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6 votes

How do mipmapping, anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering contribute to rendering quality?

In an ideal world, we wouldn't want them. We'd just use the same high quality textures far away and not care about wasted resources. Not really. If we forget about wasted resources and use fast ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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4 votes

Sprite becomes blurry or jagged when camera zooms out

First, make sure your sprite/texture import format is set to RGBA 32-bit. Any other import settings apply some compression algorithms to save video memory/loading time, at the cost of image quality. ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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3 votes

Does GPU mipmapping assume the texture is gamma corrected?

Taking from the OpenGL 4.4 specification: The contents of the derived arrays are computed by repeated, filtered reduction of the levelbase array. For one- and two-dimensional array and cube map ...
Maximus Minimus's user avatar
3 votes

How would I generate mipmaps for a 3D texture in Unity (at runtime)?

I finally figured out the issue. Unity will automatically generate mipmaps if the fourth parameter of: ...
MacksNotCool's user avatar
2 votes

Does GPU mipmapping assume the texture is gamma corrected?

Some people in the comments pointed out some mistakes in my previous answer. This answer tries to fix all those issues. Thanks for the feedback! Here is the new code. I have chosen better images for ...
tuket's user avatar
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2 votes

Direct3D 11. GenerateMips not work

desc.MipLevels = 1; You asked for the texture to be created with only one mip level, so the texture was created with only one mip level. From the ...
Maximus Minimus's user avatar
1 vote

How to generate mipmaps with min value sampling for Hierarchical Z test (HiZ)?

After some workaround this is my solution Using DX11 generatemips Create texture pTex with mip flag on (eventually fixed number of miplevel) and D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET | D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE ...
philB's user avatar
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1 vote

how to generate mipmap, and check if done properly?

My solution. So my approach is i prepare image that i want to render with mipmap effect in file create resource of that image(i used CreateWICTextureFromFile) ...
KIM CHANGJUN's user avatar
1 vote

how to generate mipmap, and check if done properly?

One way is capturing a frame with a graphics debugger, such as RenderDoc, Nsight, Visual Studio graphics debugger or something else, search for your texture in the resources window (different names ...
János Turánszki's user avatar
1 vote

Mip map artifacts

Looks like you need some padding/margins in your texture so it doesn't bleed from edge to edge. Edit: I should probably elaborate, Ill probably come back to this ( can't right now ). So if someone ...
Sidar's user avatar
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