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0 votes
1 answer

How can I add a button that opens a pop-up?

I have developed a game with a libGDX game engine. I want to create a button on the game screen and add a popup to this button. How can I do this? My current code: ...
Dou Software's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Button on click event crashes

I'm trying to create an android game using libgdx with a Titlescreen, you just press start and your game startes. However I'm having difficulty trying to get these buttons to work. The titlescreen ...
stayutazen's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

LibGDX: Why won't certain actions work on my Actor?

In my GameClass, I called the Stage.act and Stage.draw methods in the right order accordingly. I have actions set up so that the actor fades in/fades out, bounces down/up, and also rotate, like so: <...
Erick Adam's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I make my button do something when clicked?

I'm trying to create a game with libGDX in Android Studio, and I am struggling with my code to add a command to the program to do something when I press the button. I have added an ...
Neillbar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Problem in Splash Screen (Libgdx)

I made the game in libgdx and i want the splash screen in the starting but its show splash screen but not move to the game screen. I don't know what was the problem even the run time error also not ...
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How can I make the background of my game move following my player?

I'm starting with Libgdx and I would like to make my ParallaxBackground move following my player. I am using a TiledMap along with Scene2d, and have the camera follow the sprite of my player. I'm ...
LizardStd's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to know if these profiler values are good or bad?

I'm making a 2D game for Android Mobile using LibGDX and Java in Android Studio. My game mostly runs alright with 60FPS, but for some time to time it lowers to 50FPS. I'm trying to find out what ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I make so the player jump happens only once in a onScreenController on LIBGDX and the player doesn't stick on the roof?

I'm making a simple platform game, and I was following this tutorial to make an onScreenController ( There's one think that's not how I want it ...
J. Carlos's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Android Studio with libGDX doesn't recognize boolean

In my game, when the users clicks an image button, the value of a boolean changes and then the game is closed. I mean, if I want to restart the game, I click this image button, the game is closed and ...
Curio's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

LibGDX with SoundPool

I'm developing a game for Android using LibGDX in Android Studio. I recently found out that some sounds in my game fail to play. I noticed that every time a sound fails to play, these are the logs: ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

spriteBatch.draw is not getting overloaded

I am following this tutorial from tutorial 11. I am using libGdx framework in Android studio . ...
ZaidRehman's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Error suddenly when compiling Desktop on Android Studio - all projects - nothing changed - LibGDX

I have just gone into Android Studio to open a project. It will run in Android but not my Desktop configuration. Nothing of the code has been changed and I have now tried 3 projects, also a brand new ...
Big T Larrity's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to Refresh Dependencies after Adding FreeType Extension in Android Project

I'm planning to use FreeType fonts in my game (LibGDX and Android Studio) and I already added the freetype dependencies in my project. How can I refresh the dependencies after adding them? I have ...
JAlmazan's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Why does the Texture from AssetManager displays black rectangles only (LibGDX)?

I loaded and get a texture from assetmanager but whenever I test the app it only shows black rectangles instead of the texture. I tried finding some probable cause for this in my code but I can't ...
JAlmazan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to make members of an Array into an actor and add them to stage?

I have an animation (enemies) that I would like to add multiple times on the screen. From what I know, I can save memory and framerate-per-second by using one animating image and make an arraylist of ...
JAlmazan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Memory leak while loading libgdx game screen

So, I have a lot of texture atlases in my code for a talking tom type libgdx, and I use around 6 of them per screen. The app crashes abruptly without any errors on devices with 1gb ram or less. I ...
Storm's user avatar
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3 answers

Actor in Stage Does Not Update the MoveTo XY Location

I am creating a game wherein an apple is being shot with an arrow. The apple's location is the XY location of the user input and the arrow actor has to move to that location using the code actor....
JAlmazan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Image Does Not Animate and is Stuck in one Frame

I'm having a problem in my code where the animation from another class does not animate and is stuck in one frame. The image moves across the screen in the right manner though. I know that the problem ...
JAlmazan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What is the meaning of this "MuxOMX ctor" log in LibGDX?

I'm developing a game in Java for Android using LibGDX with Android Studio. I'm using the AssetsManager class and I've noticed weird log when finishLoading() is finished: ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

libGDX, Android Studio assets not found but linked properly

I used the libGDX setup UI to create a new project, copied sources from my tablet project and fixed all the errors due to libGDX version changes. Finally at the point to test and run, but first I hate ...
MercifulNinja's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

LibGDX touchDown event continues

I'm using libGdx to create a simple platformer. I used a set of images as an onScreen controller for Android, and use this code to fire a shot -> ...
Faraz Ali's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Better Way to Detect Line Cross

I am developing a very simple game in libGDX for android devices. Simply, the game is a character who runs and jumps over obstacles, every time the character jumps over one of said obstacles, a ...
MrPhooky's user avatar
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1 answer

LibGDx android : Show animation on button click

I am trying to create an application using libgdx where i need an animation to be played on pressing an image button, i've been able to achieve it using this code ...
Storm's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Libgdx black rectangles problem

I'm working on a game for Android using Android Studio with LibGDX in Java. I recently found a weird problem when closing and reopening the game. When I first open the game, it works fine. If I click ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Libgdx stops all sounds when there are lots of sounds

I'm making a 2D game for Android using Android Studio with Libgdx in Java. I have a class, called SoundPlayer, which holds an ArrayMap. The key is the name of the sound file and the value is the sound ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Simplifying Object Factory

I'm making a game for Android using Libgdx with Android Studio in Java. In my game, I have a class called ObjectFactory which has a method createGameObject(int objectType) which receives an integer ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Main game objects as static

I'm making a game for Android using Android Studio with Libgdx in Java. In my game there are main object like Screen, ObjectFactory, SoundPlayer, Painter (Responsible for drawing) and a few more. 'til ...
Gad Wissberg's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Make a sprite jump to a certain direction in libGDX

I was wondering how you can make a sprite jump to a certain direction in libGDX just like the brick does in the famous mobile game "Amazing Brick' I want to make my sprite jump up a bit to the right ...
user78123's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to implement 2 cameras in a unique stage using LibGDX

I am quite new to LibGDX. I am trying to make a game, where the character is an Actor, and it's controlled by a Touchpad(...
Asaltaviejas's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

animation of an Actor in libgdx crashes on iphone

I am using a class found here on stackover for the animation of the actors , but I crash on the physical device class ...
Mr. Developer's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

create ipa without RoboVM in a project libgdx [closed]

I am creating an application with libgdx , and I wish I could produce an IPA without using RoboVM , because since version 1.9 became a fee . I saw on the original documentation that you can do with ...
Dev4Ever's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there an optimal method to implement moving background?

I am trying to develop a little game using libGDX. We have a hero who jumps and world consist of dynamically created moving platforms in an auto side-scrolling manner. I wanted background to scroll at ...
raidensan's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does Intersector.overlaps return false?

I am trying my hand at creating a simple game using libGDX. The idea is: We have a hero who jumps and world consist of dynamically created moving platforms in an auto side-scrolling manner. In order ...
raidensan's user avatar
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