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Implement an "xprevious" in LibGDX

I have used Gamemaker Studio 2 before, briefly, and found that the xprevious and yprevious variables are extremely useful. ...
Rohan's user avatar
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Creating a Roguelike game in C

I'm trying to create a simple rogue-like game in ncurses in a C program. The idea here is that, I'd parse a file like this: ...
TTEd's user avatar
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Generating 'Specially' shaped rooms for a Dungeon

I've made a fairly simple dungeon generator but now I want to expand on it so that I can procedurally generate a dungeon with irregular shaped rooms. I don't just want any old crazy shapes popping up ...
georgeous's user avatar
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Pathfinding Search for Path of Specific Length

I am creating a roguelike. This question applies to random map generation. First, I generate areas using a BSP algorithm, where I randomly divide the map into areas. Then, I generate a graph of the ...
Spinnernicholas's user avatar
1 vote
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How to do FoV similiar to Nethack? [duplicate]

I am currently writing a little roguelike and wondered how Nethack/other games do the FoV of the player. I had a look at Nethacks source code, but since it's C it's pretty hard to read. For people ...
xNidhogg's user avatar
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Dungeon map generator not working in javascript

I am trying to convert this dungeon algorithm from java into javascript, however, my script works 70% of the time. When it works, the rooms are missing a wall on one side, and when it does not work, ...
Raptrex's user avatar
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