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4 votes

move toward object and transition to circling around it.

Instead of laying your approach vector on the line connecting the target to the current position, lay it along one of the tangents to the desired orbit from the current position. Than make just a ...
Pieter Geerkens's user avatar
2 votes

How to live on sphere?

I'm not a fan of using angles as a source of truth, very often you then need to deal with wrapping and in just about every case you need to feed it through a trig function to get the actual values you ...
ratchet freak's user avatar
2 votes

Understanding use of "localUp" in planet mesh generation code

This code is establishing a local coordinate system in which to perform the mesh generation. When we want to generate the 6 cube faces, we need to iterate over the rows and columns of a grid to place ...
DMGregory's user avatar
  • 136k
2 votes

Why addForce creating some small movement in my game object?

I suspect this happed because you apply constant force to the player every frame, and this force coming from the wrong direction. You may need to stop applying that force when the player is grounded ...
Flitzcore's user avatar
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2 votes

3D Illusion of a 2D Planet Texture

I think this article describes the technique. (It is in Russian, so I post translated link.)
Eric's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote

Generation of a moon terrain

Instead of using a noise, use an algorithm, that creates the terrain. You should create every point first at a uniform height, then with a seeded random you pick a position and a radius. After you ...
Bálint's user avatar
  • 15k
1 vote

How to make a Minecraft like world round?

After 9 years I found nicer solution. Since the world do not need to be ideal we can a bit "cheat" by allowing some error from ideal cube. Jordan Peck has proposed solution like this: If we ...
arseniuss's user avatar
1 vote

Domain distortion on a spherical texture (planetary surface)

When applying the warp, do it on the 3D coordinates while you're performing the initial noise evaluation in the first place. I am not super familiar with the Numpy syntax here, but basically you would ...
KdotJPG's user avatar
  • 319
1 vote

Workflow for creating spherical heightmaps

When solving this problem in the past, we used an out-of-the-box terrain sculpting tool like World Machine together with a custom terrain merging tool created by our technical artist (in C# I believe)....
DMGregory's user avatar
  • 136k

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