLoadError;
if I display the failed to load event I get "No fill". I haven't ever gotten it to fill a request, but I am only using remediation linked to the UnityAds source.
I read a post online that recommended importing the Unity Ads plugin from the asset store into the project. I did this and the google request is still not filling. I do not use the unity ads plugin directly to make the request. I also have the unity ads adapter jar found here