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Questions tagged [roguelikes]

A turn-based exploration game with high degrees of random generation along with permanent death which can be categorized as a subset of RPGs.

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1 vote
2 answers

Roguelike corridor creation; Connecting rooms

I have a simple Tile[,] that I populate with Rooms. Now I need to connect the rooms with a single tile wide corridor. At first I used A* to hook up the rooms but that, of course, get's the best path ...
Superflat's user avatar
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1 answer

Best way to go with 3D dungeon crawler generation [closed]

I'm trying to prototype a little 3D dungeon crawler. That is, the same system as any rogue-like : A map with little rooms, linked by hallways. But in 3D. The world is still in blocks, but I can go ...
nialna2's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Improving my Roguelike Dungeon generator? [closed]

I am looking to find improvements upon my Roguelike Dungeon generator. I find it is not 'roguelike' enough, with dungeons just looking like a mess more than anything. What would improve my generator(...
Jack Wilsdon's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Creating and connecting rooms for a roguelike

I'm creating a Roguelike and I'm having constant troubles with map generation, it's just something I have a lot of difficulty wrapping my head around. I currently have my map as a 50x50 square of ...
chown's user avatar
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2 answers

How to do FoV similiar to Nethack? [duplicate]

I am currently writing a little roguelike and wondered how Nethack/other games do the FoV of the player. I had a look at Nethacks source code, but since it's C it's pretty hard to read. For people ...
xNidhogg's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Saving roguelike game state?

I'm working on a basic roguelike using HTML5 and jQuery, and I've come across a problem. The way the game currently stands, the system only saves the game state every time the user moves between ...
CodeMoose's user avatar
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32 votes
10 answers

Why is permadeath essential to a roguelike design?

Roguelikes and roguelike-likes (Spelunky, The Binding of Isaac) tend to share a number of game design elements: Procedurally generated worlds Character growth by way of new abilities and powers ...
Gregory Avery-Weir's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

How to manage different speed of actions in RogueLike games?

How to manage different speed of actions in RogueLike games? What I mean is that turn based games may have actors acting at different "speed", depending on the action and some other characteristics. ...
Klaim's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Displaying a grid based map using C++ and sdl

I am trying to create a roguelike game using c++ and SDL. However, I am having trouble getting it to display the map, which is represented by a 2d array of a tile class. Currently, my code is this: <...
user15386's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What is a convincing Berserker enemy AI finite state machine for a Roguelike

I'm looking for a way to create a convincing Berserker enemy in a Roguelike I've been creating for some time. You may assume a game like NetHack for this when considering what kinds of actions can be ...
DampeS8N's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Roguelike Class Structure Makes Everything Effectively Global

A brief rundown of the hierarchy of the game data objects: Configuration - loaded from XML files, has Descriptors, among other things Atlas - has a Configuration, has a CreatureInstance(represents ...
PlayDeezGames's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Heightfield terrain in ASCII games?

Is there a good way to represent variable terrain using heightfields (or heightmaps) in an ASCII game such as a Roguelike?
posfan12's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to implement a symmetric 3d field of view algorithm for a roguelike

I've been thinking about adding 3d support in my roguelike. It would still be top-down like other roguelikes, yet it would have layers, such that things like platforms, tunnels, and bridges, etc, ...
Truncheon's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

how can you build with libTcod on OsX?

I've had problems building on libtcod on OsX but i'm not the only one (see but the beautiful RL Brogue uses Tcod and even builds on a Mac (https:/...
shigeta's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Dungeon map generator not working in javascript

I am trying to convert this dungeon algorithm from java into javascript, however, my script works 70% of the time. When it works, the rooms are missing a wall on one side, and when it does not work, ...
Raptrex's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

create a simple tilemap programatically

i am working on a tile roguelike i got some of the basics working using this tutorial but i want to be able to create a ...
Rakka Rage's user avatar
33 votes
9 answers

Balancing Player vs. Monsters: Level-Up Curves

I've written a fair number of games that have RPG-like "levelling up," where the player gains experience for killing monsters/enemies, and eventually, reaches a new level, where their stats increase. ...
ashes999's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Porting Ruby/NCruses Rogue-Like to .NET and FlatRedBall

I created an awesome rogue-like game in Ruby. For the GUI, I used NCurses. Since I'm using FlatRedBall as my engine of choice for Silverlight game development, I want to port this game over. What is ...
ashes999's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Longest path algorithm for roguelike maze generation

I have a simple grid-based map composed of rooms, like this (A=entrance, B=exit): 0 1 2 3 ######### 0 #B# ##### ######### 1 # ### # ######### 2 # # # # # # 3 # # # #########...
User not found's user avatar
79 votes
5 answers

Huge procedurally generated 'wilderness' worlds

I'm sure you all know of games like Dwarf Fortress - massive, procedural generated wilderness and land. Something like this, taken from this very useful article. However, I was wondering how I could ...
PrettyPrincessKitty FS's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

Attributes for calculating a hit in a turn based game or Roguelikes

I'm trying to figure out a good formula for determining a hit when the player attacks an enemy in a Roguelike. I'd like to come up with something simplistic but, still true to the way it's done in D&...
dontsellmydata's user avatar