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Getting the scalar speed from an X and Y velocity [duplicate]

Given a Vector2(x,y) that represents an object's velocity, like so: ...
CAOakley's user avatar
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Need help on finding the algorithm for getting the FlipX, Y and TextureRotation of my DirectionalAnimation class

I've created a class called DegreeAnimation, which is basically an implementation of my CustomAnimation class, but works with other directions, there are 2 constructors for this class, one where the ...
random person's user avatar
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Getting an object to move in another objects direction

I have a player and an enemy, both have x and y values, and I want to move the enemy to the player and have them 'touch' over time in a speed that I can determine, I tried calculating the angle ...
Gal's user avatar
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Point to coordinate function

I am working on a game in which I need an enemy ship to point towards the player. Here is the equation I came up with: angle = sin-1(abs(y1 - y2)/√(x1 - x2)2-(y1 - y2)2) This essentially takes ...
Progo's user avatar
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Using circles to create a sphere

I've been working on creating spheres in a 3D space recently, and have successfully created cylinders. I've just run into a little problem. For some reason, my "Spheres" end up looking like very thick ...
Dylan Katz's user avatar