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Questions tagged [roguelikes]

A turn-based exploration game with high degrees of random generation along with permanent death which can be categorized as a subset of RPGs.

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79 votes
5 answers

Huge procedurally generated 'wilderness' worlds

I'm sure you all know of games like Dwarf Fortress - massive, procedural generated wilderness and land. Something like this, taken from this very useful article. However, I was wondering how I could ...
PrettyPrincessKitty FS's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How should my game characters store their abilities/spells?

I'm new to game development and a bit confused about how to effectively store an object's access to certain spells/abilities. The player and mob objects are all generated from the same class. However,...
Vecta's user avatar
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33 votes
9 answers

Balancing Player vs. Monsters: Level-Up Curves

I've written a fair number of games that have RPG-like "levelling up," where the player gains experience for killing monsters/enemies, and eventually, reaches a new level, where their stats increase. ...
ashes999's user avatar
  • 11.3k
32 votes
10 answers

Why is permadeath essential to a roguelike design?

Roguelikes and roguelike-likes (Spelunky, The Binding of Isaac) tend to share a number of game design elements: Procedurally generated worlds Character growth by way of new abilities and powers ...
Gregory Avery-Weir's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Generating 'Specially' shaped rooms for a Dungeon

I've made a fairly simple dungeon generator but now I want to expand on it so that I can procedurally generate a dungeon with irregular shaped rooms. I don't just want any old crazy shapes popping up ...
georgeous's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Using my pathfinding more efficiently

I'm making a roguelike in C# with the Roguesharp libraries, in which the map can be as large as 200x200 cells. When I have an entity requiring pathfinding, I am using Roguesharp's built in pathfinding ...
Omegastick's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Pixel thin lines appearing between sprites on camera move

I'm going to apologize in advance for the lack of screenshots, but this was a very hard thing to capture, but very obvious to see. I'm using LibGDX to create a tile base rogue-like. Everything is ...
tVoss42's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Handling AI with ECS in a turn based roguelike

I am trying to implement the Entity Component System pattern to use in a roguelike game. Right now, I have 3 systems. Input, AI, and Action. The input system basically is just a system used by the ...
user975989's user avatar