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How can I speed up slow loading of big levels?

First of all, you should measure where exactly the bottleneck is so you don't waste time improving things which are already good enough. The bottleneck could be any of these: Reading the XML file ...
Philipp's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I speed up slow loading of big levels?

Despite it being used for virtually everything, and despite it being used even in high-volume, low-latency applications, XML is an abysmal format for almost everything, but in particular for ...
Damon's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I speed up slow loading of big levels?

There are a number of factors to approaching this problem, although you are on the right track. Single Load The first approach, as you've already tried, is to load it all at once. This puts all your ...
Stephan's user avatar
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4 votes

Parameter "current->parent" is null, don't see why

Found it, thanks to @Mangata. It is a weird bug. My help boxes had default text using [dropcaps] on a single letter, terminated immediately afterward; but the terminator seemed to fail to register ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
3 votes

How can I easily create/edit a level for a scrolling shooter game?

The reason you might not find any good literature about this subject is because the best solution always depends on the game, its architecture, its scope and your team's preferred workflow. Possible ...
Philipp's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I speed up slow loading of big levels?

Let's have a look at smart... what is smart exactly? You state that you use XML as a format to store your levels. XML is a hierarchical format that is stored into a file. Thus we have 2 main factors ...
dot_Sp0T's user avatar
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How can I create borders in an open-world game that don't feel artificial?

Make the whole game's art style feel artificial This was the solution adopted by Valve for Team Fortress 2. From the Hydro developer commentary (2:29): Maps require impassable boundaries, but ...
EMBLEM's user avatar
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2 votes

Best way to let the player know there are multiple solutions to a problem?(and force them to play again)

There are probably an infinite number of ways of doing this. And any of these ways will be the best for its specific situation. In spite of that I am going to address a few rather broad concepts based ...
dot_Sp0T's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I easily create/edit a level for a scrolling shooter game?

Currently I know only of two ways. pre-defined If your levels are limited and should always (basically) be the same then you are good to go to create the levels with as Unity scene. 30 levels, 30 ...
monty's user avatar
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2 votes

Random 100x100 map using all levels from 1 to 100

To ensure all castles 1-100 are present, simply shuffle an array containing all the numbers 1-100. You can either do this once when you first generate the map and then hold onto it, or you can use a ...
yoozer8's user avatar
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2 votes

Text Only Dungeon Crawler game. Hardcoding Maps vs Generating Map Data externally?

I would recommend to use a standard markup format like XML, YAML or JSON for your files. There are plenty of C++ libraries available for each of them which make converting between text files and C++ ...
Philipp's user avatar
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2 votes

Texture2D GetPixels - Finding pixels that are not transparent. Problem as finding more than expected

I solved it. I was going to delete the question but just in case somebody else needs the same help, all I had to do was set the Textures Import Settings in Unity Inspector. It needed Read/Write ...
Big T Larrity's user avatar
1 vote

Several objects from another level appearing in a level that they shouldn't?

I researched further and found the answer on the Unreal forum. Link of question (question and answer from 'saldavonschwartz'):
Boneco Sinforoso's user avatar
1 vote

Make types, levels, armor and weapons for an text based adventure game, java

Java is an object-oriented language, so the usual approach to this would be a class hierarchy. Create a class for each of the entity types mentioned in the question. Then represent those entities at ...
Philipp's user avatar
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1 vote

How to complete a level and move on to the next level?

The object passed to an OnCollisionEnter method is the other object triggering the collision. The method of your class WinTrigger...
Philipp's user avatar
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1 vote

How to create 2D platformer maps without a game engine's editor?

I have no idea about developing for Sony PSP. This answer presumes limited target hardware, and the goal of a simple 2D engine. Budgets No, not money. Your game will have a time budget and a memory ...
Theraot's user avatar
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1 vote

How to render a large, seamless platforming world without scene transitions?

Well, basic setup of desired configuration can be achieved quite easily in Unity. SceneManager class has nice methods: LoadSceneAsync and UnloadSceneAsync. They are ...
Xamtos's user avatar
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1 vote

How to seamlessly handle multiple procedural 2D levels in Unity3D?

From generative code, if you have less than 100 levels, you can save the levels as unity assets / prefabs and load them instantly using a bit of scene management, level code and choose the 100 best ...
bandybabboon's user avatar
1 vote

Creating multiple levels in Unity without duplicating scripts

In programming we have a principle called DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself. If you ever find yourself copying and pasting a big chunk of code, DRY says "Stop. Is there another way we can share this ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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Terminology in a hierarchy of levels

Some options for an "outer" level: Group Set Stage Phase Tier (also suggests escalating value/difficulty) Folder (like a file system) Book Some options for an "inner" level: Puzzle Entry Challenge ...
DMGregory's user avatar
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Building Levels... Any tips for nice 'level enclosure'? To avoid having to make un-used parts of a level map

Why not let the simpletons just fall? Eh. My more "sanitized" response would be, sometimes, it can be a whimsical choice to allow the less genre-savvy individuals fall off the map.... Not that you'd ...
Gregory's user avatar
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1 vote

How to release a new level without having to publish a new version

When your levels are defined in sourcecode, then you can't add more levels without releasing a new version of the complete game build. So instead of hardcoding your level setups, move the layout of ...
Philipp's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I speed up slow loading of big levels?

Don't change your XML file if you find it a useful format for you to work with. The trick is to keep the file you like but not have your game use that file directly. Write a simple routine (to run ...
insanerob's user avatar
1 vote

SceneManager.LoadScene doesn't seem to be working in Unity IDE

Turns out the code works. Here "Main" is the name of the scene and LoadSceneMode.Single is one element of an enumeration. Remember to add all scenes to the build settings.
Joel J.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Importing levels at runtime

As mentioned in the comments, Unity has AssetBundles ( ). These can be loaded at runtime with the 'www' class (if they are stored locally, you ...
Steve Harding's user avatar
1 vote

How should I store & read level map?

If you are making a platformer or top down rpg style game an array can be very usefull. As long as you can consistently convert from world coordinates to array coordinates (and back), you can easily ...
Richard Hansen's user avatar
1 vote

Load the prefab in the array by name in Unity

In order to associate a button press with an index into your array of prefabs, you could create something like the following: ...
zcabjro's user avatar
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1 vote

Load the prefab in the array by name in Unity

Have a look at Resources.Load(). To work properly, the prefab must be in a folder called "Resources", and you load it by its filename (not including "Resources/" or ".prefab"). Use it like this: <...
piojo's user avatar
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