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Questions tagged [trigonometry]

A branch of mathematics that studies triangles and the relationships between their sides and the angles between these sides.

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Adding spread to velocity Vector3D

I am trying to give an object a velocity spread (e.g. shotgun bullets or particle effect). ...
codecustard's user avatar
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How to get the Javascript equivalent of GameMaker's `hspeed` and `vspeed` given only `direction` and `speed`?

I'm using a NodeJS server to control NPC movement in a multiplayer game, and when they get too close to the edge of the room I need to reverse either the horizontal or vertical components of their ...
Coco DaWhiteBerry's user avatar
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Sum of FoV enemies

so what I need is to calculate the sum of players' Field of view. Put simple, In a 2d space, I want to check how much they cover (in degrees). So here are a couple of use cases to explain by example: ...
kishikaisei's user avatar
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Camera LookAt position with fixed screen position

I have a perspective "lookAt-type" camera. I'm trying to compute specific focus point of the camera, which should be placed in the middle of the screen: I also have a custom 3d point in world space, ...
mezox's user avatar
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Finding Closest of 8 Possible Angles to Theta Value

I'm working on creating a gesture recognition system, and I saw one simple implementation that isn't as accurate, but is really easy to implement. The idea is that you have a unit circle with the 8 ...
Darin Beaudreau's user avatar
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How to panning camera on XZ axis with different angles

I have an Orthographic camera where the position is { x:0, y:100, z:0 } and is pointing/looking at { x:0, y:0, z:0 }. At this ...
Enzo's user avatar
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Why does the first red-zone sometimes appear too close to the border in my battle-royale red-zone feature?

The Problem: If you've ever played or watched some gameplay of a battle royal game (like PUBG, for example), you'll always find an event during any battle called the red zone. Basically, at a ...
Saif Taher's user avatar
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Combine rotation XZ (horizontal) with YZ (vertical). Math formula

I'm trying to make a rotation vertically and horizontally around a point at the same time but I'm not able to combine both. I have this formula for the horizontal rotation: ...
Enzo's user avatar
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Algorithm to produce a 2D 'flying through space' effect like the old Windows screen saver

I am old. My high school maths is a long way in my past and I am struggling to devise an algorithm that will produce a 2D 'flying through space' effect like the old Windows screen saver. It has— ...
Ben's user avatar
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Getting an object to move in another objects direction

I have a player and an enemy, both have x and y values, and I want to move the enemy to the player and have them 'touch' over time in a speed that I can determine, I tried calculating the angle ...
Gal's user avatar
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Move object at angle like a sine wave

I currently have this code, which moves an object in a straight line at an angle, where "dir" is the angle. velX = (float)(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(dir))) * speed; ...
ineedhelp's user avatar
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Aim/Scope Oscillation Algorithm

I have been struggling to find an algorithm to implement something that will make a direction oscillate within a cone constraint, in a helix-shaped fashion as in photo (it will always go back to the ...
Alakanu's user avatar
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3 answers

Are there recursive variants for trigonometric functions to potentially improve performance?

This is perhaps a better question for mathematics SE, however, this deals more with the performance side of gaming, and software in general. When I say recursive function, I mean recurrence relation. ...
AMDG's user avatar
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How can I correct an unwanted fisheye effect when drawing a scene with raycasting?

Hello I have a game using raycasting for the TI Nspire in Lua, and when the player faces a wall so that their degree they are facing is perpendicular to the length of the wall, I am having what is ...
crazicrafter1's user avatar
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Calculate smooth transition between local space angles

I'm trying to calculate direction of moving character (to rotate it's animation). I have something like this: Character can have 4 cardinal directions. The rotation is calculated from the current ...
Łukasz Baran's user avatar
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Moving a point on a rotating sprite

I've been trying to get sprites to stay on a set point on another rotating sprite. At the moment, it's very inaccurate, the original position is wrong, and when the rotation is applied the sprite ...
rainefall's user avatar
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How to calculate Camera “correct” position and distance to Frame all my Scene? [duplicate]

Consider I have N dynamic points on my Scene, I would like to "frame" all them, with my Camera. How can i calculate (at runtime) Vector3 Position to correctly frame all my scene ? This is my idea: ...
stighy's user avatar
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Help with simple 2D Lens Flare effect

I'm currently trying to do a Lens Flare effect in a 2D game (Unity 3D) and i'm having problems with element positioning. This are my elements in hierarchy. "Camera Container" it's a GameObject, ...
Fede Alvarez's user avatar
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How to make a sprite blink with Libgdx?

I want to make a sprite blinking like this: ...
purpule's user avatar
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Why is my sprite moving 90 degrees to the right?

I have a sprite which i'm trying to move towards the top of the screen with the left and right buttons adjusting the heading. However when my heading = 0; my ...
synj's user avatar
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Getting the current 'Forward' direction Vector values into code and how to use them?

Im having some trouble visualising how the maths works for this particular problem. Back when i coded in 2d only this was often a stumbling point for mine even when only dealing with an x and y axis. ...
Big T Larrity's user avatar
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Why doesn't games use CORDIC for sin and cos?

If the game devs add CORDIC sin cos calculation to their games, their games will have much better FPS. Why do they use normal sin cos function (e.g. Math.sin) instead of CORDIC?
MCCCS's user avatar
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Unity Mathf.Atan2 algorithm complexity

using Unity5.5.1f; using C#; So I have a circle (2D) divided equally by 16 directions, and I also have a direction V which is different from the other 16. In order to know which direction is the ...
Alakanu's user avatar
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Translating yaw degrees into 2D movement

I've been hitting my head on the wall for a while with this, and I'm almost sure I'm overcomplicating it. I have a variable for yaw in degrees (and also pitch and roll, but those should be irrelevant)...
EthanBar's user avatar
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Math behind drawing one game object relative to another?

Let's say I have a square (a) and I want to draw another square (b) that stays on one corner of the square (a). Square (a) can rotate and move around the game world, what math would be used to keep ...
Shaun Wild's user avatar
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Dealing with vectors in multiple planes

Say I have my main "screen" plane, where vectors can be represented I "know"/can represent vector Q, but the only information I know about vector R is relative to Vector Q. An easy way to visualize ...
Danyil Bee's user avatar
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Find vector tangent to circle through a point

C2 and P1 are known points. Radius of circle C2 is also constant and known. I am trying to find point T to eventually construct line p1-t, which is tangent to circle c2. I have made an attempt ...
Danyil Bee's user avatar
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Mapping polar coordinates to cube

I am trying map polar coordinates to points on a cube. I was able to map the front, back, left and right faces of the cube, but I am struggling with the top and bottom. Here is what I have: ...
Deniz Cetinalp's user avatar
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LibGDX How can I draw a line at a specific angle

I'm working on a 2D platformer, shooter game and I'm attempting to draw a line to serve as a guide to indicate where the player is shooting. The line should be drawn from the player's sprite to the ...
Tessa Painter's user avatar
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How to plot angles from the pawn's facing direction on a radar UI?

I am doodling on the Flying game template on UE4. I am making a 2D radar on top left. The radar's north direction is the pawn's forward direction. So when it approaches to an object with the dot ...
alicankoker's user avatar
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Coordinates of the corners of a rectangle bridging two circles

I am implementing a game that involves slingshots and circular objects. I have gotten the basic "geometric" construction down for rendering the slingshot, but I am having trouble implementing this in ...
Danyil Bee's user avatar
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How to work out the height of a point on a tilted surface?

I have a plane which gets tilted on the X and Z axis (y+ is the normal). Given an X and Z coordinate and the X and Z rotation of the plane, how do I find out the height (Y) at that point? I assume ...
Nick's user avatar
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Unity 3D - Rotate (smoothly) towards a target

I wanted to know if there is a method on which I can rotate an object with an angle given (a float to be precise), I use trigonometry to calculate the angle between the two objects in a (x, z) plane ...
LifGwaethrakindo's user avatar
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Calculate target angle to a certain Vector

I'm developing a 3D game in LWJGL. I have a player class and a monster class and I need the monster class to chase the player when the player is within a certain distance. For that I have the monster ...
Ricardo Cruz's user avatar
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Rotating vector based on the position of another vector? [duplicate]

Sorry for terrible picture but lets say we have a unit vector A and we have vectors B and C. So for vector B I would want to rotate in a positive direction because the vector is "above A" and for ...
GIancarlo's user avatar
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Increasing mass in ineleastic collision by orders of magnitude resultsin little change in velocity

When increasing my rocketMass from 10 to 1000 or to a 1000 or bringing my shipMass down to 1, I notice very little increase in how far the ship's final inertia is. I'm expecting that increasing from ...
user333866's user avatar
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Why doesn't JavaScript's Math.cos function match this vector tutorial?

I'm following this MATHguide lesson on combining vectors and have reached this part: Next, we need to convert their forces to horizontal and vertical components. Let's use k for Kim's vector and n ...
user333866's user avatar
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Turning x and y difference between two points into a projectile moving between them at a fixed speed

In a libgdx project of mine, I have two units on a 2d field who want to fire at each other. They both know the x and y distance to each other by subtracting their enemies position from their own: <...
Jarmund's user avatar
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Algorithm for spacing points out among a line

I'm writing an angled tile system, and my implementation is to have a starting height and an ending height inside the tile. Like so: The starting and ending height allow me to get the length of the ...
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Slide along Surface

I'm very bad at Math and trigonometric functions (And I dunno if this questions fits here) I have a surface normal as a direction vector.I want my character slide along the surface, if the angle of ...
Raildex's user avatar
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Why does this whirlpool simulation not work?

I am trying to create a simple whirlpool simulation, where particles are constantly compelled to move towards a point in a whirlpool like fashion. To do this I do the following (in sudo code) ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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How to avoid 2d enemy using trigonometry?

I'm making a game in Javascript & HTML5. I have a "bullet" (let's call it so) that needs to reach the enemy (at fixed position) and that need to avoid the enemy's "bullet". To make the bullet ...
Gianluigi Tozzolino's user avatar
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Java- Trig based movement

I have been trying to create a smooth movement technique that would allow me to move in all directions, not just the 8 cardinal directions. I have tried to use this doing trig, and while the ...
Acuzik's user avatar
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How to rotate a triangle to look at a point?

Lets say I have a triangle defined by 3 vertices and a center point, how do I rotate the triangle so its normal is looking at a specified point?
MarsYeti's user avatar
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Guided Missile with Constant Time

I'm building a game with players and missiles. I want to fire a missile from P1 to P2. The missile should always take exactly five seconds to reach P2. The missile should also track P2. If P2 moves ...
Peter's user avatar
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How does this point2LineDist() method works?

I was browsing Wolf3D JS port and bump into that method : ...
tigrou's user avatar
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Require maths help calculating deflection angles of quadrants

For each quadrant, I need to find a neat way of calculating the deflection angle for a small circular object striking a circle, as shown in the diagram. Angles a and b are already known. Angle a is ...
Jason210's user avatar
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Day/Night - Rotation from a sine wave

I recently found this question on stack exchange with a great answer that showed how to condense game time into a sine wave, where 1 = midday and -1 = midnight Converting time of day into a smooth ...
Liam's user avatar
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Super formula on shader

I'm using Shader-toy to experiment and try to learn a bit the shader science. As exercise I wan to replicate some of the wikipedia math plots. I've started with a Super Formula. What I want to ...
nkint's user avatar
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OpenGL Arc-Ball Camera Yaw Pitch GLM::Rotate

I'm currently working on a small Voxel-Editor Project. In the editor, I plan on using an Arc-Ball camera which rotate around the model. My camera is currently working but in an odd way. I can't seem ...
Gabriel Roy's user avatar