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Questions tagged [android-studio]

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment for the Android operating system.

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1 vote
2 answers

Image Does Not Animate and is Stuck in one Frame

I'm having a problem in my code where the animation from another class does not animate and is stuck in one frame. The image moves across the screen in the right manner though. I know that the problem ...
JAlmazan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What is the meaning of this "MuxOMX ctor" log in LibGDX?

I'm developing a game in Java for Android using LibGDX with Android Studio. I'm using the AssetsManager class and I've noticed weird log when finishLoading() is finished: ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

libGDX, Android Studio assets not found but linked properly

I used the libGDX setup UI to create a new project, copied sources from my tablet project and fixed all the errors due to libGDX version changes. Finally at the point to test and run, but first I hate ...
MercifulNinja's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

LibGDX touchDown event continues

I'm using libGdx to create a simple platformer. I used a set of images as an onScreen controller for Android, and use this code to fire a shot -> ...
Faraz Ali's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Better Way to Detect Line Cross

I am developing a very simple game in libGDX for android devices. Simply, the game is a character who runs and jumps over obstacles, every time the character jumps over one of said obstacles, a ...
MrPhooky's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Making use of the Android GPU debugging tools

I tried following the manual to install the Android GPU debugging tools for android Studio 2.0. Unfortunately it has not been very successful. I have been following the instructions of the official ...
Busti's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

android game change background image at every level?

I want to be able to have a different background image at each level of my game. Presently I have only one. There is no layout folder shown in Android Studio and all info I have searched shows how to ...
Mohamed Aadhil's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Export UnityProject inside Android Studio's existing project

I am new to the Unity3D, but I have made a small Unity project with a humanoid gameobject. I can move this humanoid with the demo data but I want to move it with ...
Jai Aggarwal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

LibGDx android : Show animation on button click

I am trying to create an application using libgdx where i need an animation to be played on pressing an image button, i've been able to achieve it using this code ...
Storm's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Libgdx black rectangles problem

I'm working on a game for Android using Android Studio with LibGDX in Java. I recently found a weird problem when closing and reopening the game. When I first open the game, it works fine. If I click ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Libgdx stops all sounds when there are lots of sounds

I'm making a 2D game for Android using Android Studio with Libgdx in Java. I have a class, called SoundPlayer, which holds an ArrayMap. The key is the name of the sound file and the value is the sound ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Simplifying Object Factory

I'm making a game for Android using Libgdx with Android Studio in Java. In my game, I have a class called ObjectFactory which has a method createGameObject(int objectType) which receives an integer ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Main game objects as static

I'm making a game for Android using Android Studio with Libgdx in Java. In my game there are main object like Screen, ObjectFactory, SoundPlayer, Painter (Responsible for drawing) and a few more. 'til ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is this how I use activities in android studio?

I'm a student who is just stepping into android game development. I'd like to create a text-based RPG game for android and started to learn about Android Studio (I think Android Studio is enough ...
Jason J.Y. Kim's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Make a sprite jump to a certain direction in libGDX

I was wondering how you can make a sprite jump to a certain direction in libGDX just like the brick does in the famous mobile game "Amazing Brick' I want to make my sprite jump up a bit to the right ...
user78123's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Image Buttons Have Low Resolution Quality

I'm using Synfig Animator to draw my animations for my android game I'm also using Android Studio to write the code for it, However. On testing, the images that i'm using looks very bad and unfocused ...
Zack Tombson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to implement 2 cameras in a unique stage using LibGDX

I am quite new to LibGDX. I am trying to make a game, where the character is an Actor, and it's controlled by a Touchpad(...
Asaltaviejas's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Publishing a Unity game to Android/iPhone

How can I publish a game that I made in Unity onto Android and iPhone? How do I generate the Android/iPhone binaries?
user76494's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

OpenGL ES 2.0: Highly variable time spent in GLES20.glDrawArrays(). How to find the cause?

How can I debug why the time take to issue exactly the same GL commands to render a frame, especially the call to GLES20.glDrawArrays(), is highly variable even when there is no garbage collection and ...
Tobias's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How can I exclude my enemies from spawning in certain zones generated at random?

I have a code where I randomly generate enemy spawn position, but I want to exclude some areas since it's colliding with some sprites it shouldn't collide with. This is the code where I generate the ...
OrangeHat's user avatar
  • 123
1 vote
0 answers

animation of an Actor in libgdx crashes on iphone

I am using a class found here on stackover for the animation of the actors , but I crash on the physical device class ...
Mr. Developer's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Getting Image From Android to Unity3D

I am trying to get an image from the user gallery and import it in unity. I have written a native plugin in Android Studio and exported JAR as it’s needed for the native stuff to get working. I am ...
Adnan Nazir's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

create ipa without RoboVM in a project libgdx [closed]

I am creating an application with libgdx , and I wish I could produce an IPA without using RoboVM , because since version 1.9 became a fee . I saw on the original documentation that you can do with ...
Dev4Ever's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Setting 4 different enemy spawn zones off screen

This is my first game, so I really appreciate all the help. I want to create four enemy spawn zones for enemies and this areas are off screen. The enemies are coming from left, right, up and down, ...
OrangeHat's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Spawning enemies in four different positions with a fixed trajectory in android game

This is my first android game, I appreciate all the help. I want to define 4 spawning zones starting from out of the screen (left, right, up and down). Enemies coming from this areas have a fixed ...
OrangeHat's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Sounds make Andengine Scene junky

I have a GameScene which has a character (animated sprite), AutoParallaxBackground background with quite large textures and no ...
Nikola Despotoski's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there an optimal method to implement moving background?

I am trying to develop a little game using libGDX. We have a hero who jumps and world consist of dynamically created moving platforms in an auto side-scrolling manner. I wanted background to scroll at ...
raidensan's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Why does Intersector.overlaps return false?

I am trying my hand at creating a simple game using libGDX. The idea is: We have a hero who jumps and world consist of dynamically created moving platforms in an auto side-scrolling manner. In order ...
raidensan's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why is my Box2D Body only colliding with one type of Object after a new level has been built?

So developing for an android mobile game, using Android Studio and developing for the API 17, with Box2D implemented. FIRST LEVEL For some reason, one the first level everything is running okay: ...
101_son's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

2D Coordinate Based Game [duplicate]

I want to make a game for Android that has a 10x10 Grid Plane as UI.In this game users going to touch on a grid and tihs grid will be painted. My question is how do I understand which gird or tile ...
Recomer's user avatar