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Questions tagged [trigonometry]

A branch of mathematics that studies triangles and the relationships between their sides and the angles between these sides.

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14 votes
3 answers

How do I make an entity move in a direction?

I have an Entity instance which is updated every game tick. Let's just assume that entity moves forward constantly. I'd like to be able to give the entity's angle ...
Shaun Wild's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How do I generate projectiles toward the mouse pointer? [duplicate]

I'm making a top-down space shooter where the player controls a ship and can aim and shoot using the mouse cursor. How can I fire bullets from the ship at the angle from the ship to the mouse cursor?
Tristan Dubé's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How can I draw an arrow at the edge of the screen pointing to an object that is off screen?

I am wishing to do what is described in this topic: I have attempted a variety of the methods mentioned here. First I tried to use the method ...
Adam Henderson's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Guided Missile with Constant Time

I'm building a game with players and missiles. I want to fire a missile from P1 to P2. The missile should always take exactly five seconds to reach P2. The missile should also track P2. If P2 moves ...
Peter's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to calculate a direction vector for camera?

I have a vector that describes change in movement, and I have a 3d-vector, m_rot, that describes a rotation given to an object. I want to calculate a direction vector using both this data. How to ...
PaulD's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Spherical to Cartesian Coordinates

Well I'm reading the Frank's Luna DirectX10 book and, while I'm trying to understand the first demo, I found something that's not very clear at least for me. In the updateScene method, when I press A, ...
German's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to rotate camera centered around the camera's position?

Currently I am using gluLook at like so: ...
tnutty's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Raycasting "fisheye effect" question

Continuing my exploration of raycasting, I am very confused about how the correction of the fisheye effect works. Looking at the screenshot below from the tutorial at, the way I ...
mattboy's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How to detect if object is moving in clockwise- or counterclockwise direction?

I've read this one, but I need more info: rotating an object from sourceAngle to destAngle, both 0-359, clockwise or counter clockwise? I have a ball. The user is able to drag the ball in any ...
Vishnu's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Propel entities at some angle (depending on explosion's position)

I have a 2D platformer. There are multiple particles that are just 1x1 colored pixels. Let's assume there are 256 particles laid out as a 16x16 cube. Say I popped an explosion right in the middle. All ...
oxysoft's user avatar
  • 713
4 votes
1 answer

space map generation

I am at the beginning of the creation of a space 4x and first of all i need to generate a galaxy of stars linked by connecting lines that changes in each new game, I'll add a few pictures to show what ...
venom007's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

How can I rotate a 16-bit signed integer vector?

I am trying to rotate a vector made of two signed 16-bit coordinates (-32768 to 32767). Using a LUT for sin/cos, I can use the standard method for rotating a vector: ...
IanLarson's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is there a generic formula to determine the angle of deflection off of a rectangle?

I have a perfect 2D system, with no friction, elasticity, etc. A ball is colliding with a rectangle. I know the angle of the motion of the ball in degrees. I want to figure out how said angle will ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why are rotations in 2D game engines often counter-clockwise = positive systems?

I was looking over the API for a game engine a friend was developing in her spare time. She made the decision to make positive angles rotate in a clockwise direction. This immediately struck me as odd....
Yuzu's user avatar
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3 answers

breakout game, computing optimal ricochet angle of a ball to get to a certain point

perhaps the title isn't clear so here is an explanation with a picture to better express my question Consider the following breakout clone game (source: where the game is rigged to ...
oxysoft's user avatar
  • 713
3 votes
1 answer

Math behind drawing one game object relative to another?

Let's say I have a square (a) and I want to draw another square (b) that stays on one corner of the square (a). Square (a) can rotate and move around the game world, what math would be used to keep ...
Shaun Wild's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Super formula on shader

I'm using Shader-toy to experiment and try to learn a bit the shader science. As exercise I wan to replicate some of the wikipedia math plots. I've started with a Super Formula. What I want to ...
nkint's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to make a sprite blink with Libgdx?

I want to make a sprite blinking like this: ...
purpule's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Counter-clockwise angle limit

I'd like to limit rotation of an object, so I've written following snippet: ...
Misiur's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

determine collision angle on a rotating body

update: new diagram and updated description I have a contact listener set up to try and determine the side that a collision happened at relative to the a bodies rotation. One way to solve this is to ...
jorb's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I make a sine wave without using an infinitely-increasing time value as input?

I have a basic understanding of sine wave generation. The problem I am facing is that as the input parameter for time gets larger, my sine wave falls apart and starts to look really ugly. I'd like to ...
tmp's user avatar
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1 answer

Any fast alternative to sine in GLSL?

Should I just use the built-in sin() function or my custom sine function? I'm concerned about performance here. I don't care about accuracy much here because I use it to just get wave effects in my ...
devendran's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I correct an unwanted fisheye effect when drawing a scene with raycasting?

Hello I have a game using raycasting for the TI Nspire in Lua, and when the player faces a wall so that their degree they are facing is perpendicular to the length of the wall, I am having what is ...
crazicrafter1's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Asteroids Movement

I have been making an asteroids clone, in C#. However, the ship's movement is... not quite right. My plan is this: there is a speed, and two directions, namely the direction the ship is facing (...
user3101220's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Position Object always at the same distance of 2 other moving Objects?

I am making a procedural animation of a worm. I have already something working: (the green dot is the position Target, purple and red are the Head and the Tail of the Worm) I would like to add ...
fguillen's user avatar
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3 answers

Are there recursive variants for trigonometric functions to potentially improve performance?

This is perhaps a better question for mathematics SE, however, this deals more with the performance side of gaming, and software in general. When I say recursive function, I mean recurrence relation. ...
AMDG's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes
3 answers

Calculate target angle to a certain Vector

I'm developing a 3D game in LWJGL. I have a player class and a monster class and I need the monster class to chase the player when the player is within a certain distance. For that I have the monster ...
Ricardo Cruz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Drawing a lines radiating from every angle using Bresenham line algorithm

I am trying to recreate a image like this ... or just each point Using Bresenham line algorithm, but can't seem to able to do so.. The point i receive from my computation doesn't look like a like, ...
noob's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Calculation of far distance plane based on yaw and pitch for a map renderer

I'm working on a vector map renderer. I want to calculate the far plane for a protective transformation, based on the yaw, pitch, roll and height of the camera above the map. Yaw (looking to the left ...
maxammann's user avatar
  • 123
2 votes
1 answer

Triangular Metric

Given a point inside a unit equilateral triangle, how does one rotate it across the triangle perimeter? I.e. the triangle outline serving the same purpose as circle's circumference. That is actually a ...
SmugLispWeenie's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Translating yaw degrees into 2D movement

I've been hitting my head on the wall for a while with this, and I'm almost sure I'm overcomplicating it. I have a variable for yaw in degrees (and also pitch and roll, but those should be irrelevant)...
EthanBar's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

OpenGL Arc-Ball Camera Yaw Pitch GLM::Rotate

I'm currently working on a small Voxel-Editor Project. In the editor, I plan on using an Arc-Ball camera which rotate around the model. My camera is currently working but in an odd way. I can't seem ...
Gabriel Roy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why doesn't games use CORDIC for sin and cos?

If the game devs add CORDIC sin cos calculation to their games, their games will have much better FPS. Why do they use normal sin cos function (e.g. Math.sin) instead of CORDIC?
MCCCS's user avatar
  • 153
1 vote
2 answers

Bullet entry Point around Player Object

I have a player rotating by the mouse and want the bullets line up with the player's gun. Right now they simply come from the point of the player and shoot in the direction of mouse. I just need the ...
fassetar's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote
1 answer

Day/Night - Rotation from a sine wave

I recently found this question on stack exchange with a great answer that showed how to condense game time into a sine wave, where 1 = midday and -1 = midnight Converting time of day into a smooth ...
Liam's user avatar
  • 13
1 vote
2 answers

atan2 : inversed result? (angle 180 is on the right side, angle 0 on the left side)

the result of the angle between my touch and the middle,bottom of the screen gives me 180 when the touch is on the right side of the screen, and 0 when it is on the left. I don't understand why... <...
Paul's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to overshoot with direction_to

I've managed to get my sprite enemies shoot at the player with ...
Ghoul Fool's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unity Mathf.Atan2 algorithm complexity

using Unity5.5.1f; using C#; So I have a circle (2D) divided equally by 16 directions, and I also have a direction V which is different from the other 16. In order to know which direction is the ...
Alakanu's user avatar
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2 answers

Find vector tangent to circle through a point

C2 and P1 are known points. Radius of circle C2 is also constant and known. I am trying to find point T to eventually construct line p1-t, which is tangent to circle c2. I have made an attempt ...
Danyil Bee's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to find the point on a hypotenuse divinging triangle into two right triangles?

Consider the following image: Knowing the (x,y) coordinates of A, B, and C; how would one find the point D? D being the point where line CD cuts the triangle into two smaller right triangles? I feel ...
dmarra's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I fix my sprite being rotated 90 degrees more than toward the mouse?

I am trying to get a Sprite in LibGDX to look at the player's mouse. Here's the code I have (mind you, I am using JRuby): ...
Evan Walsh's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I find two points at an angle on opposite sides of a circle?

With reference to my previous question: I'm using micklh's answer, which works perfectly. However, it calculates the gradient based on two points, a starting point and an ending point. I want to ...
Thraka's user avatar
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1 answer

Using circles to create a sphere

I've been working on creating spheres in a 3D space recently, and have successfully created cylinders. I've just run into a little problem. For some reason, my "Spheres" end up looking like very thick ...
Dylan Katz's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

reposition object in circle

As you can see on the image, I have a p1 and p2 objects with (x,y) coordinates which I know the values, and I know radius of all these circle objects. However, I want to calculate new position x,y ...
Kapparino's user avatar
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1 answer

Could you explain how this GameObject rotating around another GameObject works?

I'm just learning Unity and I follow a tutorial for a simple game which I want to build up from. I'm already mostly done with the course and at the end a "boss enemy" gets implemented. Its ...
pawx95's user avatar
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1 answer

Move object at angle like a sine wave

I currently have this code, which moves an object in a straight line at an angle, where "dir" is the angle. velX = (float)(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(dir))) * speed; ...
ineedhelp's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Aim/Scope Oscillation Algorithm

I have been struggling to find an algorithm to implement something that will make a direction oscillate within a cone constraint, in a helix-shaped fashion as in photo (it will always go back to the ...
Alakanu's user avatar
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1 answer

Is Physics a prerequisite to learn Unity3D

I have got a basic knowledge about the Unity 3D platform but I coding in Unity has not been that easy for me. For the simple reason I can see is, I cannot understand which function to use for what ...
iammurtaza's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Trigonometry to move an arm around axis in 3D space

Hello I have a question about rotating a Rod hinged to a fixed point (so it swings all around), and targets. short form, I would like to know how to find a rotation that would point my rod (while ...
RhinoPak's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to add zombie arms to enemies in HTML canvas

I'm making a game with HTML canvas (not WEBGL). I have zombies that go to the center of the screen, but for now they are just circles. I want to give them two arms, like the arms players have in ...
Justiniscoding's user avatar