I'm trying to prototype a little 3D dungeon crawler. That is, the same system as any rogue-like : A map with little rooms, linked by hallways.
But in 3D. The world is still in blocks, but I can go up and down. This game is a nice exemple of what I want. I still want the world to be mostly flat (for exemple every room could be at the same height) but I need some little up-and-downs in the rooms, or the hallways between them.
I already tried 2D dungeon generation with no precise algorithm (just by myself) but I think this time it would be best to have some nice algorithm and a good workflow about it.
So I need help about this :
- A nice 3D generation
- What data structures should I use to store my levels ?
- How should I then create it ? I'm on Unity, and for now I am associating an enum to prefabs for each type of map blocks, and then I instantiate every case. Is it a good way of doing this ?