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Questions tagged [obj]

For questions related to processing OBJ mesh file format.

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8 votes
2 answers

How does Unity3D lower an imported .obj vertex count?

I have a question regarding how Unity3D handles importing of .obj files. I'm importing this teapot: The number of vertices ...
VitorOliveira's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to detect collision between a camera and a mesh?

I am wondering how you would be able to extract mesh properties (i.e. faces, vertices, and vertex normals) and use them to create a collidable object, one that a camera can't go through ? I am using @...
Sean Jordan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why do some .obj files have no newlines?

I'm working on a game engine and just started with mesh loading. I started with the format .obj. I ran into this problem: The guide I'm following gave me a couple ...
Fredrik Boston Westman's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Need help drawing obj file! [closed]

I'm using GLFW and I want to draw a obj file. How are they drawn? I know how to draw 3D in OpenGL but when I open the obj file I see "v"s, "vn"s, "f"s, "vt"s, what are these? I don't know how to read ...
LiquidFeline's user avatar
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2 answers

Texture mapping issue in my Wavefront *.obj parser

I wrote a simple *.obj parser reading read vertices, texcoords and normals. But when I draw a model the texture isn't mapped correctly. I have already tried ...
RamblingMad's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Raytracer texture mapping (to triangle mesh) leaving artifacts

So I am trying to get OBJ loading working in my raytracer. Loading OBJs works fine, but I am having some trouble with getting the texture mapping working. Here is an image of my result. It is ...
Toadums's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is my obj file imported into pyglet showing a blank screen?

I am trying to figure out how to import .obj files generated using Blender into my Pyglet game. There is an importer object, example code, and an example .obj/.mtl file within Pyglet's contrib ...
EdwardTeach's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

OBJ model loaded in LWJGL has a black area with no texture

I have a problem with loading an .obj file in LWJGL and its textures. The object is a tree(it's a paid model from TurboSquid, so I can't post it here,but here's the link if you want to see how it ...
gambiting's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Wavefront mesh: determine which face a point belongs to?

I have a 3D mesh Wavefront .obj file. Is there any algorithm that takes an arbitrary point coordinates as input and determines which face of the mesh that point belongs to ?? The mesh is rendered on ...
Mina Wissa's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I convert OBJ data into CSS3D transformations?

I want to convert the data in a 3D .obj file (vertices, normals, faces) to CSS3D (width, height, rotateX,Y,Z and/or similar transforms). I found a bunch of ...
Don Boots's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How i can sign and/or group a specific set of vertices in a 3D file container like OBJ ? - in Blender

I would like to export a 3D model with each part having a name or a label if you will. For example i would like to export a model of an human body and name each part in specifics vertex groups like: ...
user827992's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

loading a sequence of obj in java

I have 90 obj for an animation and currently using LWJGL. How would I be able to load them in sequence for 3000 seconds (a frame every 33 milliseconds)?
ChocoMan's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem rendering a Wavefront mesh, nothing displays(VBO)

I'm having a problem with displaying my wavefront obj file using VBO's My fps counter slows down like there is something being drawn but I cannot see anything. Is it a problem with my loader? Or maybe ...
ceriosNerd's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

std::vector::size with glDrawElements crashes?

( win32 / OpenGL 3.3 / GLSL 330 ) I decided after a long time of trying to do a graphical user interface using just opengl graphics to go back to a gui toolkit and ...
NoobScratcher's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to get this wavefront .obj data onto the frustum?

I've finally figured out how to get the data from a .obj file and store the vertex positions x,y,z into a structure called Points with members ...
NoobScratcher's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

How can I include vertex color information in .OBJ files?

The .obj files I export are missing data for vertex colors. Is there a way to include color information in the .obj file? If not, what are the alternatives?
Mina Wissa's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

3DS Max 2012 OBJ file import missing polygons

I started learning OpenGL. I got to a point I want to import some "real" objects. After "Googling" I decided I will go with OBJ file for start, since it is simple to understand, and there are plenty ...
Vit's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Blender - exporting .obj with texture coords

I'm writing a game which uses obj files. I created an object in blender and I applied texture without UV coordinates and my question is: how to export this object to obj file, but with texture ...
m4tx's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to include fur in the exported obj file in Maya?

In Maya I use fur to create plants. In my game I want to render these plants with cel shading. I use Wavefront .obj as a file format in my game for the models, but it doesn't seem to include the fur. ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Understanding .obj file

I downloaded a 3d model of a car. By judging by the skins and images available model treats wheels and car body as separate nodes. I want to access its child nodes (wheels) to specify animation. But ...
Niroshan's user avatar
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